From DSC:

  • What if you want to allow some remote students to come on into your face-to-face classroom?
  • What if you want to allow those remote students to be seen and communicated with at eye level?
  • What if you want Remote Student A to join Group 1, and Remote Student B to join Group 2?

Well…how about using one of these devices  in order to do so!


New video collaboration robot: TelePresence gets moving — from by Dave Evans


That is why Cisco’s new joint effort with iRobot—demonstrated publicly this week for the first time—is so exciting: We’ve created a mobile Cisco TelePresence unit that brings collaboration to you—or, conversely, brings you to wherever you need to collaborate. Called iRobot Ava 500, this high-definition video collaboration robot combines Cisco TelePresence with iRobot’s mobility and self-navigation capabilities, enabling freedom of movement and spontaneous interactions with people thousands of miles away.



iRobot Ava™ 500 Video Collaboration Robot — published on Jun 10, 2013
iRobot and Cisco have teamed to bring the Ava 500 video collaboration robot to market. The robot blends iRobot’s autonomous navigation with Cisco’s TelePresence to enable people working off-site to participate in meetings and presentations where movement and location spontaneity are important. The new robot is also designed to enable mobile visual access to manufacturing facilities, laboratories, customer experience centers and other remote facilities.



Double Robotics Double



MantaroBot™ TeleMe




From Attack of the Telepresence Robots! — from BYTE  by Rick Lehrbaum





MantaroBot “TeleMe” VGo Communications “VGo” Anybots “QB” Suitable Technologies “Beam”




RP-7i Remote Presence Robot


Also see:








From the website:

Mezzanine™ is a collaborative conference room solution that introduces multi-user, multi-screen, multi-device collaboration. This is next-generation communication: share any content from any device with anyone, anywhere.

Mezzanine transforms creative teamwork, executive meetings, and sales presentations into real-time, collaborative work sessions. Mezzanine expands on existing telepresence technology by providing what we call InfoPresence™—the incorporation of multiple users, multiple devices, and multiple streams of information in the collaboration environment. The future of conference room collaboration is here.

A Mezzanine workspace lets any person on a network bring their own device and share content and applications with any colleague, anywhere in the world, interactively. Mezzanine is a collaborative conference room solution combining presentation design and delivery, application sharing, whiteboard capture, and video conferencing, all within a framework of multi-participant control.


Also see:

  • Oblong Technovates with LA High School
  • Oblong at OME
    Oblong Industries recently participated at OME, a summit hosted by UC San Francisco.  The two-day summit focused on charting the future of precision medicine—an emerging field combining big data with clinical research and patient care to deliver insights and advances in treatment that is more targeted and enables improved patient outcomes.


Meet the next generation of smartphone-based robot companions — from by Miriam Kramer


Office Whiz

Office Whiz
The robot Double can give any telecommuter a physical presence in meetings.
Clockwise from top: courtesy Double; Everett Collection; courtesy Tovbot; courtesy Romotive


From DSC:
No doubt that there are positives and negatives to this kind of thing.  However, as I’m trying to relay items of interest/impact, I thought I’d post this here.



Tagged with:  

In Cisco’s classroom of the future, your professor is just an illusion — from by Ariel Schwartz
New telepresence software could let you take a class from anywhere and appear as if you’re in the classroom.


Attack of the telepresence robots! — from by Rick Lehrbaum, BYTE

From DSC: Note the language/subtitle –> Devices: Bring Your Own Human!


The growing trend toward telecommuting and outsourcing has driven companies to seek ways for remote workers and teams to communicate and collaborate more efficiently and effectively. This need has inspired a handful of innovative high-tech startups to create a new market: remote telepresence robots.







Tagged with:  

The Avatar Economy– from Technology Review by Matt Beane
Are remote workers the brains inside tomorrow’s robots?



In warehouses, Kiva’s robots do the heavy lifting – from Technology Review by Verne Kopytoff
Fast pace, low margins have online retailers looking to automation to keep up.


This Week In Bots: Will robots cause even more human unemployment? — from byKit Eaton


The expanding landscape of tech support opportunities — from


The connected home phenomenon – where products and services are linked together to share computing resources and information – is reshaping the competitive landscape among service providers, retailers, and consumer electronics companies.

The lines that defined and separated the different roles for each consumer product have blurred. No longer does a service provider remain the sole provider of communications or entertainment services. A retailer or OEM may have been the primary beneficiary of extended warranty revenues; now, some service providers are offering these plans as part of their premium tech support services. These changes are creating new opportunities to provide tech support services to consumers to help manage/support these devices in the home.

The less glamorous careers: Advice and fact — from by Stephanie Brooks — with special thanks to Kelsey Doyle for bringing this to my attention


Few children tout that they want to be an accountant or a petroleum engineer when they grow up, even if the expertise required by those jobs make them amongst the highest paying careers. Rather, children have big dreams about becoming actors, artists, or writers with a little bit of fame, animal care workers, and firemen, rescuing babies from blazing houses. Such careers seem glamorous to children, as they are fraught with adventure and romanticism. However, as you get older, you realize that some of your childhood career choices are not as glamorous as they originally seemed. The pay in these career paths often leave something to be desired. It can be difficult to find a legitimate job within the field, with lower demand. Some of the jobs that once seemed heroic only seem dangerous and risky. Adult practicality sets in, steering many college students towards business, marketing, and other fruitful majors with relatively high success rates within the job world.

