Connected learning: The Power Of Social Learning Models — from


Connected Learning “is an answer to three key shifts as society evolves from the industrial age of the 20th century and its one-size-fits-all factory approach to educating youth to a 21st century networked society.”

1) A shift from education to learning. Education is what institutions do, learning is what people do. Digital media enable learning anywhere, anytime; formal learning must also be mobile and just-in-time.

2) A shift from consumption of information to participatory learning. Learning happens best when it is rich in social connections, especially when it is peer-based and organized around learners’ interests, enabling them to create as well as consume information.

3) A shift from institutions to networks. In the digital age, the fundamental operating and delivery systems are networks, not institutions such as schools, which are one node of many on a young person’s network of learning opportunities. People learn across institutions, so an entire learning network must be supported.


From DSC:
This reminds me of the animated video that I recently ran across at entitled, “I, Pencil”:




If that’s what’s involved with creating a pencil, what does the family tree look like for creating the Internet?!

Some of the powerful words that, if done well, are enabled by online learning are:


  • Of format — digital audio, digital video, text, graphics, animations, games, role playing, etc.; I can look at content from multiple angles and in multiple ways
  • Of assignment — which one works best for me? Which one interests me the most? Or if I don’t really get the assignment in one way, I can reach the learning objective in another way.


  • Of when and where I bop into my course and participate in it; it may be a brief 5-minute posting of a great and relevant article I ran across, or it may be a 3-4 hour stint
  • Of playing media — pausing, fast forwarding, rewinding, slowing down or speeding up digital video and/or digital audio


  • I can contribute content that I created — in a variety of formats; content that I can spend some time on creating
  • I can take my time to engage in thoughtful, reflective discussions; especially helpful to those of us who don’t think very fast on our feet and need time to think about a topic and develop our responses

Communication and collaboration:

  • Between students
  • Between faculty and students

bop in

— In my mind, those are very powerful words in many peoples’ learning experiences.




An animated highlight of John Seely Brown’s Keynote Presentation, “Cultivating the Entrepreneurial Learner in the 21st Century,” at the 2012 Digital Media and Learning Conference. Published on Sep 18, 2012 by DMLResearchHub.. With thanks going out to Mr. Joseph Byerwalter for this find/resource.



The Global One Room Schoolhouse -- John Seely Brown -- Highlights from JSB's Keynote at DML2012





The Global One Room Schoolhouse -- John Seely Brown -- Highlights from JSB's Keynote at DML2012



Also see:


From DSC: I like how Jackie titles her blog:

User Generated Education
Education as it should be – passion-based.

Latitude looking to kids for technology innovation — from by Caity Doyle




On their website, Latitude explains why they made the interesting choice to reach out to children for new ideas in technology:

Young people shouldn’t be merely passive recipients of media and technology, as they’re often thought to be — rather, they should be active participants in imagining and creating the future of the Web. Why? Because “digital natives” have a more intuitive relationship with new technologies than many adults have, and because they have different expectations about technology. They instinctively expect it to respond to them in very human-like ways — to motivate and empower them, often serving as a sort of companion, rather than merely a tool for solving specific problems.



Also see:

Sony releases first 4K TV: The 84-inch XBR-84X900 — from by Ty Pendlebury
Sony has announced its first 4K television, the 84-inch XBR-84X900, which features a separate stereo speaker system and passive 3D viewing.


Where can I buy it?

Addendum on 8/31/12 — 3 65” Presenters from Ideum

Recent installation from Ideum - August 2012


 From DSC:
This relates to BYOD, Smart Classrooms, and students being able to participate and contribute content to discussions:


A piece of the Next Generation Smart Classroom -- Daniel Christian -- June 2012

Digital Storytelling — from and HCS Mobile, which showcases students learning with mobile devices in Horry County Schools


Digital Storytelling combines images, narration, and other audio to tell a story. Every content area has a story and each student is capable of telling it. The NETS Standards have students creating, collaborating, and producing their own unique content – digital storytelling is a great way to meet this expectations while still advancing your academic curriculum.

A piece of the Next Generation Smart Classroom -- Daniel Christian -- June 2012


From DSC:
I wonder:

  • If the video wall  pictured above could be a Smart/connected TV and if it can share files as well as play files?
  • If such a setup will involve machine-to-machine communications (NFC, other)?
  • If it will be like banking setups whereby the student’s device must obtain a constantly rotating password to access a resource that expires in ___ seconds — and they must be in that room to get it?
  • If it will be hardware or software based…or both?


Aerohive demos Bonjour Gateway and BYOD on stage at Apple’s WWDC 2012 Conference — from


What’s the next best thing to being among the anointed few who get to attend Apple’s WWDC 2012? Being on the WWDC stage with Apple, of course!

Aerohive took the stage at WWDC 2012 just moments ago [on 6/12/12) when our very own Vice President of Business Development Bill Hoppin stood alongside Apple’s Stuart Cheshire (father of the Bonjour protocol) and demonstrated our slick new product – Bonjour Gateway.

In a session called Simplify Networking with Bonjour […tying into Aerohive’s theme of Simpli-Fi Enterprise Networking ], Bill showed attendees how Aerohive is offering (bring your own device) BYOD management to help with the explosion of iPhones, iPads and other mobile devices in the workplace.

Here’s how the demo went down…

Also see:



Matt Gast demos Bonjour Gateway -- for handling the BYOD situation

Games for Learning — part of the Games for Change Festival

Excerpt from Jennifer Levine:

For 9 years, the Games for Change Festival has brought the advocacy of social impact games to the industry’s attention. It’s where educators are exposed to new initiatives to bring games for learning to new frontiers. This year, the Festival will devote two entire days focusing on how educators can use the impact of games in formal and informal classroom settings.

Join long time investor in tools for teaching game designer, AMD, as they present an entire track of programming and workshops dedicated to teaching game design in the classroom. And don’t miss the Games for Learning Institute track which highlights research into games-based learning in a series of engaging talks including talks from Constance Steinkuehler, James Paul Gee, and creators of Portal, Valve Software.

Beyond that, there’s a wealth of impressive discussions, roundtables, demos and more at our full program here.

With less than a month left to register for the festival, what are you waiting for? Register now and don’t forget that groups of 5 or more who register together get 25% off! (#G4C12 and/or @G4C on Twitter)

Mass participation TV



— I originally saw this at and a posting there by Natan Edelsburg:
How Theatrics’ Beckinfield is creating the future of social TV acting [Interview]

From Daniel Christian: Fasten your seatbelts! An accelerated ride through some ed-tech landscapes.

From DSC:
Immediately below is a presentation that I did for the Title II Conference at Calvin College back on August 11, 2011
It is aimed at K-12 audiences.


Daniel S. Christian presentation -- Fasten your seatbelts! An accelerated ride through some ed-tech landscapes (for a K-12 audience)


From DSC:
Immediately below is a presentation that I did today for the Calvin College Fall 2011 Conference.
It is aimed at higher education audiences.


 Daniel S. Christian presentation -- Fasten your seatbelts! An accelerated ride through some ed-tech landscapes (for a higher ed audience)


Note from DSC:

There is a great deal of overlap here, as many of the same technologies are (or will be) hitting the K-12 and higher ed spaces at the same time. However, there are some differences in the two presentations and what I stressed depended upon my audience.

Pending time, I may put some audio to accompany these presentations so that folks can hear a bit more about what I was trying to relay within these two presentations.

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