— originally found at Bob Sutor’s blog
Some of the other items Apple is working on for OS X (“Lion”) — with the idea of bringing these “back to the Mac”:
- Multi-touch gestures (Note: This is not on the display/monitor, which is not ergonomically beneficial.)
- App Store
- App Home screens
- Full screen apps
- Auto save
- Apps resume when launched
Musical instruments of the future – Reactable — from David Kusek, VP at Berklee College of Music
There is a lot of innovation happening with electronic music instrument and new interfaces. Reactable is one of the latest in music technology fusing DJ culture, touch screen topography and electro-pop showmanship. Coming to an iPad near you. Reactable says their company “is about the promotion of creativity and the mediation of culture through the application of the latest technologies in human computer interaction, music technology, graphics and computer vision.” Check it out.
How would you assess this? — from Education Stormfront
The good news is that we are entering a golden age of learning. A time where the Yeols of the world will be able to connect with people who will appreciate, encourage and foster their gifts. It will be an explosion of personal expression, where everyone can finally reach their full potential. The resulting massive outburst of creativity will reshape the planet like nothing since the Renaissance.
Free Music & Sound Effects — from JewelBeat.com
Use these free music tracks & free sound effects for any production – advertising, education, videos, photos, YouTube…etc.
These music tracks can be looped seamlessly & repeated to create a longer music track for your projects.
You only need to link to our website from yours:
“Music by JewelBeat. Download your free music and free sound effects at www.jewelbeat.com.”
Original posting from:
Background music and sound effects – Free is good — from the Screening Room
Report: Google Music to combine cloud storage with downloads — from CNN.com by By Duncan Geere, Wired
Music and learning: do they mix? — Clive Sheperd (UK)
From DSC:
Check out the comments as well…
For me, digital storytelling carries with it some potent power to educate, influence, and persuade. At minimum, music seems like it has a solid place in the digital storytelling world. However, I also realize that extraneous audio can be distracting, especially for those of us who need it quiet when we are trying to concentrate. Giving the user the choice of whether to listen/hear the audio — or see a transcript — are useful features that help provide a more customized learning experience.