From DSC:
Consumers’ expectations from entertainment may likely spill over into education

  • Why the future of TV is all about personalization — from 
    Fueled by the explosive development of smartphones and tablets, video clip viewing routines have [been] forever modified. It’s no surprise that buyers, who have been speedy to embrace video clip providers like HBO GO, Netflix and Hulu, are now expecting a a lot more personalized, interactive and seamless viewing experience across their traditional TV, laptops, gaming consoles, and connected TVs, as well as on smartphones and tablets (emphasis DSC). Here, we’ll discuss the present state of personalised cell video and what customers can anticipate in the future.

From DSC:
In the near future, if I can see what I want on whatever device I want — and it’s personalized/customized for me — won’t that affect my expectations for other types of content that I want to review — such as educational content? 

Yes…I think it will. Whatever discipline I want, on whatever device I want, whenever I want it — available 24x7x365 with online tutoring available (which may or may not be from the same organization that posted the original content).



Social media and its impact on how we learn in the workplace — from C4PLT by Jane Hart


From DSC:
One reflection that jumped out at me from Jane’s excellent presentation…and that I believe is a universal truth:

If an organization doesn’t respond to changing conditions, needs, desires, preferences, best interests, and/or the requirements of its customers, that organization will diminish in usefulness and will most likely (albeit eventually) go out of business.

I know I’m not introducing a new thought here and the above statement seems very self-evident, but do we heed this advice in corporate L&D? Corporate IT? IT within higher education? In higher education as an industry?


Universal Design for Learning (UDL) at a glance -- video

My thanks to Mrs. Krista Spahr, Calvin College, for this resource and the quote below:

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is meant to minimize barriers and to maximize learning.


Reflections from DSC:
Though I still have much to learn about Universal Design for Learning (UDL), my initial thought is that I really like this approach, as it moves us away from the one-size-fits-all approach and towards a teaching and learning environment that offers more choice, more selection, and more opportunities for customization and personalization. Plus, as companies such as Apple and Microsoft have seen, functionality that started out trying to address accessibility-related needs ended up helping everyone!

Along these lines, I created this graphic years ago — with the idea that students would have a choice on which media they might prefer to use to absorb the information:


Again, the idea being that we could provide the same content in 3-5 different ways and let the students select what works best for them. Plus, in the example above, we could even see how other students are describing/making meaning of something.

But it goes further than this as I’m understanding UDL. For example, the methods for achieving a learning outcome can be greatly varied, as the assignments for a particular outcome might be reaching via watching a video clip, or reading a book, or doing a project, or writing a story, or creating music, or ___(fill in the blank) ____.

Also see:

Guidelines for UDL

Apollo to buy adaptive-learning company for $75-Million — from The Chronicle by Josh Keller


The Apollo Group, which runs the University of Phoenix, announced on Tuesday that it plans to pay $75-million to purchase Carnegie Learning, which develops interactive math instruction that adapts to the needs of individual students.

Universal Design for Learning: It’s Not Just for Disability Experts Anymore (The Confessions of a First-Time Teacher) — from National Collaborative on Workforce & Disability for Youth (NCWD/Youth) by Amy Katzel


All students, with or without disabilities, have different strengths and weaknesses. Early on, it was clear to me that I had a wide range of abilities in the room. Some students started out unable to consistently construct full sentences, while others were already writing complex prose. Some students raised their hand frequently to answer questions, while others preferred to stay quiet. When we did reading assignments during class, everyone read at different speeds. Some youth demonstrated they understood the material on quizzes, but then struggled with applying those concepts to their essays.

When I get up in front of the class, to which student am I teaching?

Also see:

Intel predicts Smart TV is the device of the future — from’s blog
Chipmaker Intel believes that the Smart TV is the electronic device of the future, in the living room anyway.


The Smart TV is already upon us, in its various forms from various manufacturers. It has arrived with 3D capabilities, web browsing and social networking and applications. Currently Samsung and LG seem to be two of the big players pushing the Smart TV to consumers.

