20 most impressive science fair projects of all time — from onlineuniversities.com

From Brett Victor’s “Kill Math” page

The power to understand and predict the quantities of the world should not be restricted to those with a freakish knack for manipulating abstract symbols.

When most people speak of Math, what they have in mind is more its mechanism than its essence. This “Math” consists of assigning meaning to a set of symbols, blindly shuffling around these symbols according to arcane rules, and then interpreting a meaning from the shuffled result. The process is not unlike casting lots.

This mechanism of math evolved for a reason: it was the most efficient means of modeling quantitative systems given the constraints of pencil and paper. Unfortunately, most people are not comfortable with bundling up meaning into abstract symbols and making them dance. Thus, the power of math beyond arithmetic is generally reserved for a clergy of scientists and engineers (many of whom struggle with symbolic abstractions more than they’ll actually admit).

We are no longer constrained by pencil and paper. The symbolic shuffle should no longer be taken for granted as the fundamental mechanism for understanding quantity and change. Math needs a new interface.

Also see:


Cross platform mobile app development — from Tribal Labs (UK) by Geoff Stead
A review and comparison of the top tools for true cross platform app development


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Kevin Slavin: How algorithms shape our world [TED]


Kevin Slavin argues that we’re living in a world designed for — and increasingly controlled by — algorithms. In this riveting talk from TEDGlobal, he shows how these complex computer programs determine: espionage tactics, stock prices, movie scripts, and architecture. And he warns that we are writing code we can’t understand, with implications we can’t control.

Relevant to mathematics; shaping our world; ethics; media; culture; society;
computer science; technologies; stock markets/business; architecture.


Microsoft has developed an iterative MapReduce runtime for Windows Azure, code-named “Daytona.” Project Daytona is designed to support a wide class of data analytics and machine learning algorithms. It can scale out to hundreds of server cores for analysis of distributed data.

Project Daytona was developed as part of the eXtreme Computing Group’s Cloud Research Engagement Initiative, making its debut at the Microsoft Research Faculty Summit. One of the most common requests we have received from the community of researchers in our program is for a data analysis and processing framework. Increasingly, researchers in a wide range of domains—such as healthcare, education, and environmental science—have large and growing data collections and they need simple tools to help them find signals in their data and uncover insights. We are making the Project Daytona MapReduce Runtime for Windows Azure download freely available, along with sample codes and instructional materials that researchers can use to set up their own large-scale, cloud data-analysis service on Windows Azure. In addition, we will continue to improve and enhance Project Daytona (periodically making new versions available) and support our community of users.

Also see:

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Some numbers from App Store turns 3 years old [tipb.com by Rene Ritchie]

  • The App Store had XXX apps on day one
  • A year later it had over 56,000 that had been downloaded over 1 billion times
  • Last year it had over 225,000 apps — 8500 iPad native — and over 5 billion downloads
  • As of last week we’re over 425,000 apps — 100,000 iPad native — and over 15 billion downloads


Microsoft advances natural UI with Kinect SDK — from cnet.com by Jay Greene


Oregon State University student Alex Wiggins gestures to Kinect, which in turn makes a remote-control
toy helicopter take off while teammates Ruma Paul (left) and Fabio Matsui (right) look on. (Credit: Microsoft)


How Apple will draft everyone into the cloud. Or else. — from FastCompany.com by E.B. Boyd
Pity the poor programmer whose software doesn’t automatically sync every digital thing you own across all of your devices instantly. Thanks to Apple, if you’re not in the cloud soon, you’re buried.


And so we at Fast Company expect the same to happen with the cloud. Apple has just introduced an attractive system for a whole range of things consumers care about. Sure, cloud solutions previously existed for some of the things Apple introduced Monday–like documents (Google Docs) and music (Amazon). But it is the comprehensiveness and elegance of the iCloud system that will unleash a tipping point.

