The Wormwood Saga


Also see:

From DSC:
First of all, my thanks to Mr. Joseph Byerwalter for this resource/link. I haven’t read this story; however I was intrigued by the user interface design here and it made me think of some related items/topics here:

I would have loved to see some more multimedia integrated into Daniel Lieske’s fabulous artwork — sound effects/audio/music and/or the capability of hearing the author read the story. Also, perhaps some interactivity may or may not add something here. In any case, this is a piece of the type of thing that I believe we will see much more of on devices like the iPad — as well as on Internet-connected televisions:

Incredibly-powerful, interactive, multimedia-based
methods of relaying one’s story or message.

Also, such endeavors open up a slew of potential future opportunities for our students (artists, musicians, sound engineers, writers, programmers, interface designers, user experience experts, etc.) — as well as chances to practice their creativity today.

Merging interaction and narrative — from by Philip Webb


There has traditionally been a tension between the idea of interaction (doing something) and narrative (watching or reading something). The experience of consuming a great film or book isn’t necessarily a passive one but it does differ from the immersive experience of playing a game. And yet the possibilities to combine the two seem so promising.

The trouble is games often struggle to convey narrative – the story can seem bolted on as an afterthought or delivered at clumsy moments between levels. Similarly, attempts at interactive books where readers spontaneously choose the way plots evolve can be unsatisfying because constructing a linear story is an art that novelists spend a lifetime perfecting. Of course, there are notable exceptions such as multi-user games like World of Warcraft where the narrative is something players experience and influence through their participation. Here game designers act more as architects than authors – providing an open environment where the interactions form an unpredictable narrative drama.

An e-Learning Tool Revolution — from Allen Interactions by Ethan Edwards, chief instructional strategist

Allen Interactions had a highly visible presence at the [DevLearn 2010] conference, announcing the official Private Beta Program for a new authoring system, currently under development and code-named Zebra.

The experience of using it has really illustrated for me in a fresh way why current authoring systems always fall so short. The challenge of designing instruction for computer delivery is how to craft an experience that engages the learner and creates unique opportunities for that learner to solve challenges.  Instructional interactivity is at the core of this design process.  Ideally, an authoring tool ought to put the designer at the center of manipulating interactivity.

What is so exciting to me about the possibilities that Zebra suggests is that for the first time in my recollection designers will be able to directly and easily manipulate those design elements that define instructional interactivity–Context, Challenge, Activity, and Feedback–in a seamless design environment.  Of course, we’re just beginning this journey and there is much unknown about the significance that Zebra might have, but for the first time in a long time, I feel optimistic about authoring potential, which has been rather stalled in its tracks for almost 15 years.  I can imagine this dramatically increasing the influence that instructional designers can have in the overall creating of outstanding e-learning applications.

ACM Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces -- Conference Program

Flash interactions the easy way — from

Do you ever wish you had the time, budget or staff to add more interactive learning activities to your online courses? I recently came across a company that fills this gap with engaging Flash Interactions, eLearning Templates, Articulate Skins and Flash Games that can be imported into most rapid development authoring systems. The company is the eLearning Brothers—otherwise known as Andrew and Shawn Scivally.

Apollo Group joins learning technology partnership with Stanford University — from
Partnership brings together academic researchers and select industry partners to study interactive communications and technology; Apollo Group’s Dr. Tracey Wilen-Daugenti to serve as visiting scholar

Through the partnership, Apollo Group and Dr. Wilen-Daugenti will work with Stanford University faculty and researchers studying basic issues about the design and use of modern technologies and their impact on today’s learner. Apollo Group will also participate with Stanford faculty members and graduate students to explore the role technology can play in higher education organizations, with a specialization in distance learning.

“Technology today is changing at an extremely fast pace, which impacts both enterprise and educational institutions, requiring them to keep up with the latest trends,” said Dr. Wilen-Daugenti. “Students are increasingly exposed to the latest technology in their lives, and seek access to it in their work and education environments. Through this partnership and visiting scholar program, we hope to address this issue and find ways for higher learning institutions to more readily use technology to address the needs of today’s students.”

From Purple Squirrels: Future interface concepts.

Here is a small collection of [Ben Foster’s] favourite user interface concept videos. You will have to use Red-Blue 3D glasses to watch the second one properly.

Interactive TV Today

Interactive TV Today – News, Interviews, Research on Multiplatform Digital Interactive TV — via Lynn Marentette

Coincident TV (CTV) is transforming the way interactive video content is created, consumed and monetized. Coincident TV enables immersive “hypervideo” experiences – the real-time integration of online video with social media, weblinks and transactions. The Coincident TV software suite allows content creators and distributors to easily design, manage and measure interactive video engagements across all digital platforms, including both HTML5 and Flash.


Hyper Aquarium Demo [Learn about interactive video with an explanation of our aquarium demo]

Interactive acquarium from Coincident TV

From DSC:
Again, think of the possibilities here for education…especially on a wall-sized, iPad-like, interactive, multi-touch chalkboard!

Like Facebook, but for learning — from by Laura Devaney
Combining social networking with studying, Grockit encourages academic success through peer interaction

Aiming to engage students who are multitasking with different forms of technology, companies are creating collaborative learning spaces online where students can help one another solve homework problems and study—all while building important 21st-century skills.

One such social-networking study site is Grockit, which currently offers test-prep services and is expanding its focus to include math and English for students in grades 8-12, with history and science soon to follow. Grockit has opened enrollment for a free Summer Enrichment Academy, which is designed to keep students from falling behind during summer vacation as they participate in collaborative group study forums online.

Gartner report regaring touch screens by 2015

Touch Gesture Guide

The Touch Gesture Reference Guide — by Luke Wroblewski

Also see:
GestureWorks Open Source Gesture Library

Apple’s latest patent outlines the future of multitouch — from
Total control at the tip of your fingers

A DIY web design education — from

  • Web Design 101: The Basics
  • Front-End and User Interface Design
  • Grids
  • Front-End Coding
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • User Experience
  • Information Architecture
  • Typography
  • Image Editing & Digital Illustration
  • Interactive Scripting
  • PHP
  • JavaScript and AJAX
  • Flash
  • Design Process and Project Management
  • Design Business
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