Edudemic 2.0 -- March 11, 2011

10 ways technology supports 21st century learners in being self directed — from the Innovative Educator

  1. Personal Learning Networks
  2. Tweet to Connect with Experts
  3. Skype an Expert
  4. Free Online Educational Resources
  5. Online Learning
  6. Authentic Publishing
  7. Use YouTube and iTunes to Learn Anything
  8. Passion (or talent) Profiles
  9. Develop Authentic Learning Portfolios
  10. Empower Students to Assess and Learn Themselves

Connectivism & Connective Knowledge in Action — from ZaidLearn

This is my first reflection (posting) for the Connectivism and Connective Knowledge course (CCK11), which is a 12-week open online course facilitated by Stephen Downes and George Siemens. This course will explore the concepts of connectivism and connective knowledge and explore their application as a framework for theories of teaching and learning. Participation is open to everyone and there are no fees or subscriptions required…

From DSC:
The contents for
Connectivism and Connective Knowledge looks like this:
Week 1: Connectivism?
Week 2: Patterns
Week 3: Knowledge
Week 4: Unique?
Week 5: Groups, Networks
Week 6: PLENK
Week 7: Adaptive Systems
Week 8: Power & Authority
Week 9: Openness
Week 10: Net Pedagogy
Week 11: Research & Analytics
Week 12: Changing views

70 jobs for 2030

70 jobs for 2030 -- from The Futurist -- Jan Feb 2011 edition

From DSC:

With potential job titles like Transhumanist consultant, Digital archaeologist, Augmented reality architect, Terabyter (lifelogger), and others…makes you wonder what’s the best way to educate today’s students.  On the top of my list:

  • Be prepared for change; be flexible and adaptable
  • Learn how you best learn — then be prepared to use, tweak, and build on those strategies throughout your lifetime
  • Constantly take pulse checks on what’s happening in the world around you — technologically, politically, demographically, etc.
  • Know where to go for information
  • “Chance favors the prepared/connected mind”  <– a combination of quotes I’ve heard and that I agree with; point is to be constantly building your personal learning networks (PLN’s) and to periodically peer out into the future to see what’s coming down the pike
  • See if you can get a hold of your own learning stats/analytics to ascertain strengths, weaknesses, passions, interests

Addendum on 1-12-11, also see:

The Learning Ecosystem — from Chief Learning Officer by Mal Poulin

“Without a sustainable, user-friendly and easily implemented plan to capture and spread information between employees, technology is just hardware and software.”

From DSC:
Mal adds some nice, new dimensions to what constitutes a learning ecosystem, such as:
  • Environments, cultures, organizations, and methods that support workplace learning and performance. It’s not about the software; it’s about what they do with it.
  • Strategies, processes, and tools to enable learning in every aspect of the business or operation. The goal is to yield front-line performance improvements that result in customers who notice and come back for more products and services.

This slide was from an EDUCAUSE Live! Webcast on 16 Dec 2010 by H. David Lambert, president and CEO, Internet2:

The importance of being connected


From DSC:
To me, it again reinforces the great need to be connected to networks of subject matter experts (SME’s) within a discipline. Without such personal learning networks, there is a chance that what  a professor is teaching may not be entirely accurate and up-to-date.

Here are a couple of items from David Álvarez regarding his view of a PLE:

…and an animated version can be found at:

Thanks David,

Network Learning: Working Smarter — by Harold Jarche

We need to re-think workplace learning for a networked society. Our organizational structures are becoming more decentralized, with individual access to almost unlimited information, distributed work teams, and digital media that can be copied and manipulated infinitely. In the interconnected workplace, who we know and how we find information are becoming more important than what we know.

A World to Change — Stephen Downes at the Huffington Post

Top 100 Tools for Learning 2010: Final list, presentation and more — from Jane Knight

Yesterday I finalised the Top 100 Tools for Learning 2010 list.  Many thanks to the 545 people who shared their Top 10 Tools for Learning and contributed to the building of the list.   Although this list is available online, I also created this presentation which provides the information as a slideset – embedded below.