With the recession, new graduates flounder to find jobs, accepting positions that help them pay their bills rather than fulfill their dreams. However, there are still a brave few that pursue their childhood aspirations. These tough career paths require tremendous personal drive, a touch of luck, and in many cases, the ability to handle failure, excessive stress, and potential pay cuts. The following jobs are just a handful of the most popular career choices strived for by children. Upon further examination, many of them may not be all they’re cracked up to be.


5 reasons Cisco and Polycom are in trouble in telepresence — from Forbes, guest post by Jeff Cavins


Due to a variety of technological breakthroughs, from mobile networks and devices to new powerful video technologies, there are five major reasons why the market will be disrupted as we know it, enabling a variety of upstarts to win the business of business meetings…

From DSC: I originally saw this at:
The fuzzy future of telepresence — from by Larry Walsh


The future of video conferencing is quite bright, and solution providers will have tremendous opportunity to sell and support video products and services. Telepresence, as Cavins argues, is a good idea, but not one that has lasting or sustainable market appeal.

Tagged with: -- great, new resource for online-based speech therapy


Our mission is to make telepractice practical and affordable while providing an extraordinary therapy experience. The PresenceLearning solution includes the latest video-conferencing tools, engaging games and evidence-based activities, and time-saving collaboration and practice management tools.  See videos of how it works


  • PresenceLearning Wins 2012 BESSIE Award
    Live online speech therapy service recognized in Special Education Website category
    SAN FRANCISCO, April 19, 2012 – PresenceLearning (, the leading provider of live online speech therapy services to K-12 students, was recently named a winner in the Multi-Level: Special Education Website category of The ComputED Gazette’s 18th Annual Best Educational Software Awards (BESSIE Awards). The awards program targets innovative and content-rich programs and websites that provide parents and teachers with the technology to foster educational excellence.

NTT videoconferencing system transplants faces onto mobile telepresence screens


From DSC:

  • Another innovation that aids web-based collaboration.
  • Make that one more movement up the disruptive innovation curve (of online learning).



As an addendum on 3/4, check out:


Also see:

  • The NMC Announces New Horizon Report Series of Regional Analyses
    Under the umbrella of the NMC Horizon Report, The NMC has launched the Technology Outlook, a new series of regional analyses aimed specifically at understanding both local and global differences in technology uptake, as well as the current and future state of education in different parts of the world. These publications are a product of collaborations between the NMC and innovative organizations across the world that seek to leverage the well-known medium of the NMC Horizon Report to bring important research, trends, and challenges in their regions to light. The Technology Outlook series furthers the NMC’s goal of driving innovation in every part of the world.

From Daniel Christian: Fasten your seatbelts! An accelerated ride through some ed-tech landscapes.

From DSC:
Immediately below is a presentation that I did for the Title II Conference at Calvin College back on August 11, 2011
It is aimed at K-12 audiences.


Daniel S. Christian presentation -- Fasten your seatbelts! An accelerated ride through some ed-tech landscapes (for a K-12 audience)


From DSC:
Immediately below is a presentation that I did today for the Calvin College Fall 2011 Conference.
It is aimed at higher education audiences.


 Daniel S. Christian presentation -- Fasten your seatbelts! An accelerated ride through some ed-tech landscapes (for a higher ed audience)


Note from DSC:

There is a great deal of overlap here, as many of the same technologies are (or will be) hitting the K-12 and higher ed spaces at the same time. However, there are some differences in the two presentations and what I stressed depended upon my audience.

Pending time, I may put some audio to accompany these presentations so that folks can hear a bit more about what I was trying to relay within these two presentations.

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Intel predicts Smart TV is the device of the future — from’s blog
Chipmaker Intel believes that the Smart TV is the electronic device of the future, in the living room anyway.


The Smart TV is already upon us, in its various forms from various manufacturers. It has arrived with 3D capabilities, web browsing and social networking and applications. Currently Samsung and LG seem to be two of the big players pushing the Smart TV to consumers.

Also see:


Steelcase sets out to discover where HD video links will take the next-generation office — from Crain’s Detroit Business by Matthew Gryczan



Ideo Chairman David Kelley (on screen) in Palo Alto, Calif.,
and Steelcase CEO Jim Hackett are constantly connected
from Hackett’s office in Grand Rapids.

Telepresence in the classroom: Enhancing breadth and depth of learning — from Cisco by Kerry Best


All of a sudden, the classrooms lost their walls, and prior geographic and instructional limitations ceased to restrict learning.

  • …[telepresence] can bring in teachers for important subjects in which current instructors may not have specialized expertise
  • …take students on virtual field trips
  • …for teacher education
  • …bring historical figures to life


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