10 Transformative Technology Trends for 2011-2012 [ ]


The momentum has been building for several exciting emerging technology trends. While television content is increasingly available and delivered over the web, living room devices are becoming more inter-connected to create a more coherent user experience. GIA identifies and summarizes 10 key developments that drive market-shifting changes throughout the technology, media and telecommunications ecosystems.

Top Trends of 2011: Second Screen Apps — from readwriteweb.comby Richard MacManus

Intel predicts Smart TV is the device of the future — from nyxiotechnologies.com’s blog
Chipmaker Intel believes that the Smart TV is the electronic device of the future, in the living room anyway.


The Smart TV is already upon us, in its various forms from various manufacturers. It has arrived with 3D capabilities, web browsing and social networking and applications. Currently Samsung and LG seem to be two of the big players pushing the Smart TV to consumers.

Also see:


Digital Living Network Alliance certifies more than 1,000 television models in first quarter of 2011
Rapid acceleration in certifications demonstrates continued importance of television as centerpiece in digital home


PORTLAND, OR – July 19, 2011 – The Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) experienced unprecedented growth in the number of DLNA Certified® televisions during the first quarter of 2011, certifying more than 1,000 models in North America, Europe, Korea and Japan. The number of television models Certified by the Alliance in the first three months of the year was greater than the total number Certified in the first four years of the program. There are now more than 4,000 Certified television models available, providing consumers with a convenient way to connect and enjoy content throughout the digital home.

Total shipments of connected televisions in 2015 are expected to reach 138 million worldwide, according to DisplaySearch, a global market research and consulting firm specializing in the flat panel display supply chain and display-related industries. As the number of connected televisions grows on a global scale, and the television remains the hub of today’s digital home, DLNA is making the sharing of content across consumers’ home networks easier via standards-based products.

Forget the next iPhone, your next TV will be on the Internet — from forbes.com by Brian Caulfield


It looks like we’ve reached an inflection point for Internet-connected televisions. Forty-seven percent of all flat-panel televisions shipped worldwide in 2015 will have some form of Internet connectivity, up from more than 25% today tech tracker DisplaySearch said Tuesday.


Sony camcorder has a projector for viewing 60-inch videos — from dvice.com by Raymond Wong


Sony camcorder has a projector for viewing 60-inch videos


Video in the emerging connected home -- upcoming report from Informa


From DSC:
Again, keep in mind that though this trend mainly relates to entertainment-oriented applications (as of mid-2011), educationally-related applications will be able to leverage these sorts of trends, technologies, and platforms.

Expand TV

Excerpts (emphasis DSC):

What is interactive TV?
Interactive TV is technology that allows viewers to interact directly with content and brands through use of their TV remote control to request product samples, discounts and information, express opinions, engage in polling and trivia, and more. In a study, 82% of viewers said they would like to be exposed to additional interactive television advertising. (The Efficacy of Advanced Advertising and In-Program Interactivity, Canoe Ventures, 2010)

Also see Canoe Ventures (New York, NY):

The Next Great Digital Medium
Canoe VenturesTM is changing television. We’re creating innovative products and services for networks to enhance programming and empower viewers to interact with their TVs.

We are accelerating TV’s evolution by combining the impact and reach of traditional TV with new technologies and marketing solutions that will better connect consumers with brands.

Founded in 2008 by the country’s leading cable operators, Canoe is making TV the next great digital medium.


Addendum from later on 6/27/11:


Excerpt for features:

  • Televation acts as an independent content access point efficiently tuning all subscribed services and transcoding to the proper format without disrupting household viewing. Changing channels on the tablet is easy and doesn’t affect household members watching TV in other rooms.
  • Designed by our expert engineering team, Televation receives a QAM signal via coax, decodes and decrypts it using a QAM tuner and CableCARD, then transcodes and transrates from MPEG-2 to MPEG-4.
  • Televation protects content distributed within the home with CableLabs and DTLA approved IPRM, part of Motorola’s SecureMedia® DRM. It uses regulation CableCard technology to protect content delivered to the home.
  • Subscribers navigate Televation’s experience using an application on their tablet or device. Providers can either build their own branded App or use a customizable, ready-to-use App created by Motorola.



From DSC: It would be sharp (and somewhat James Bond-ish) if you could take the concepts within the iTable from Kyle Buckner Designs.com(esp. motorized parts and a customizable design)


Kyle Buckner Designs -- i table


…and combine those concepts with concepts found within a Microsoft Surface type of table: (esp. multi-touch capabilities for a group of people to work collaboratively on)


Microsoft Surface


…and combine those concepts with concepts found within Steelcase’s Media:Scape product (esp. the ability to bring your own device and instantly “connect” it and press a puck-like device to begin displaying it on the screen/table)


Steelcase's MediaScape

media:scape illustration


…kinda gives us a flavor for what may very well be part of the integration and continued convergence of devices…and it may be a device in your living room or study.

Lifebook or Voltron? — from trendbird.biz’s Design Section
This Lifebook concept merges multiple portable devices together to form a single computer.


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From DSC:
Interesting concept! The great convergence continues.


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