The Wormwood Saga


Also see:

From DSC:
First of all, my thanks to Mr. Joseph Byerwalter for this resource/link. I haven’t read this story; however I was intrigued by the user interface design here and it made me think of some related items/topics here:

I would have loved to see some more multimedia integrated into Daniel Lieske’s fabulous artwork — sound effects/audio/music and/or the capability of hearing the author read the story. Also, perhaps some interactivity may or may not add something here. In any case, this is a piece of the type of thing that I believe we will see much more of on devices like the iPad — as well as on Internet-connected televisions:

Incredibly-powerful, interactive, multimedia-based
methods of relaying one’s story or message.

Also, such endeavors open up a slew of potential future opportunities for our students (artists, musicians, sound engineers, writers, programmers, interface designers, user experience experts, etc.) — as well as chances to practice their creativity today.

Textbook publishers and rich media — from Higher Education Management Group

The competitive landscape of textbook publishing has changed and it’s not going to get easier for the traditional parties. However, I think it’s possible for the industry to regain the advantage that made them such a strong presence for decades in education. To do this, publishers will need to determine how – given the new market conditions – their competencies, brand and infrastructure can produce a competitive advantage – and to ensure that this new market position meets the needs of the new higher education market. Easier said than done, right? But the funny thing is that this new strategy will mean the publishers return to what made them the great presence in the first place. Let me attempt to unpack this before I get anymore abstract.

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5 e-book trends that will change the future of publishing — from Mashable’s Business Section by Philip Ruppel
(Philip Ruppel is the President of McGraw-Hill Professional, a leading global publisher of print and electronic content and services for the business, scientific, technical, and medical communities)

1. Enhanced E-Books Are Coming and Will Only Get Better
2. The Device War Is Nearly Over
3. The $9.99 E-Book Won’t Last Forever
4. The Contextual Upsell Will be a Business Model to Watch
5. Publishers Will Be More Important Than Ever

Alibris launches marketplace for books, movies and music — from by Romin Irani

Alibris, an online marketplace that brings together Indepenent sellers of popular, collectible and bargain books, music and movies has launched a Developer Network. The company is inviting developers to use its API to not only build applications but earn commissions via its affiliate program. The Alibris API exposes most of its data like current books, music and movies on sale, item information, seller information and item/seller reviews.

Publisher rewrites the book on degrees — from by Hannah Fearn
Publishing giant Pearson has announced details of its plans to offer degrees in a range of vocational subjects from 2012.

From DSC:
I remember giving a presentation over at Grand Rapids Community College (GRCC) a few years ago for a Blackboard Users Conference. In that presentation, I remember asking how long would it be before publishers started offering their own degrees…? They have the Subject Matter Experts (SME’s), they have the graphic designers, web designers, the programmers, the project managers, etc.  That is, they already have the table set in terms of content creation.


If anyone thinks this isn’t a game-changing environment within higher education, I challenge you to explain to me how you can still cling to — and adequately support — that perspective.

2010 Industry Trends Part 2: Documenting the Shift from Print to Digital in the K-12 Market — from Educational Publishing blog

In the second of a series on trends in the educational publishing industry, AEP spoke with Dr. Bob Resnick, Founder of Education Market Research, about why the calendar year 2009 may well go down as the year the K-12 school market reached its tipping point in the shift from print to digital.

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Cutting the Pay TV Cord, Chapter 5: Unlimited Internet TVfrom Phil Leigh


In short, often there is no reason why modern flat panel TV screens cannot function as giant monitors for up-do-date computers.

Thus a growing number of us are attaching computers to our TVs.  The trend is especially prevalent for WiFi enabled computers because they can connect over a home network and thence to the Internet. In such configurations computers – commonly dedicated laptops – function as Internet gateways for televisions. They transform TVs into dual function devices normally controlled from a comfortable viewing distance with ordinary TV remote units.

Also see:

ASU partners with Pearson to expand online learning services — from
Partnership will enhance the online student experience and reach new students

Arizona State University (ASU) and Pearson today announced an innovative partnership to develop new technology and management services to support ASU’s online students. The agreement will equip ASU with various capabilities designed to maximize learning outcomes through student engagement and retention, as well as increase overall course offerings. It will enable the university to reach potential students around the country who are not served by brick and mortar or other online institutions.

“When it comes to learning online, there is a direct correlation between quality services and student success,” said Philip Regier, Executive Vice Provost and Dean of ASU Online. “The reality is that learning online is very demanding and most students already have family and work responsibilities. The more support they receive, the better their learning outcomes and overall experience will be.”

From DSC:
With the pace of technological innovation and the costs involved in creating engaging, interactive, multimedia-based materials, it seems that such pooling of resources is wise, efficient. That is why I’m a fan of
consortiums and pooling resources. This type of thing also quickly brings TEAMS of people together.

McGraw-Hill Education introduces next-generation custom publishing platform: Create Platform — from Textbook Industry Newswire

From DSC:
Congrats to McGraw-Hill for this innovation! Now let’s team this type of thing up w/ the Chalkboard of the Future!


Create Platform enables professors to design custom classroom content from library of nearly 50,000 sources and receive e-books within hours

McGraw-Hill introduces Create platform


NEW YORK, Oct. 8 /PRNewswire/ — McGraw-Hill Education has brought custom publishing into the 21st century with McGraw-Hill Create (, an innovative platform that gives instructors unprecedented control over and customization of higher education classroom content. Gone are the days when professors had no choice in how to assemble content for classroom instruction, or had to wait weeks to receive a customized text. With Create, instructors can produce their own e-books or printed texts by selecting content from a vast library of resources – and receive a digital proof in under an hour.

“McGraw-Hill’s Create custom publishing tool gives me the power to provide only the content that is relevant to how I teach,” said Cliff Thompson, director of Theatre at Freed-Hardeman University. “I can pick and choose what makes the most sense for me and my class, which allows me to be a more effective teacher and cost-conscious for my students.”

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