Lessons on mLearning

Also see:

    Steve Jobs has resigned as Apple CEO "effective immediately"


    From DSC:
    I want to post a thank you note to Mr. Steven P. Jobs, whom you most likely have heard has resigned as Apple’s CEO. Some articles are listed below, but I want to say thank you to Steve and to the employees of Apple who worked at Apple while he was CEO:

    • Thank you for working hard to enhance the world and to make positive impacts to our world!
    • Thank you for painstakingly pursuing perfection, usability, and excellence!
    • Thank you for getting back up on the horse again when you came out of a meeting with Steve, Tim and others and you just got reamed for an idea or implementation that wasn’t quite there yet.
    • Thanks go out to all of the families who were missing a dad or mom for long periods of time as they were still at work cranking out the next version of ____ or ____.
    • Thanks for modeling what a vocation looks like — i.e. pursuing your God-given gifts/calling/passions; and from my economics training for modeling that everyone wins when you do what you do best!

    Thanks again all!



    Abilene Christian U supports teachers through Digital Learning Institute — from convergemag.com by Tanya Roscorla


    This summer, Abilene Christian University in Texas hosted its first K-12 Digital Learning Institute for teachers. And this school year, the university will observe teachers’ lessons as they apply what they learned about mobile technology to their classes.

    Near Field Communication (NFC): A Quick Guide to the Future of Mobile — from Mashable.by Sarah Kessler


    NFC allows a device, usually a mobile phone, to collect data from another device or NFC tag at close range. In many ways, it’s like a contactless payment card that is integrated into a phone. In other ways, it’s similar to Bluetooth, except that instead of programming two devices to work together, they can simply touch to establish a connection.

    So why are some of the world’s most influential companies so excited about it? We’ve compiled notes on what NFC is, why its useful and how it’s starting to permeate the product world.


    Also see:

    MIT launches Center for Mobile Learning with support from Google — from readwriteweb.com by Jon Mitchell


    The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has announced the creation of a new Center for Mobile Learning. The center will be housed at the MIT Media Lab. Google supported the creation of the center with a grant from Google University Relations. The center’s first project will be the adoption and further development of App Inventor for Android, a do-it-yourself tool for building apps for Google’s Android mobile OS with no programming skills required.

    From the announcement

    The Center, housed at the Media Lab, will focus on the design and study of new mobile technologies and applications, enabling people to learn anywhere anytime with anyone. Research projects will explore location-aware learning applications, mobile sensing and data collection, augmented reality gaming, and other educational uses of mobile technologies.

    Blurb mobile -- stories are everywhere

    Also see:

    Quoting from Transmedia vs Multi-screen Distractions — by Michael Matthews at Forbes.com — which provides an example of how multiple devices are starting to work with each other:

    In Canada, the Food Network and Paperny Films integrated mobile strategy into the release of a new TV series called Eat St. The TV show launched simultaneously with an iPhone app of the same name. The app offered location-based services linking users to vendors featured on the show as well as thousands of others across North America. The app gives fans a deeper experience — they can find carts in their cities and begin accessing them. This digital integration worked two ways: fans of the app could check out the TV show, and fans of the show were introduced to the app.


    The state of the Internet - July 2011

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