Millions of TV’s (as completely converged/Internet-connected devices) = millions of learners?!?

From DSC:

The other day, I created/posted the top graphic below. Take the concepts below — hook them up to engines that use cloud-based learner profiles — and you have some serious potential for powerful, global, ubiquitous learning! A touch-sensitive panel might be interesting here as well.

Come to think of it, add social networking, videoconferencing, and web-based collaboration tools — the power to learn would be quite impressive.  Multimedia to the nth degree.

Then add to that online marketplaces for teaching and learning — where you can be both a teacher and a learner at the same time — hmmm…



From DSC:
Then today, I saw Cisco’s piece on their Videoscape product line! Check it out!







How will technologies like AirPlay affect education? I suggest 24x7x365 access on any device may be one way. By Daniel S. Christian at Learning Ecosystems blog-- 1-17-11.


Addendum on 1-20-11:
The future of the TV is online
— from
Your television’s going to get connected, says Matt Warman

UMC packs 3-D visuals into cutting-edge research lab — from by Ryan Johnson

$145,000 virtual immersion lab creates realistic 3-D simulations
Think virtual reality, only more realistic. Add to that cutting edge-technology and the ability to interact with and walk around 3-D holograms and you get the newest addition to the University of Minnesota-Crookston, complete with special effects impressive enough to put the 2009 blockbuster film “Avatar” to shame

— Dr. Adel Ali from

Living Actor Presenter

— my thanks to Benoît Morel, CEO Cantoche, for this resource

Living Actor™ Presenter is “a 100% online tool that generates video animations from an audio or text file that is used to automatically animate a high quality 3D avatar over any background that you select. You can then download the resulting video file, embed it in any presentation or training content, and even share it over the Internet.”

Cantoche is an international company based in France (Paris) and in the United-States (Albuquerque). It is very well known for its unique expertise in “3D embodied agents” as well as for its technological innovations in the field of humanized interfaces.

From DSC:
Below are some notes and reflections after reading Visions 2020.2:  Student Views on Transforming Education and Training Through Advanced Technologies — by the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Department of Education, and NetDay

Basic Themes

  • Digital Devices
  • Access to Computers and the Internet
  • Intelligent Tutor/Helper
  • Ways to Learn and Complete School Work Using Technology

Several recurring words jumped off the page at me, including:

  • Voice activation
  • A rugged, mobile, lightweight, all-convergent communications and entertainment device
  • Online classes
  • Interactive textbooks
  • Educational games
  • 3D virtual history enactments — take me there / time machine
  • Intelligent tutors
  • Wireless
  • 24x7x365 access
  • Easy to use
  • Digital platforms for collaborating and working with others on schoolwork/homework
  • Personalized, optimized learning for each student
  • Immersive environments
  • Augmented reality
  • Interactive
  • Multimedia
  • Virtual
  • Simulations
  • Digital diagnostics (i.e. analytics)
  • Wireless videoconferencing

Here are some quotes:

Math and reading were often cited specifically as subjects that might benefit from the use of learning technologies. (p. 5)

No concept drew greater interest from the student responders than some sort of an intelligent tutor/helper. Math was the most often mentioned subject for which tutoring help was needed. Many students desired such a tutor or helper for use in school and at home. (p. 17)

…tools, tutors, and other specialists to make it possible to continuously adjust the pace, nature and style of the learning process. (p.27)

So many automated processes have been built in for them: inquiry style, learning style, personalized activity selection, multimedia preferences, physical requirements, and favorite hardware devices. If the student is in research mode, natural dialogue inquiry and social filtering tools configure a working environment for asking questions and validating hypotheses. If students like rich multimedia and are working in astronomy, they automatically are connected to the Sky Server which accesses all the telescopic pictures of the stars, introduces an on-line expert talking about the individual constellations, and pulls up a chatting environment with other students who are looking at the same environment. (p.28)

— Randy Hinrichs | Research Manager for Learning Science and Technology | Microsoft Research Group

From DSC:
As I was thinking about the section on the intelligent tutor/helper…I thought, “You know…this isn’t just for educators. Pastors and youth group leaders out there should take note of what students were asking for here.”

