“Hollywood will be destroyed and no one will notice,” Wales said. But it won’t be Wikipedia (or Encarta) that kills the moviemaking industry: ” Collaborative storytelling and filmmaking will do to Hollywood what Wikipedia did to Encyclopedia Britannica,” he said.

— quote from Jimmy Wales to Hollywood: You’re Doomed (And Not Because of Piracy) at wired.com by Ryan Singel

Considerations for deploying the AppleTV in your school or enterprise — from williamstites.net by William Stites

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

We are begin­ning to look at using the AppleTV in our school as part of our iPad deploy­ment but much like the iPads them­selves we are in the posi­tion of try­ing to fig­ure out how to deploy and man­age a con­sumer device in the enter­prise (schools to all of you).

The rea­son for con­sid­er­ing the use of the AppleTV in the class­room has every­thing to do (for us) with Air­Play. The abil­ity to give any stu­dent the oppor­tu­nity to share what they are doing on their device with the class and demon­strate their learn­ing is amaz­ing — – can you say bye-bye Smartboards!

But as I play with this idea and dis­cuss it with my col­leagues there are some man­age­ment issues and ques­tions that I have…

Also see:

AirPlay Mirroring & Apple TV — from Steve Zalot

From DSC:

  1. Steve has a nice list of related resources and some helpful items re: deployment considerations such as the network, security, and audio/video considerations.
  2. This topic directly relates to one of my dreams for our “Smart Classrooms” and learning spaces (and why Steelcase’ MediaScape product is exciting and gaining traction)—  to enable students to “play” media from many types of devices (laptops, smart phones, tablets, etc.) without disrupting the flow of the classroom!
  3. Apple must address the network, security, and A/V-related issues for this to really take off in our learning spaces — but if and when they get by these hurdles, amazing results will soon follow!


Also see:




Discover Living Actor™ Presenter Version 2 -- announced Feb 22, 2012

Per Benoît Morel:

We just launched a new release of Living Actor™ Presenter, a 100% online tool that generates video animations from an audio or text file, automatically animating a high quality 3D full body avatar. This new version is more powerful, offers more multimedia, and is faster to use.

Announcing the 2012 Media for eLearning - Top Tools Report [elearningguild.com]

Multimedia lectures: Tools for improving accessibility and learning– from Faculty Focus by Mary Bart


College course work is meant to be challenging. The content and the vocabulary used are often unfamiliar to many students. For at-risk learners, the challenges are even greater. In some cases, these students have physical or learning disabilities that create accessibility issues, other times the challenges may be the result of the fact that they’re an international student, have anxiety issues, or a strong learning style preference that runs counter to the instructor’s style.

For all of these reasons and more, today’s student body is a highly diverse group with many different learning challenges, often manifesting in problems with notetaking and listening comprehension. All of this creates what Keith Bain calls an “accessibility imperative.” And although there are many legal obligations that institutions must satisfy with regards to accessibility, Bain says recording and transcribing lectures can improve retention and success for all types of students.

Free courses, elite colleges — from InsideHigherEd.com by Steve Kolowich


Robert Garland, a professor of classics at Colgate University, is not accustomed to discussing Greek religion with the lifeless lens of his MacBook’s built-in video camera. But that was how Garland spent Wednesday afternoon: in his home study, recording lectures on his laptop in 20-minute chunks.

Garland, a novice to online teaching, says it is difficult to think of these solitary sessions as lectures. “I think of them more as chats,” he says.

Garland’s gear is lo-fi: just the laptop, which he owns, and a microphone mailed to him by Udemy, the company that roped him into this.

From DSC:
Some items that caught my eye (so far) from CES 2012:

  • CES 2012: The convergence of TV and mobile platforms — from readwriteweb.com by Dan Rowinski
    …mobile operating systems are on a path to fundamentally change how content is delivered.
  • Prepare yourself: Kinect is coming to Windows Feb. 1 — from Mashable.com by Sarah Kessler
  • LG unveils giant 84″ TV with voice, gesture control — from Mashable.com by Samantha Murphy

  • Introducing The MakerBot Replicator™
    January 10, 2012 (Brooklyn, NY) – MakerBot Industries is excited to announce the launch of its latest product, The MakerBot Replicator™, which will debut at CES in Las Vegas, NV on Tuesday, January 10th.  The MakerBot Replicator™ is the ultimate personal 3D printer, with MakerBot Dualstrusion™ (2-color printing) and a bigger printing footprint, giving you the superpower to print things BIG! Assembled in Brooklyn by skilled technicians, the MakerBot Replicator™ is ready within minutes to start printing right out of the box. Starting at $1749, The MakerBot Replicator™ is an affordable, open source 3D printer that is compact enough to sit on your desktop. Want to print in two colors? Choose the Dualstrusion™ option!
  • USA Network taps Yap.tv for branded social TV app
    Yap.tv said the deal will make it the first independent social TV developer to create a custom-branded version of its app for the iPad and iPhone for a major network.??
    NEW YORK – NBCUniversal’s USA Network has partnered with Yap.tv, a maker of a social TV guide app for mobile devices, to launch a USA-branded app for its shows and fans as it and other channels continue to expand the use of social media to reach and engage viewers.
  • Samsung unveils a motion-controlled TV and the U.S. Galaxy Note [PICS]— from Mashable.com by Sarah Kessler
    During its keynote address at CES on Monday, Samsung unveiled a connected TV with voice and gesture recognition, WiFi-enabled cameras and its thinnest ultrabook yet. It also introduced its Galaxy Note smartphone to the U.S. for the first time.



