Apple, Microsoft, and the 3-D desktop of your dreams — from by Kit Eaton
Microsoft’s Craig Mundie on the future of computing — from by Steve Clayton
Smart homes: Are we there yet? — from — also see
A look into the not so distant future with OS X iOS — from
Apple’s release of the Mountain Lion developer preview combined with the momentum of iOS indicates one clear path for Apple’s OS future. The path is combining the two for one consistent OS across all of Apple products. It’s unclear how long it will take for the merger to happen, but it definitely is coming down the line. OS X 10.8, Mountain Lion continues the Lion update path with many features from iOS moving over to the Mac. The iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch continue to be Apple’s top selling devices, and all of them are running iOS.
Apple’s iCloud is no Dropbox killer (it’s much more) — from by Sarah Perez
Apple is more deeply integrating its iCloud service into the operating system itself. No longer will storing your documents in the cloud feel like an extra, value-added feature – it will feel like part of the OS itself. The cloud is just another drive, Apple seems to say, and saving to the cloud should look and feel no different than saving to your Documents folder or your Desktop.
Apple OS X Mountain Lion: Top 15 New Features — from by Peter Pachal
Apple bringing Macs to the living room with AirPlay for Mountain Lion — from by Neil Hughes
Apple plans to break down the barriers between the Mac and HDTVs with its forthcoming OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion operating system update, which will bring the AirPlay Mirroring feature currently found on iOS to the Mac.
OS X Messages: This is the future of IM — from
With Mountain Lion, OS X prowls closer to iOS — from by Erick Schonfeld
A number of the new features in OS X come directly from iOS. These include deeper iCloud integration, Messages, Reminders, Notes, a Notification Center, a Game Center, AirPlay, and built-in sharing to Twitter, email, and more.
Transcript: Apple CEO Tim Cook at Goldman Sachs — from
Apple’s Tim Cook Details New Mac OS Features — from Wall Street Journal by Jessica Vascellaro
Get ready for a world of connected devices –– from by Richard MacManus
The next big thing in computing isn’t a new model smartphone or laptop. It’s the Internet empowering everything else around us. Our cars, TVs and many other devices. Which means we all need to think about engaging digital Internet experiences for the car, TV and every device imaginable – because that’s where audiences are heading.
From DSC:
What opportunities — and threats — might be present in this trend as they relate to:
- Learning and education?
- Learning spaces and smart classrooms?
- Attention spans and engagement?
- Memory?
- Other?
From DSC:
Below are some items concerning the continued convergence of the telephone, the television, and the computer — it involves the smart/connected TV as well as human-computer-interaction (HCI)-related items. But this time, I’m focusing on a recent announcement from Microsoft.
However, I have to disagree that, given this announcement, Microsoft will now rule the living room — or at least I surely hope not. Why do I say this? For several reasons.
1) How long has Microsoft Office been around? Years and years, right? If you think that Microsoft should control your living room, I ask you to show me how I can quickly and easily insert some audio-based feedback with one easy click of a record button within Microsoft Word. Go ahead and check…such a quick and easy method is not there….still…and it’s almost 2012. (BTW, here are some resources on this if you’re interested in seeing how this could be done, but you will quickly notice that this is not a streamlined process — and it should have been so years ago.)
- (for Word 2010)
- (Word 2007)
- or (Word 2003)
2) Performance/not doing what it’s supposed to do. My Dell PC running Windows 7 still can’t even shut itself down half the time. It just sits there with wheels-a-spinnin’ at some point…but not powering down. I’m not sure why this is the case, but I never have had trouble with this simple task on my Macs.
3) Regarding troubleshooting Microsoft’s solutions, an entire support industry has been built on supporting Microsoft’s software — go to a local bookstore and see how to get MS certified on some particular package/application/service — none of the books are thin.
4) Security has never been Microsoft’s strong point.
Bottom line:
I think you get my point. Microsoft has a loooooonnnnngggg way to go in my mind before I want their products and services controlling my living room.
With that said, I do congratulate Microsoft on being more innovative and forward thinking with the Xbox announcements mentioned below. I just hope that items such as usability, user experience, security, and streamlined interfaces are high on the list of their priorities/deliverables.
I do use PCs with Windows a significant amount of the time and they do a nice job with many items. But if I were to assign grades to Microsoft, usability, performance, and security are not items that I would give A’s to Microsoft on.
- Introducing Engaged TV: Xbox 360 Leads The Way To A New Video Product Experience — from Forrester Research by James McQuivey
- Microsoft’s Take on Interactive TV Could Finally Hit the Mark — from by Carol Kopp
A free app for the Xbox could change the face of television. - Microsoft’s non-disruptive disruption — from
- Take that, Siri: Xbox upgrade uses voice to master entertainment hub — from m&c by Andy Goldberg
- Delays Force Microsoft to Roll Out Major Xbox Update in Phases — from by Tricia Duryee
- Microsoft Brings Interactive TV Spots to Xbox — from by Mike Shields
- Microsoft aims at digital living room — from The Daily Telegraphy by Andy Goldberg
Upgrade: The Xbox 360 Slim game console.
- Microsoft’s Kinect: A robot’s low-cost, secret weapon — from
One iPad publishing platform to rule them all — from by Josh Koppel, Co-founder and Chief Creative Officer at ScrollMotion
App developer ScrollMotion has created tablet content for some of the world’s largest publishers. At the Mashable Media Summit last Friday, its co-founder and chief creative officer Josh Koppel showed off a single platform built to run the entire gamut of enterprise media publishing.
.Also see: