From DSC:
My thanks to Sara McDowell for this resource, which she developed.



Addendums on 6/16/11 — also see:

Digital storytelling tools (K-12) — from Tech & Learning by Özge Karaoglu

  • Audio tools
  • Picture tools
  • Animations tools
  • …and more

Apple unveils iMessage, its BBM competitor, at WWDC — from by Jacob Schulman

OS X Lion launching in July for $29.99 — from by Donald Melanson

Apple’s iOS 5: all the details — from by Vlad Savov

iCloud unveiled at WWDC, free for all 9 cloud apps, MobileMe RIP — from by Joseph L. Flatley

Apple announces iTunes in the Cloud, iTunes Match — from by Donald Melanson

Steve Jobs helps announce iCloud, new software — from by Marcus Wohlsen,Michael Liedtke

Apple iCloud: Everything you need to know — from by Kelly Montgomery

Five tips for emerging video journalists — over at the Innovative Interactivity blog by Paul Franz


But there are a few skills that I strongly believe all budding video journalists should take note of as they begin their careers in multimedia production.

a) Get used to editing as if you were working for MTV. For example, TIME recently rolled out a new magazine feature called “Pop Chart,” which is tantamount to a kind of a whacky news round-up. Normally, these affairs can be boring time sinks that do not attract a whole lot of viewers or interest. But with a few editing tricks and changes to your style, they can become fun little shows that entertain as well as inform.

b) Start getting comfortable with your voice. Many pieces just won’t have all the content you require to have a single character narrate an entire piece. Purists will argue that not having enough A-roll is tantamount to laziness, but the realities of the job will force you to use your voice frequently as a narrative bridge.



video camera


LiveScribe's new connections -- sharp!


From DSC:
Taking this concept into learning spaces…I would like to see this type of thing in all Smart Classrooms; for example:


Also see:

Stop the presses: Students dive head first into Editorial for the iPad — from by Mike Winder



Sensing a shift in the industry, Nik Hafermaas, Chair of Art Center’s Graphic Design Department, sat down with instructor Carla Barr to discuss the possibility of creating an iPad design class. Barr, who has taught Editorial Design extensively, saw an opportunity to bring her area of expertise and this new technology together and suggested creating an iPad Editorial class.

“Students a few years ago had very mixed feelings towards interactive media,” says Nik Hafermaas, who thinks this class, along with classes like MediaTecture and this coming term’s augmented reality studio—sponsored by LAYAR and co-taught by writer Bruce Sterling—fall into the burgeoning arena of transmedia design and are important steps for where Art Center students needs to be headed conceptually. “Now students are aware of the ubiquitous nature of these tools,” he says. “They’re starting to enjoy using them, and see that somebody needs to design the content.”

The experimental class—whose test run took place last term and which is being offered again Summer Term—attracted the attention of two education specialists from Apple, one who visited the class and another, according to Barr, who said there was no other class he knew of focusing on editorial for the iPad.

We recently chatted with iPad Editorial instructor Barr and two students  who took the class, Graphic Design majors Megan Potter (who graduated last month) and Jinsub Shin about their experience and digital publications.

All That Jazz … and Humor, Opera, Dance Music … — from The Library of Congress

[On May 10, 2011] the Library of Congress, in conjunction with Sony Music Entertainment, launched a website – “the National Jukebox” – that streams 10,000 sound recordings from the historic Victor Records collection.  It’s a fun and fascinating ramble for anyone who loves American music and wants to dig down into the roots of jazz, opera, a vast range of popular music, famous political speeches — even early sound effects.  The collection launched today (which will expand over time) is the soundtrack of our grandparents’ and great-grandparents’ early lives – music from the dawn of sound recording just after the turn of the 20th Century to the eve of the Great Depression.  The url is

Google Music Beta versus the titans of the streaming music space: A chart — from by Sean Hollister


It feels like just yesterday we charted the streaming music landscape, but it’s already changed in a big way — Google is muscling in on the likes of Rhapsody, Pandora and particularly Amazon with its Google Music Beta. Being able to take 20,000 of your personal tunes, stream them over the web and cache them locally on your device isn’t functionality to sneeze at, so it’s time we updated our charts. After the break, see how the big streaming services stack up.

Tagged with:  

MyTVBuddy kicks off as the first pan-European Social TV app on iPad — from (emphasis DSC)


Today E-ZONE unveiled its iPad app MyTVBuddy claiming it takes Social TV to the next level of exploration, interaction, engagement and participation by letting users check in to TV programs, watch videos, post messages on Facebook, share Twitter messages, participate in conversations  and see where other users are located. MyTVBuddy kicks off with a special launch edition of Eurovision 2011.

MyTVBuddy comes with a solution for turning TV viewing into a social experience by using mobile devices such as the iPad. According to a recent study from Yahoo, nearly 90 percent of people watching television are using a mobile device at the same time. Be it Twitter, Facebook, email or instant messaging, they are doing more than just watching.


From DSC:
TV and entertainment coming up to bat — with learning-related applications on deck!   🙂


Also see:



Addendum on 5/11/11:

Bertelsmann acquires digital media agency Smashing Ideas for Random House, Inc. — from Smashing Ideas (emphasis DSC)

(New York, May 4, 2011)—Bertelsmann AG has acquired cutting-edge digital media agency Smashing Ideas, Inc. for its Random House, Inc. division, the world’s largest English-language trade book publisher. The purchase was announced today by Markus Dohle, Chairman and CEO of Random House and Member of the Executive Board of Bertelsmann AG, and Stephen Jackson, President and CEO of Smashing Ideas, Inc.

The acquisition adds significantly to the set of Random House capabilities and further signals the intention of Random House and its parent company to be leaders in digital content creation, and demonstrates their commitment to expanding revenues from mobile and interactive online products and services.

From DSC:
I found a wonderful animation at No words. Lots to say” …which points to the animation by Aidan Gibbons, Music by Yann Tiersen which I put into ViewPure at The Piano – Amazing Short – Animation


A wonderful animation entitled, "The Piano" -- not a word is spoken, but a wonderful story is told




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