  • Coincident announces ScreenSync TV Technology — from marketwatch.com
    New solution allows companies to create interactive experiences for viewers that synchronize their tablets with shows they are watching on their televisions
    Also see:




The Evolving Digital Ecosystem - from Moxie's Trends for 2012

  • The Always On Web
  • Web of Things
  • Big Data
  • Next Gen Search
  • Mobile Sharing
  • Mobile Social Activism
  • Impulse Commerce
  • Brands As Partners
  • The New Living Room  <– From DSC: This is one of those key areas that I’m trying to keep a pulse check on for re: our learning ecosystems of the future 
  • Personal Data Security


Also see:




From DSC:
What if educationally-related apps and services were driven by such a platform as
actv8.me? If you want to leapfrog everyone else, then explore this direction.




The principles of eLearning -- cognitive theory of multimedia design - by Allen Partridge


A list of Allen Partridge’s on-demand/online-based seminars (free, requires free ID at Adobe):

1: Making Effective Adobe Captivate eLearning Modules
… a foundation in multimedia design concepts for eLearning, and help you understand the reasons / rationale behind many of the eLearning strategies you see implemented today.

2: Balancing cognitive load in eLearning content with Adobe Captivate 5
…session focuses on the Multimedia eLearning Design Principle known as Personalization, which suggests that people learn more effectively when conversational styles and or learning agents are used to enhance the social aspects of the experience.

3: Applying Personalization to eLearning with Adobe Captivate 5
…session focuses on the Multimedia eLearning Design Principle known as Personalization, which suggests that people learn more effectively when conversational styles and or learning agents are used to enhance the social aspects of the experience.

4: Creating effective eLearning Multimedia with Adobe Captivate 5
…session will center on the Multimedia Principle (the importance of combining images & text) of eLearning Design.

5: Making Effective Adobe Captivate eLearning Modules Part 5: Contiguity
…the Contiguity Principle, which indicates that the spatial relationship (proximity) of symbols (like text) to analogous images (things that look like the subject of the learning) is significant, and plays a key role in how effectively we learn.

6: Making Effective Adobe Captivate eLearning Modules Part 6: Redundancy
…focuses on the Multimedia eLearning Design Principle known as Redundancy, which suggests that presenting symbols via both text and aural channels is less effective than presenting via only one.

7: Making Effective Adobe Captivate eLearning Modules Part 7 : Coherence
…focuses on the Multimedia eLearning Design Principle known as Coherence, which suggests that off topic ancillary material can distract from learning. This theory stands in opposition to arousal theory, providing research based evidence that when stimulating animation or any form of non-relevant information is provided, it can actually decrease the efficacy of the instruction.

8: Making Effective Adobe Captivate eLearning Modules Part 8: Segmenting
...the Multimedia eLearning Design Principle known as the Segmenting Principle, which suggests that authors of eLearning content should break content up into small pieces or chunks in order to help avoid cognitive overload for the learners.

9: Making Effective Adobe Captivate eLearning Modules Part 9: Pre-Training
The session focuses on the Multimedia eLearning Design Principle known as pre-training, which suggests that elearning content authors should first build up basic information about essential elements which are pre-requisites to understanding the larger concepts.

10: Making Effective Adobe Captivate eLearning Modules Part 10: Individual Differences
…the Individual Differences Principle, which suggests that design effects are stronger for low-knowledge learners than for high knowledge learners, and for high-spatial learners rather than for low-spatial learners.

More resources re: Adobe Captivate

Using Twitter? @AdobeElearning OR HASHTAG: #AdobeCaptivate
Using YouTube? http://www.youtube.com/adobeElearning/
On Adobe TV: http://tv.adobe.com/channel/e-learning/
Captivate Blog: http://blogs.adobe.com/captivate/


Also see:

One iPad publishing platform to rule them all — from Mashable.com by Josh Koppel, Co-founder and Chief Creative Officer at ScrollMotion



App developer ScrollMotion has created tablet content for some of the world’s largest publishers. At the Mashable Media Summit last Friday, its co-founder and chief creative officer Josh Koppel showed off a single platform built to run the entire gamut of enterprise media publishing.

.Also see:

Scrollmotion.com -- solutions

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