Also see:


The future of TV is social and the revolution is coming ! | SOCIAL MEDIA NEWS | Digital Ministry — from Mark Mayhew

Ynon Kreiz, CEO of the Endemol group the largest independent production company in the world responsible for Big brother said Social TV is going to be huge.

“The ability to create content that will enable people to interface with each other, to connect, to recommend, to share and experience over television, is going to change the landscape of the industry.”


What is social TV?

Simply put, it’s about merging your social media networks to the TV.  It’s making TV social–again. It’s about taking the water cooler effect and making this virtual, it’s about the empowered consumer viewing content when and where they want, deciding who they want to share it with and being able to do this all in real time.In essence it is a term that describes technology that supports communication and social interaction in either the context of watching television, or related to TV content.Viewers are now using social media to connect with the TV with content that matters to them. Then, as the MIT study shows, they are engaging in massive real-time conversations around those shows and learning to be a part of that conversation and it is a participatory culture as well as a personalised one.TV always been social and on the face of it TV and social media seem like a natural fit but if the TV industry is going to make the most of the opportunities it is going to have change quickly and learn the lessons of the music industry.

It is time to rethink TV. It is time to imagine what it could be and redefine it for the participatory culture of tomorrow.


From DSC:

In the graphic below…what thoughts might arise if, instead of entertainment-oriented items, we thought more along the lines of providing materials relating to education, training,  professional development?

The future of TV is social and the revolution is coming!


What TV operators are missing — from Emma Wells

From DSC:
It may not be that long before the word “learning” can either be added to — or substituted for — the word “TV” below (emphasis mine):

Many of the TV tablet apps have taken a few tentative steps toward personalisation, but no one has fully embraced the potential of TV interfaces that can learn and change according to an individual’s preferences and tastes.

What a lot of these operators seem to be overlooking is the chance not only to offer content anytime, anywhere, but to personalise the entire TV experience.

While watching the main TV tends to be a group experience, watching TV on an app is much more intimate and personal.


-- excerpt from What TV operators are missing [Wells]

Addendum on 6/17/11

The Personal Cloud Will Be A $12 Billion Industry in 2016 — from ReadWriteWeb by Dan Rowinski


Forrester_Personal Cloud.jpg



P[ersonal] Cloud As The Third Major Client Software
Forrester says that the cloud will be the third major client software battleground. The PC operating system was the first, won early by Microsoft with niches carved out for Apple and Linux. Mobile is the second and remains fluid and volatile with Google’s Android leading in market share with Apple, Research in Motion and Microsoft figuring out how to gain ground. The personal cloud will be the third and will be built on top of the first two. Hence, the companies with strong infrastructure in operating systems and communications will be the leaders in the personal cloud as well.

Forrester sees the personal cloud as a disruptive force to the current online services market. It says to “prepare for major opportunity and turbulence selling to individuals.” That means marketers should explore the personal cloud as a new channel to reach eyeballs. IT managers should plan for personal cloud integration as consumers continue to want information stored in personal services at work and the major email providers should create a better experience to capture users from any email address in the company’s personal cloud net.


Forrester_Personal Cloud Growth.jpg

Future of Television – Video Podcast — from Phil Leigh’s Inside Digital Media, Inc.


The Future of TV -- Phil Leigh -- May 2011


Related item:

Here are some of the items on Apple’s recent announcements:

Apple updates shops with iPad displays and ‘Personal Setup’ service — from

  • Apple has upgraded its shopping experience as it passes the 10th anniversary of its first retail store.Apple Store, iPad


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From DSC:
Speed, personalization, interactivity driving advancements in media today — I would submit that these trends are true for education as well.



Whether you’re talking about the future of television, news, or advertising, it’s all about speed, personalization, and interactivity. These three things are the driving considerations behind the advancement of all media today.

© 2025 | Daniel Christian