2011 Market Trends: Brain Candy — from sparxoo.com by Ethan Lyon

Innovative companies are leveraging augmented reality to teach astronomy, combining food with learning, developing adaptive algorithms that understand individual learning preferences and expanding upon Mrs. Frizzle’s Magic Schoolbus. New education initiatives are helping children, high-schoolers, college students and graduates learn in ways that are most conducive their individual learning patterns. It’s about injecting creativity into education, whether manifested in technology or more traditional, person-to-person environments.

How will technologies like AirPlay affect education? I suggest 24x7x365 access on any device may be one way. By Daniel S. Christian at Learning Ecosystems blog-- 1-17-11.


Addendum on 1-20-11:
The future of the TV is online
— from telegraph.co.uk
Your television’s going to get connected, says Matt Warman

Math that moves -- the use of the iPad in K-12 -- from the New York Times


From DSC:
I post this here — with higher ed included in the tags/categories — because if the trend within K-12 continues (i.e. that of using such technologies as the iPad, digital textbooks, mobile learning devices, etc.), students’ expectations WILL be impacted. When they hit our doorsteps, they will come with their heightened sets of expectations. The question is, will we in higher ed be ready for them?

Great middle school simulation: Civics — from Kristen Swanson

“…Argument Wars, a simulation from iCivics, and I think it is perfect for middle school students. Students can argue their case, learn about their rights as students, and earn points for valid arguments. I think it would be a fantastic complement to any middle school social studies class! Enjoy!”

The Rise of the ‘Edupunk’ — from InsideHigherEd.com by Jack Stripling

NEW YORK — The “Edupunks” will inherit the Earth … or at least some attention.

Those in higher education who continue hand-wringing over the relative merits of online learning and other technology-driven platforms will soon find themselves left in the dust of an up-and-coming generation of students who are seeking knowledge outside academe. Such was an emerging consensus view here Monday, as college leaders gathered for the TIAA-CREF Institute’s 2010 Higher Education Leadership Conference.

“We’re still trying to fit the Web into our educational paradigm.… I just don’t think that’s going to work,” said Mary Spilde, president of Lane Community College, in Eugene, Ore.

Today’s students are “pretty bored with what we do,” she added.

In a notable acknowledgment of the tail wagging the dog, several panelists alluded here to the possibility that if colleges don’t change the way they do business, then students will change the way colleges do business.

College leaders don’t yet know how to credential the knowledge students are gaining on their own, but they may soon have to, said Mark David Milliron, deputy director for postsecondary improvement at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. We are not far from the day when a student, finding unsatisfactory reviews of a faculty member on ratemyprofessors.com, will choose to take a class through open courseware online and then ask his home institution to assess him, Milliron said. Colleges need to prepare for that reality, he said.


Staying Relevant

10 steps to better lesson plans — iLearn Technology

From DSC:
The other day, I was lamenting that the love of learning gets lost waaayyy too quickly in our youth. With drop out rates in the 25-30% range nationwide, we must turn this around.

A piece of that turn-around picture involves the opportunity for students to collaboratively create things (in a cross-disciplinary sort of way). This is why I am a big fan of multimedia-based projects:

  • One student can write the script.
  • Another can do the filming.
  • Another can take pictures for still shots.
  • Another can do the film and/or image editing.
  • Others the acting or singing or playing music.
  • Others can create the artwork or use their knowledge to create props
  • Etc.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. The film below discusses the dark side of our culture as it involves schools and education. But the topic is not just related to schools, but to our society in general. That is, we’ve been sold a bill of goods. We believe that you must earn a lot of money to be successful and happy…and that whomever dies w/ the most toys wins.

This competitive streak is a worldly way of looking at things…but is a powerful current to fight. In fact, coming from a competitive background and being a Christian (in faith) myself, I’ve often asked myself whether I believe competition is a good thing or a bad thing. I don’t think I’ve arrived at the final answer to that question, as sometimes I think it can be good (as it can be helpful in developing characteristics of discipline, perseverance, character, integrity, etc.) and sometimes it can be bad. Check out the video/trainer here to see what I mean.


Learning powered by technology — from ednetinsight.com
Karen Cator, Director, Office of Educational Technology, U.S. Department of Education

The vision and model of learning articulated in the National Education Technology Plan, Transforming American Education: Learning Powered by Technology, was informed by the ideas, case studies, research, and involvement of thousands of teachers, parents, students, researchers, professors, and policymakers. The model posits that in order to transform American education, we need to leverage modern technologies to create a massively customized, superpowered learning environment tuned for this generation of students.