  • Help, I need somebody
  • Help me with ____
  • Many students expressed interest in an “answer machine,” through which a student could pose a specific question and the machine would respond with an answer. <– I thought of online, Christian-based mentors here, available 24x7x365 to help folks along with their spiritual journeys

Software creates 3D wiring maps of the brain

Software creates 3D wiring maps of the brain — from by Ben Coxworth


An image of a brain's wiring system, acquired using the new software

An image of a brain’s wiring system, acquired using the new software

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Job Vacancy – Mobile Programmer (Closing 26 October 2010) — from HITLab New Zealand News

Research Associate – Mobile Programmer
HIT Lab NZ is looking for a Mobile Programmer (Fixed-term until April 2011)

An exciting opportunity has now opened up in the HIT Lab NZ for a Research Associate to work on improving and extending our current software platform. The successful candidate will work in collaboration with the current HIT Lab Team and receive access to different advanced technology currently developed at the HIT Lab NZ.

To be successful in this role you will need to be able to take responsibility for:

  • Enhancing the 3D graphics engine with new functionalities
  • Integrating other commercial and open source 3D graphics engines into the mobile AR framework
  • Developing specific features for the architecture/urban planning area,
  • Developing specific features for the cultural heritage/tourism area,
  • Integrating new multimedia functionalities to the platform (audio, 3D audio, video, etc).

Ideally, our successful candidate will have:

  • Strong knowledge of Computer Graphics, Visualization, Mobile architecture & programming
  • Robust software engineering and software architecture understanding
  • Strong maths (3D Algebra), problem solving and analytical skills
  • Excellent Java programming skills
  • Proficiency in Computer Graphics Programming (OpenGL)
  • Experience with Android and Mobile Programming
  • Familiarity of OpenGL ES will be a plus
  • Familiarity with 3D graphics engines
  • Ability to work in a small team environment
  • Excellent communication skills

Sony’s Google TV-powered devices have arrived — from

Sony has unveiled its newest line of Internet-enabled TVs, complete with the highly anticipated Google TV software.

Sony’s new Internet HDTVs, unveiled earlier today at a press event in New York City, sport 1080p edge-lit LED screens, with the exception of the 24-inch model. They come with four USB ports, four HDMI inputs and Wi-Fi capabilities. They are available in four sizes: 24-inch, 32-inch, 40-inch and 46-inch. The 24-inch model rings in at $599, while the 46-inch will cost you a hefty $1,399.

The big selling point of the new TVs is their inclusion of Google TV. The Internet TV software brings Hulu, Twitter, Netflix, YouTube and Pandora to your living room screen, not to mention search capabilities and a myriad of Android apps. Web surfing is powered by Google Chrome, while apps are powered by the Android OS. It integrates the web with your existing cable or satellite TV by making it simple to search your TV shows and your favorite websites at the same time. The service was revealed earlier this year at Google I/O.

From DSC:
Why post these sorts of things? Because the convergence that is occurring will definitely impact what’s possible to do within the world of education/higher ed… and will open up many doors to those institutions — and individuals — who are innovative enough to go there.

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We use and the feedback has been excellent. Back in 1997, I took a 1-day seminar from Lynda Weinman out at SFSU’s Multimedia Studies Program. I learned more from her in a few hours then I have in many courses. She knows how to make things very understandable…and she’s a great teacher. If she doesn’t know the topic, she selects people who know how to explain that topic in easy-to-understand terms.

So when I saw this item — Connect@NMC: Panel Discussion Led By Laurie Burruss of – Implementing Campus-Wide — I felt that I should pass it along.


3-D printing spurs a manufacturing revolution — from the New York Times by Ashlee Vance

The future on display: 3D touchscreens made for two

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iPad x 3D holograms — from

3D holograms using an iPad

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Innovation: Smarter books aim to win back the kids —

Print ain't what it used to be (Image: Carlton)

“Children’s love affair with traditional books could continue in the
digital age by augmenting the written word with 3D interactive graphics.”

© 2025 | Daniel Christian