Soon users will become used to how much easier their lives become with iCloud. All my stuff is everywhere I want it to be, instantly. I download a song from iTunes, and it’s instantly on all my devices. I put down the book I was reading on my iPad at home, get on the subway, open up my iPhone, and presto, the book is not only on my phone, it opens up to the exact place where I stopped reading on the tablet.

Documents, photos, email, contacts, calendars–users will get used to moving fluidly between all of them on different devices

And as soon as consumers become used to things acting this way, they’ll start actually expecting things to act this way. And when that happens, beware any software company that doesn’t deliver the same experience. In the new world Apple will create, to ask a user to manually sync files between different devices will be the equivalent, back in the ’80s, of asking a bunch of home computer users used to interacting with GUI’s, to use command lines instead.


Apple’s new video regarding their iOS 5 operating system


Apple's video regarding their new iOS5


Apple's video regarding their new iOS5


From DSC:
I have it that these technologies will be used for educationally-related purposes/materials as well; including digital storytelling, transmedia storytelling, transmedia-based interactive/participative educational materials and more.


The Personal Cloud Will Be A $12 Billion Industry in 2016 — from ReadWriteWeb by Dan Rowinski


Forrester_Personal Cloud.jpg



P[ersonal] Cloud As The Third Major Client Software
Forrester says that the cloud will be the third major client software battleground. The PC operating system was the first, won early by Microsoft with niches carved out for Apple and Linux. Mobile is the second and remains fluid and volatile with Google’s Android leading in market share with Apple, Research in Motion and Microsoft figuring out how to gain ground. The personal cloud will be the third and will be built on top of the first two. Hence, the companies with strong infrastructure in operating systems and communications will be the leaders in the personal cloud as well.

Forrester sees the personal cloud as a disruptive force to the current online services market. It says to “prepare for major opportunity and turbulence selling to individuals.” That means marketers should explore the personal cloud as a new channel to reach eyeballs. IT managers should plan for personal cloud integration as consumers continue to want information stored in personal services at work and the major email providers should create a better experience to capture users from any email address in the company’s personal cloud net.


Forrester_Personal Cloud Growth.jpg

iCloud, iOS5, and OS X Lion


Some more pics:







Apple unveils iMessage, its BBM competitor, at WWDC — from engadget.com by Jacob Schulman

OS X Lion launching in July for $29.99 — from engadget.com by Donald Melanson

Apple’s iOS 5: all the details — from engadget.com by Vlad Savov

iCloud unveiled at WWDC, free for all 9 cloud apps, MobileMe RIP — from engadget.com by Joseph L. Flatley

Apple announces iTunes in the Cloud, iTunes Match — from engadget.com by Donald Melanson

Steve Jobs helps announce iCloud, new software — from theglobeandmail.com by Marcus Wohlsen,Michael Liedtke

Apple iCloud: Everything you need to know — from digitaltrends.com by Kelly Montgomery

From DSC:
I’m seeing folks take pot shots at Sony and others re: their recent security breaches. I don’t find this type of thing funny at all, nor do I approach this type of subject in a light-hearted manner. To me, this is not a joke. I’d like to write more on this subject, but I don’t know enough to combat the hackers who might turn their ill-will towards this site/blog.

I support those people, organizations,  and governments who are cracking down on these hackers — as national/economic/personal security rely on these attackers doing a U-turn (or to repent, in Biblical terms). Instead of these attackers using their knowledge, skills, and abilities towards doing what’s harmful to society, they need to do what’s right and helpful to our world! Build up, not tear down.

Addendum on 6/10/11:

Excerpt from Spanish Police Arrest Sony PSN Hacktivists, But It Won’t Stop The Attacks: Expert — from FastCompany.com by Kit Eaton

Sony has had to spend close to $200 million to repair and defend its networks after a spate of attacks…

From DSC:
…and guess who pays for that $200 million? Sony’s current and future customers — as these costs will be rolled into Sony’s future pricing for their products & services. The consumer gets nailed again; thanks to the thievery of some bad apples.



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