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Amazon acquires Pushbutton — from pushbutton.tv


Pushbutton have announced today that Amazon.com, Inc (NASDAQ: AMZN). have acquired Push Button Holdings Ltd.

“Pushbutton has a strong reputation for delivering amazing user experiences on connected devices,” said Greg Greeley, Amazon’s Vice President of European Retail. “They were instrumental in helping launch the LOVEFiLM player through a variety of devices, and we look forward to helping them continue to innovate on behalf of customers.”

“With Amazon and LOVEFiLM’s support, we look forward to offering our clients, as well as their customers, even more ways to access digital services in the future,” said Paula Byrne, Pushbutton Managing Director.


Also see:


Planit from Pushbutton bought by Amazon

Planit, a concept app from Pushbutton.
Image: Pushbutton

New ‘net price calculators’ required by law may bring sticker shock to families planning for college — from Michigan (USA)/mlive.com and Flint Journal by Beata Mostafavi

University tuition hits an ugly milestone; how can college be affordable again? — from Michigan (USA)/mlive.com by Peter Luke

Also see:




Five educational trends for the next decade — Ioana Literat; Marina Gorbis

Excerpt from Ioana’s article (emphasis DSC):

Speaking of the future of learning, Ms. Gorbis identified five key themes that she envisions as vital trends in the development of education over the next decade:

  1. Micro-learning:
    The availability of knowledge accessible in the real world and at any time creates the conditions for learning that is easy, lightweight, and done in context when a person really wants or needs to learn.
  2. Rich ecology of content and resources:
    We are seeing the democratization of content, with high quality resources being produced by individuals and groups outside of any institutional framework.
  3. Community as a driver:
    Learning is (and has always been) about participating in a conversation, with people that matter to us. Increasingly, schools will need to be asking the question: how can we create social settings that encourage the right kinds of conversations?
  4. Teachers as social designers:
    With content cheap and available everywhere, the role of the teacher as the orchestrator of learning communities comes to the fore.
  5. Non-grade rewards:
    We have known for some time that grades replace intrinsic rewards with extrinsic, taking pleasure and self-direction out of learning. Ideas for different models of reward are coming from unexpected places, such as gaming, where the concept of leveling up produces a new and engaging dynamic.
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Top Trends of 2011: Second Screen Apps — from readwriteweb.comby Richard MacManus

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Intel predicts Smart TV is the device of the future — from nyxiotechnologies.com’s blog
Chipmaker Intel believes that the Smart TV is the electronic device of the future, in the living room anyway.


The Smart TV is already upon us, in its various forms from various manufacturers. It has arrived with 3D capabilities, web browsing and social networking and applications. Currently Samsung and LG seem to be two of the big players pushing the Smart TV to consumers.

Also see:


The state of the Internet - July 2011

K-12 to see double-digit growth in e-learning through 2015 — from The Journal by David Nagel


Trends in preK-12
In the United States, preK-12 will dominate all other segments, including healthcare and higher education, in the growth of annual expenditures on e-learning technologies and services. According to a report released by market research firm Ambient Insight (“The Worldwide Market for Self-paced eLearning Products and Services: 2010-2015 Forecast and Analysis”), growth will continue at a compound annual rate of 16.8 percent–despite the elimination of the federal Enhancing Education Through Technology (EETT) program and despite an overall weakening of e-learning growth, particularly in the United States.

Spending on e-learning in preK-12 reached $2.2 billion in 2010, according to Ambient Insight. That will hit $4.9 billion in 2015, or 20.25 percent of the entire market for e-learning products and services in the United States (and 9.82 percent of total worldwide annual expenditures).

Also see:

  • Higher ed e-learning growth to continue at modest pace through 2015 — from The Journal by David Nagel
    While electronic learning will continue to grow in higher education, that growth will be a bit slower than previously anticipated, according to a new report released this week. In fact, that slowing trend will be felt worldwide across nearly all segments–with a few notable exceptions.
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What the Kindle textbook rental program portends for higher education — from xplana.com by Rob Reynolds


Almost as soon as the press release hit the Internet yesterday, I began fielding questions about Amazon’s new Kindle textbook rental program. What does this mean for publishers? How will this affect textbook prices? What impact will it have on institutions and their students?

While the general answer to all of these questions is “We don’t know yet,” there are a number of projections I think we can make based on current market trends. Before launching into those projections, however, let’s take a quick look at what the Kindle textbook rental program actually offers.

Human Capital Trends 2011 — Revolution/Evolution — from deloitte.com


Workforce analytics: Up the ante …………………………………………….. 1
HR in the cloud: It’s inevitable …………………………………………………. 4
From ladder to lattice: The shift is on ………………………………………. 7
Emerging markets: The front line for growth and talent …………….. 10
Diversity and inclusion: Driving business performance ………………… 12
Next-generation leaders: New models for filling the pipeline ………. 15


Talent in the upturn: Recovery brings its own challenges ……………. 18
COOs for HR: Operations takes a seat at the table …………………….. 21
Leading in a regulated world: All risk, all the time……………………… 23
Collective leadership: Getting organizations to work as one ……….. 27
Contingent workforce: A critical talent segment ……………………….. 30
Employer health care reform: Moving beyond compliance …………. 32

Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie – July 13, 2011.
#670 – Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
http://www.masie.com – The MASIE Center


Corporate Learning & Higher Ed: Learning from Each Other! Every year, I am struck by how similar some of the issues are that colleges and universities face with learning approaches to our own challenges in the corporate world. Yet, our 2 worlds rarely discuss or collaborate.  Well, I am very pleased and honored to announce that EDUCAUSE’s President, Diana Oblinger, will be a keynoter at Learning 2011, to be held in Orlando in November.  EDUCAUSE is the association, with 2,300 colleges and universities as members, whose mission is to advance higher education through the use of technology. Diana will present research and perspectives on how learners are evolving, learning systems need to change and ways in which workplace learning and higher education learning can learn from and with each other. I am excited about helping to build this connection. Diana will be meeting with the CLO’s and other learning leaders at Learning 2011 to discuss how collaborating between our two worlds.

Info at http://www.learning2011.com


From DSC:
Thanks Elliott! Thanks Diana! Great idea!


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