We are seeing more and more examples of effective and compelling learning opportunities in and out of classrooms using digital resources and online collaborative environments to engage and inform teachers and students. There are countless articles published, stories told, and student work displayed showcasing global interactions, presentations of creative solutions to complex problems, and professional grade works done by students and worthy of a wide audience. We are observing teachers challenging students with interesting assignments that allow for exploration and practice using technologies to do their work.

We see increasing inclusion of social and participatory experiences coupled with online learning. And alongside this advent of social networking technologies comes the ability to access presentations, lectures, and interviews with experts; repositories of highly produced media; and a wealth of museum, national, state, and local park resources and library and reference materials previously available only in physical locations. All of this is “at our fingertips” and “on the go” in our increasingly mobile-enabled world. These existing and emerging technologies, resources, and interactions combine to create what should be the golden age of teaching and learning.

So as we manage this transition from a predominantly print-based classroom to a digital learning environment, we have been launching a number of initiatives. Here are a few worth mentioning…

Mind Map of the Digital Age — from fastcompany.com by Richard Watson

A new map showing how the digital era is changing our minds and in particular about how new digital objects and environments are re-wiring our brains. Best viewed by people aged 35+ with full-time jobs and teenage kids.

The changing landscape of teaching — from EdReformer.com by Tom Vander Ark

Now that anyone can learn anything and learning professionals can work anywhere, a learning ecosystem is being created around the formal public delivery system—sometimes supporting, sometimes competing, sometimes infiltrating.

Online learning is full and part time option for millions of students.  Massive foundation and government programs are pushing data driven-instruction and teacher evaluation.  The combination of direct intervention and the surrounding web of opportunity means a slow decline in traditional education employment and strong growth in non-traditional roles

Like doctors, lawyers, and accountants, learning professionals can freelance, start a business, build a nonprofit, or join a public delivery system.  Welcome to the new learning landscape.

The September 2010 issue of Academic Commons is now online.

Charting the New Knowledge Terrain is our third collaborative issue with the National Institute for Technology in the Liberal Arts. Here you’ll find profiles of innovative projects taking place on NITLE-member campuses, written by the people who are making them happen.


In this issue, you’ll learn about:
* A collaborative website project produced by a professor, college students, and a community partner that helps parents make sense of school choice options in their area
* Creating simple animations with Google Earth to help students visualize landscapes as they existed thousands of years ago
* Creative problem-based projects in map-making that engage students in thinking about how to represent their own collective experiences with study abroad programs.

Our next collaborative issue with NITLE will be published in spring 2011. The theme will be ‘Digital Humanities and the Undergraduate.’ For the most up-to-date information on NITLE’s Community Contribution Award program, please visit the NITLE website.

The Editors at Academic Commons

YouMedia: A new vision for learning — from dmlcentral.net by Akili Lee
YouMedia: A New Vision for Learning  Blog Image


In July 2009, YouMedia launched as an ambitious attempt to re-imagine the library as a more relevant learning resource for today’s teens. Understanding that the landscape has changed how teens learn, socialize and self-identify, how do we remix the public library experience so it can truly engage teens in a way that supports its core mission? A partnership between the Chicago Public Library and the Digital Youth Network, YouMedia took on this task through the creation of a unique 21st century physical learning space and an innovative online space to connect learners 24/7. The 5,500-square-foot space is open seven days a week to any Chicago teen, where they have access to more than 100 laptops and desktop machines, professional grade cameras and software, and a full music studio all at no cost.

From the “About Us” page at YouMedia:

alt text

YOUmedia is an innovative, 21st century teen learning space housed at the Chicago Public Library’s downtown Harold Washington Library Center. YOUmedia was created to connect young adults, books, media, mentors, and institutions throughout the city of Chicago in one dynamic space designed to inspire collaboration and creativity.

High school age teens engaging with YOUmedia can access thousands of books, over 100 laptop and desktop computers, and a variety of media creation tools and software, all of which allow them to stretch their imaginations and their digital media skills. By working both in teams and individually, teens have an opportunity to engage in projects that promote critical thinking, creativity, and skill-building.

More here…

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