My Photo

Jane Hart, a Social Business Consultant, and founder
of the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies.

Change Agent — from by Anthony Rebora
Will Richardson, a former teacher-turned-tech expert, says schools need to revolutionize teaching and learning to keep pace with societal changes.

Will Richardson at work, speaking to faculty members at Hunterdon Central
Regional High School in Flemington, N.J.  —  Emile Wamsteker


You’ve written that too many teachers are “un-Googleable.” What do you mean by that and why does it matter?

What I mean is that too few teachers have a visible presence on the Web. The primary reason this matters is that the kids in our classrooms are going to be Googled—they’re going to be searched for on the Web—over and over again. That’s just the reality of their lives, right? So they need models. They need to have adults who know what it means to have a strong and appropriate search portfolio—I call it the “G-portfolio.” But right now—and this is my ongoing refrain—there’s no one teaching them how to learn and share with these technologies. There’s no one teaching them about the nuances involved in creating a positive online footprint. It’s all about what not to do instead of what they should be doing.

The second thing is that, if you want to be part of an extended learning network or community, you have to be findable. And you have to participate in some way. The people I learn from on a day-to-day basis are Googleable. They’re findable, they have a presence, they’re participating, they’re transparent. That’s what makes them a part of my learning network. If you’re not out there—if you’re not transparent or findable in that way—I can’t learn with you.

Also mentioned:

Principals Learn Through Social Media

A Web 2.0 class: Students learn 21st century skills, collaboration, and digital citizenship — from by Andrew Marcinek

Students in Van Meter, Iowa, Burlington, Massachusetts, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania are experiencing education in a new room. Yes, they still go to class in a building, with walls, doors, and windows, but there is something different about these three classrooms. They are all connected. The classroom is flat.

The Virtual Classroom
The class is designed to teach Web 2.0 skills, digital citizenship, personal network building, and social media responsibility and practice. The students in all three of these classes have never met in person; however, they have all connected via Skype and their class blogs. They have also had many professionals come and speak to them via Skype. This type of learning is limitless and allows students to broaden their scope of the world. “Since I have started using Skype and blogging,” notes Jessie Hasenwinkel, junior at Van Meter High School, “I have been able to virtually meet the people that can help me get the answers I need for what I am searching for in school and one day, in my career.”

Each week students write a blog post on topics such as defining a personal learning network, using Skype in the classroom, and how to promote blog traffic. Students subscribe to each other’s blogs using Google Reader and leave comments for each other. Some students in these three high schools have made great connections and found common interests. They are expanding their learning opportunities and through the efforts of the teachers and principals, engaging with vast community of learners.

The Wild World of Massively Open Online Courses — from by Emily Senger
Would you participate in a class with 2300 other online students?

In a traditional university setting, a student pays to register for a course. The student shows up. A professor hands out an outline, assigns readings, stands at the front and lectures. Students take notes and ask questions. Then there is a test or an essay.

But with advancing online tools innovative educators are examining new ways to break out of this one-to-many model of education, through a concept called massively open online courses. The idea is to use open-source learning tools to make courses transparent and open to all, harnessing the knowledge of anyone who is interested in a topic.

George Siemens, along with colleague Stephen Downes, tried out the open course concept in fall 2008 through the University of Manitoba in a course called Connectivism and Connective Knowledge, or CCK08 for short. The course would allow 25 students to register, pay and receive credit for the course. All of the course content, including discussion boards, course readings, podcasts and any other teaching materials, was open to anyone who had an internet connection and created a user profile.

“The course was the platform, but anyone could build on that platform however they wanted,” says Siemens. “There’s this notion that technology is networked and social. It does alter the power relationship between the educator and the learner, a learner has more autonomy, they have more control. The expectation that you wait on the teacher to create everything for you and to tell you what to do is false.”

More here…

Also see:
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