As of Feb 1, 2011 -- the world's largest multitouch display


Again..can you imagine the power of this in a smart classroom setting?


See also:

From DSC:

I’ll wager that in the future, this is the type of “wall” that will be in many classrooms. Students will be able to hold up their devices to send their files to it…then interact with the various programs/files on the displays. Such a “wall” will read/process QR codes as well.

Storytelling meets Web 2.0

Storytelling meets Web 2.0 — from Instructional Design Fusions

Tagged with:  

“Every Prodigi ® lesson begins with Easy questions that review prerequisite concepts and get students warmed up. Based on student performance, questions increase in difficulty to Medium, and then to Hard (examination level), and finally Extreme (recreational). Not only that, but students have live access to hints and worked solutions to plug any gaps in their knowledge”

Ira Glass on the Art of Storytelling (Part 1) — from

Since 1995, Ira Glass has hosted and produced This American Life (iTunes – Feed – Web Site), the award-winning radio show that presents masterfully-crafted stories to almost 2 million listeners each week. What’s the secret sauce that goes into making a great story, particularly one primed for radio or TV? Glass spells it out in four parts.

Also see:

Tagged with:  

2011 Market Trends: Brain Candy — from by Ethan Lyon

Innovative companies are leveraging augmented reality to teach astronomy, combining food with learning, developing adaptive algorithms that understand individual learning preferences and expanding upon Mrs. Frizzle’s Magic Schoolbus. New education initiatives are helping children, high-schoolers, college students and graduates learn in ways that are most conducive their individual learning patterns. It’s about injecting creativity into education, whether manifested in technology or more traditional, person-to-person environments.

Millions of TV’s (as completely converged/Internet-connected devices) = millions of learners?!?

From DSC:

The other day, I created/posted the top graphic below. Take the concepts below — hook them up to engines that use cloud-based learner profiles — and you have some serious potential for powerful, global, ubiquitous learning! A touch-sensitive panel might be interesting here as well.

Come to think of it, add social networking, videoconferencing, and web-based collaboration tools — the power to learn would be quite impressive.  Multimedia to the nth degree.

Then add to that online marketplaces for teaching and learning — where you can be both a teacher and a learner at the same time — hmmm…



From DSC:
Then today, I saw Cisco’s piece on their Videoscape product line! Check it out!







Vuvox: A tool for digital storytelling — from Instructional Design Fusions by Dianne Rees

Dianne mentions that Vuvox provides some helpful videos to get you started:

How will technologies like AirPlay affect education? I suggest 24x7x365 access on any device may be one way. By Daniel S. Christian at Learning Ecosystems blog-- 1-17-11.


Addendum on 1-20-11:
The future of the TV is online
— from
Your television’s going to get connected, says Matt Warman

Math that moves -- the use of the iPad in K-12 -- from the New York Times


From DSC:
I post this here — with higher ed included in the tags/categories — because if the trend within K-12 continues (i.e. that of using such technologies as the iPad, digital textbooks, mobile learning devices, etc.), students’ expectations WILL be impacted. When they hit our doorsteps, they will come with their heightened sets of expectations. The question is, will we in higher ed be ready for them?

The powerful ‘power of story’ — from storycentral DIGITAL

Robert McKee also has some theories on what constitutes ‘story’:

Story is about eternal, universal forms, not formulas.

Story is about archetypes, not stereotypes.

Story is about thoroughness, not shortcuts.

Story is about mastering the art, not secondguessing the marketplace.

Story is about respect, not disdain, for the audience.

Story is about originality, not duplication.

Addendum 1-12-11 — also see:

2011 NMC Symposium on New Media and Learning
March 29, 2011 – March 31, 2011
Online hosted by NMC

The 2011 NMC Symposium on New Media and Learning, the seventeenth in the NMC’s Series of Virtual Symposia, will explore the impact of new media on teaching, learning, research, and creative inquiry, especially in higher education.

The 2011 NMC Symposium on New Media and Learning, the seventeenth in the NMC’s Series of Virtual Symposia, will explore the impact of new media on teaching, learning, research, and creative expression, especially in higher education. New media, for this event, is interpreted broadly as anything from creative uses of digital media and new forms of communication to alternative publishing methods and media-rich tools. The Symposium seeks to explore new media in the context of a current social phenomenon and not simply as a means of content delivery.

Proposals are encouraged on any of the following themes, but this list is not exhaustive and selections will not be limited to these categories:

  • digital gaming in education
  • digital storytelling practices
  • new forms of multimedia production and delivery
  • social media, social networking and global connections
  • new media and mobile devices
  • data visualization
  • media-rich communication tools
  • new literacies
  • any technology or practice that shows promise for engaging students and supporting teaching and learning using new media

The Wormwood Saga


Also see:

From DSC:
First of all, my thanks to Mr. Joseph Byerwalter for this resource/link. I haven’t read this story; however I was intrigued by the user interface design here and it made me think of some related items/topics here:

I would have loved to see some more multimedia integrated into Daniel Lieske’s fabulous artwork — sound effects/audio/music and/or the capability of hearing the author read the story. Also, perhaps some interactivity may or may not add something here. In any case, this is a piece of the type of thing that I believe we will see much more of on devices like the iPad — as well as on Internet-connected televisions:

Incredibly-powerful, interactive, multimedia-based
methods of relaying one’s story or message.

Also, such endeavors open up a slew of potential future opportunities for our students (artists, musicians, sound engineers, writers, programmers, interface designers, user experience experts, etc.) — as well as chances to practice their creativity today.

Textbook publishers and rich media — from Higher Education Management Group

The competitive landscape of textbook publishing has changed and it’s not going to get easier for the traditional parties. However, I think it’s possible for the industry to regain the advantage that made them such a strong presence for decades in education. To do this, publishers will need to determine how – given the new market conditions – their competencies, brand and infrastructure can produce a competitive advantage – and to ensure that this new market position meets the needs of the new higher education market. Easier said than done, right? But the funny thing is that this new strategy will mean the publishers return to what made them the great presence in the first place. Let me attempt to unpack this before I get anymore abstract.

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