Steve Jobs has resigned as Apple CEO "effective immediately"


From DSC:
I want to post a thank you note to Mr. Steven P. Jobs, whom you most likely have heard has resigned as Apple’s CEO. Some articles are listed below, but I want to say thank you to Steve and to the employees of Apple who worked at Apple while he was CEO:

  • Thank you for working hard to enhance the world and to make positive impacts to our world!
  • Thank you for painstakingly pursuing perfection, usability, and excellence!
  • Thank you for getting back up on the horse again when you came out of a meeting with Steve, Tim and others and you just got reamed for an idea or implementation that wasn’t quite there yet.
  • Thanks go out to all of the families who were missing a dad or mom for long periods of time as they were still at work cranking out the next version of ____ or ____.
  • Thanks for modeling what a vocation looks like — i.e. pursuing your God-given gifts/calling/passions; and from my economics training for modeling that everyone wins when you do what you do best!

Thanks again all!



Blurb mobile -- stories are everywhere

Also see:

How the BBC is quietly, confidently shaping the future of TV– from by Kit Eaton


[On Monday] morning the BBC launched a whole new version of its iPlayer app, destined for connected TVs that sport a Net connection. In essence this means the BBC has taken its TV content online, added on-demand features, advanced search powers, playability on multiple platforms both mobile and static, and then fed all of its lessons back into an app…for TVs.

Amazon acquires Pushbutton — from


Pushbutton have announced today that, Inc (NASDAQ: AMZN). have acquired Push Button Holdings Ltd.

“Pushbutton has a strong reputation for delivering amazing user experiences on connected devices,” said Greg Greeley, Amazon’s Vice President of European Retail. “They were instrumental in helping launch the LOVEFiLM player through a variety of devices, and we look forward to helping them continue to innovate on behalf of customers.”

“With Amazon and LOVEFiLM’s support, we look forward to offering our clients, as well as their customers, even more ways to access digital services in the future,” said Paula Byrne, Pushbutton Managing Director.


Also see:


Planit from Pushbutton bought by Amazon

Planit, a concept app from Pushbutton.
Image: Pushbutton

Storytelling: Digital technology allows us to tell tales in innovative new ways — from by Aleks Krotoski
As the tools available to publishers grow more sophisticated, it’s up to us to experiment and see what sticks

Setting the pace while editing: Video 101 — from
Sometimes you need a fast cut and sometimes something slow suits the mood. Learn how you can tell your story more effectively by setting the pace.

Intel predicts Smart TV is the device of the future — from’s blog
Chipmaker Intel believes that the Smart TV is the electronic device of the future, in the living room anyway.


The Smart TV is already upon us, in its various forms from various manufacturers. It has arrived with 3D capabilities, web browsing and social networking and applications. Currently Samsung and LG seem to be two of the big players pushing the Smart TV to consumers.

Also see:

My thanks to Mr. Tim Pixley, for posting this resource out on LinkedIn.

Digital Book 2011 – presentation slides now available — from International Digital Publishing Forum (

Presentation slides from IDPF Digital Book 2011 at BEA (May 23-24 2011) can be downloaded from links in each speaker’s biography.


Also see:

  • Introduction to e-books — from JISC
    This guide discusses the various types of electronic book (e-book) and  ways to read them. It also discusses some key design considerations for e-book production and introduces  the types of multimedia file formats that can be supported.

Traditional embraces Transmedia – to great effect in kid’s storytelling — from by Adriana Hamacher


The current buzz around Transmedia is justified to its capital T, to listen to some of the original and fascinating ways theatre, film and even toys are being developed. The award winning Unlimited Theatre Co. and Makieworld were two of the best which showcased at the Children’s Media Conference in Sheffield, UK, last week.

From MakieLab:

MakieLab is a new games-and-toys company, founded this year and based in London. We’re making a new kind of toy: customisable, 3D-printed, locally made, and internet-enabled.

Tagged with:  

X Media Lab Presents: The 2011 Jeff Gomez Transmedia Masterclass Series (Australia)

Part I: The Power of Transmedia Storytelling

  • The history, the value proposition, how Jeff came to embrace it, and the latest industry news as its potential begins to begins to be realised in the entertainment industry.

Part II: Immersion & Incubation

  • The role of the Grand Narrative
  • Criteria for a successful transmedia franchise
  • The elements of storyworld incubation
  • Criteria for an evergreen franchise

Part III: Development

  • Fiction vs. Non-Fiction / Open vs. Closed systems
  • Brand archetypes and aspirational drivers
  • Intellectual Property Bibles and Mythologies
  • Building platform-neutral Storyworlds that are extensible over multiple touchpoints
  • Establishing Authorship and Pitch Materials
  • Failed properties

Part IV: Production

  • Building partnerships, fans and coalitions
  • Role of the driving platform
  • Defining and incentivizing canon
  • Constructing bridges between marketing, digital and creative
  • Remaining the visionary (consumer products & licensing)

Part V: The Future of Transmedia Narrative

Storytelling gets an upgrade: Beyond tactile stories — from by J.C. Hutchins, novelist and transmedia storyteller


Over the course of my two previous pieces on storytelling upgrades, I showed how tactile and kinetic features native to the iPad can be linked to traditional narrative devices, such as foreshadowing. However, where it gets really exciting is how the device can unlock a deeply interactive and immersive environment in which the “reader” is an integral part of a nonlinear story—all narrative features that cannot be rendered in print.

Up to now, I had been focusing on the tactile and kinetic, but there are dozens of ways exist to leverage the iPad’s other built-in features, including…

Also see:


StoryWorld 2011

StoryWorld Conference + Expo is a timely event for:

  • Transmedia content developers
  • Book publishing professionals
  • Television development and acquisition professionals
  • Film professionals
  • Advertising agencies and multi-media marketing firms
  • Game developers (including web, video, roleplaying and alternate reality games)
  • Mobile developers
  • Production companies
  • Literary and entertainment agencies
  • Writers and content creators
  • Media consultants
  • Any firm or professional in the business of producing cross-platform content
© 2025 | Daniel Christian