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Intel predicts Smart TV is the device of the future — from nyxiotechnologies.com’s blog
Chipmaker Intel believes that the Smart TV is the electronic device of the future, in the living room anyway.


The Smart TV is already upon us, in its various forms from various manufacturers. It has arrived with 3D capabilities, web browsing and social networking and applications. Currently Samsung and LG seem to be two of the big players pushing the Smart TV to consumers.

Also see:


Virtual Tour Architect

From DSC:
I originally saw this at:

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Teaching secrets: Teaching students how to learn — from Edweek.org by Cossondra George


Awareness of common pitfalls and effective strategies can support your efforts to help students “learn to learn” throughout the school year…


From DSC:
I sure wish instructional designers, subject matter experts, professors and teachers could annotate their “books” to give concrete, practical ideas and strategies that would help students to better study, understand, and remember the relevant materials.  My early take on this might be achieved via a multi-layered, digital textbook approach that would hopefully address metacognition and help students learn how to learn:



Traditional embraces Transmedia – to great effect in kid’s storytelling — from appmarket.tv by Adriana Hamacher


The current buzz around Transmedia is justified to its capital T, to listen to some of the original and fascinating ways theatre, film and even toys are being developed. The award winning Unlimited Theatre Co. and Makieworld were two of the best which showcased at the Children’s Media Conference in Sheffield, UK, last week.

From MakieLab:

MakieLab is a new games-and-toys company, founded this year and based in London. We’re making a new kind of toy: customisable, 3D-printed, locally made, and internet-enabled.

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Schools struggle to balance digital innovation, academic accountability — from Education Week’s Digital Directions by Michelle Davis
Using educational technology in new and different ways to improve student learning is often at odds with standardized testing and other traditional measures of achievement.

But how do you move forward with such an innovation, when there isn’t definitive proof that it will work? That is the key question educators and policymakers are grappling with.

Under the education priorities of President George W. Bush’s administration, the catchphrase “research base” was drilled into educators” heads when it came to new programs and initiatives. If it wasn’t research-based, it wasn’t worth adopting.

But technology innovations occur so rapidly that it’s often impossible to do scientifically based trials proving effectiveness before schools embrace new approaches. Think of social-networking tools, iPads, and e-readers. And what other new digital-learning tools might also emerge well before scientifically based research can justify their use in classrooms?

Also see:

From DSC:

From my 20+ years of experience with working with a variety of technologies, while there is an element of risk taking to implementing technologies, there are also enormous payoffs if organizations implement the appropriate technologies.

But how can we select and implement the most effective technologies? This is where we need to rely on our technologists out there and keep them growing in the knowledge of “the business”, not just the technologies.  Tell them what you are trying to achieve, and they can greatly assist.  No one can hit 100% — but good technologists can get you into the right game and into the right ballpark (if not exactly lining up the exact right players, which may change or take some tweaking).

Don’t rely on technologists who only see their jobs as keeping the systems running. Though we need technologists who keep the infrastructures up and running, at this juncture what organizations really need are visionaries who are knowledgeable about the needs of the business (as well as the technologies), and those who are willing to explore, experiment, and take some risks…i.e. to lead….to be instrumental in forming strategies and visions. The areas outside IT need to be aware of how critical technologies are becoming in their core strategies and plans. It’s not the same ball-game as it was. Those who use technologies strategically will survive and thrive.

It should be noted that there have been risks inherent in maintaining the status quo — a 20%-30% dropout rate (in K-12) across the United States is pretty risky too, at least in my mind.

Nice! Adidas France – 3D Mapping Projection — from narrativenow.com by siobhan


Adidas France 3D Mapping Projection -- incredible creativity and innovation!


From DSC:

Incredible creativity and innovation in this event/piece. Are we fostering this type of creativity in our schools/classes/curriculums?




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From DSC:
A reflection on:

Excerpt (with emphasis from DSC):

The secret to visionary companies’ continued success was explained best what NHL great Wayne Gretzky stated: “A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.” What Apple and Facebook know and more specifically their founders/CEOs’ Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg have in common is aspirational clarity. They appear to be able to see where the puck will be and into the future of what their market will not just want, but go ga-ga over and then they deliver it. Some may refer to that as their being market makers, but what enables them to make their market is that they can anticipate what will delight their customers and members that those people don’t even know will delight them.

From DSC:
This is why futuring, taking pulse checks on current trends, being in touch with your customers’ expectations (and future customers in the case of students), and scenario building are so important these days.

With the pace of technological change continuing to pick up, a healthy organization will constantly be looking to maintain its relevancy — to innnovate, to reinvent itself.

If you are not constantly reinventing yourself — as an individual or more collectively as an organization — your chances of staying relevant and marketable will likely decrease in the future.


We need to constantly be monitoring trends


Image by Daniel Christian



Video in the emerging connected home -- upcoming report from Informa


From DSC:
Again, keep in mind that though this trend mainly relates to entertainment-oriented applications (as of mid-2011), educationally-related applications will be able to leverage these sorts of trends, technologies, and platforms.

Reflections from DSC (additional emphasis by DSC):

I ran across Braden Kelley’s posting over at Blogging Innovation that’s entitled, “An Innovation Perfect Storm? In that posting, Braden lays out a powerful vision that he’s had for at least 2 years:

I believed two years ago and still believe that what the world needs is not more smart devices, but more flexible and plentiful dumb devices that are driven by the one smart device to rule them all – an extensible smart phone that can not only drive multiple display and input devices wirelessly, but also augment its processing and storage capabilities via wireless devices or the cloud.

Besides mentioning Motorola’s Atrix, RIM’s Blackberry Playbook , and Nintendo’s WiiU, Braden focuses on Apple’s product line. But later on in his posting, he provides a link to Teq’s WiD410 product — a conference room flat panel solution:


TEQ AV/IT June-2011 -- might be a part of the future smart classroom


Braden’s vision caused me to piggyback on my vision for what I’d like to see in our Smart Classrooms — the ability for students to quickly and easily project/”play” their content for others in the class to see — without interrupting the flow of the class.

This concept holds true for corporate conference rooms & training centers as well.


Addendum/see also:




Blended learning -- infographic from Knewton.com

© 2025 | Daniel Christian