The principles of eLearning -- cognitive theory of multimedia design - by Allen Partridge


A list of Allen Partridge’s on-demand/online-based seminars (free, requires free ID at Adobe):

1: Making Effective Adobe Captivate eLearning Modules
… a foundation in multimedia design concepts for eLearning, and help you understand the reasons / rationale behind many of the eLearning strategies you see implemented today.

2: Balancing cognitive load in eLearning content with Adobe Captivate 5
…session focuses on the Multimedia eLearning Design Principle known as Personalization, which suggests that people learn more effectively when conversational styles and or learning agents are used to enhance the social aspects of the experience.

3: Applying Personalization to eLearning with Adobe Captivate 5
…session focuses on the Multimedia eLearning Design Principle known as Personalization, which suggests that people learn more effectively when conversational styles and or learning agents are used to enhance the social aspects of the experience.

4: Creating effective eLearning Multimedia with Adobe Captivate 5
…session will center on the Multimedia Principle (the importance of combining images & text) of eLearning Design.

5: Making Effective Adobe Captivate eLearning Modules Part 5: Contiguity
…the Contiguity Principle, which indicates that the spatial relationship (proximity) of symbols (like text) to analogous images (things that look like the subject of the learning) is significant, and plays a key role in how effectively we learn.

6: Making Effective Adobe Captivate eLearning Modules Part 6: Redundancy
…focuses on the Multimedia eLearning Design Principle known as Redundancy, which suggests that presenting symbols via both text and aural channels is less effective than presenting via only one.

7: Making Effective Adobe Captivate eLearning Modules Part 7 : Coherence
…focuses on the Multimedia eLearning Design Principle known as Coherence, which suggests that off topic ancillary material can distract from learning. This theory stands in opposition to arousal theory, providing research based evidence that when stimulating animation or any form of non-relevant information is provided, it can actually decrease the efficacy of the instruction.

8: Making Effective Adobe Captivate eLearning Modules Part 8: Segmenting
...the Multimedia eLearning Design Principle known as the Segmenting Principle, which suggests that authors of eLearning content should break content up into small pieces or chunks in order to help avoid cognitive overload for the learners.

9: Making Effective Adobe Captivate eLearning Modules Part 9: Pre-Training
The session focuses on the Multimedia eLearning Design Principle known as pre-training, which suggests that elearning content authors should first build up basic information about essential elements which are pre-requisites to understanding the larger concepts.

10: Making Effective Adobe Captivate eLearning Modules Part 10: Individual Differences
…the Individual Differences Principle, which suggests that design effects are stronger for low-knowledge learners than for high knowledge learners, and for high-spatial learners rather than for low-spatial learners.

More resources re: Adobe Captivate

Using Twitter? @AdobeElearning OR HASHTAG: #AdobeCaptivate
Using YouTube?
On Adobe TV:
Captivate Blog:


Also see:

Blackboard makes major investment to support online learning in China
Acquisition of CerBibo Enhances Company’s Ability to Invest in One of the World’s Fastest-Growing Markets


WASHINGTON—November 9, 2011—Blackboard has made a major investment to support online learning in China, by acquiring full ownership of CerBibo, a company that has brought its online learning solution to hundreds of institutions in China, the company announced today. The move enhances the company’s ability to make deeper investments to support greater use of online learning in one of the world’s fastest-growing markets.

Blackboard has seen strong momentum in China with CerBibo, a joint venture launched in 2003 in partnership with CERNET, a public-private organization that provides technology and information services to Chinese education institutions. The venture has brought Blackboard’s online teaching and learning solution to over 270 Chinese higher education and K-12 institutions including Peking University, Renmin University, Sun Yat-Sen University and the China-Europe International Business School (CEIBS).


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The Promise and Potential of Personalized Digital Learning -- from Tom Vander Ark on November 4, 2011

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A comprehensive look at the promise and potential of online learning
In our digital age, students have dramatically new learning needs and must be prepared for the idea economy of the future. In Getting Smart, well-known global education expert Tom Vander Ark examines the facets of educational innovation in the United States and abroad. Vander Ark makes a convincing case for a blend of online and onsite learning, shares inspiring stories of schools and programs that effectively offer “personal digital learning” opportunities, and discusses what we need to do to remake our schools into “smart schools.”

— Examines the innovation-driven world, discusses how to combine online and onsite learning, and reviews “smart tools” for learning
— Investigates the lives of learning professionals, outlines the new employment bargain, examines online universities and “smart schools”
— Makes the case for smart capital, advocates for policies that create better learning, studies smart cultures

Addendum on 11/29/11:

Going the Distance: Online Education in the United States, 2011

If not now, when? – from Educause ReviewMagazine  by Adrian Sannier
Adrian Sannier is Digital Strategist and Senior Vice President of Product at Pearson eCollege and is Professor of Computing Studies at Arizona State University, where he was also the University Technology Officer prior to joining Pearson eCollege.


Strong signs are indicating that higher education is finally on the verge of a long-awaited digital shift. Given that experts have been prophesying such a shift for more than forty years, with little if any real change, it’s reasonable to approach such a statement with healthy skepticism. Various factors—some cultural, some technological—have indeed retarded progress along this path to the future. Nevertheless, the unprecedented challenges facing the educational system, combined with higher education’s cultural success at solving daunting challenges through the widespread application of information technology, have created the conditions for rapid change. In the coming months, we will see major shifts in the role that technology plays in the creation, distribution, consumption, and improvement of learning experiences. And education will never be the same.

Beyond Textbooks, Beyond Bookstores, Beyond Learning Management Systems, Beyond School—the changes introduced by technology have already begun. The digital shift is upon us. If other industries and other fields are any guide, once the dominos begin to fall, progress will be swift and irreversible.

I, for one, can’t wait to be a part of it. If not now, when?


From DSC:
Readers of this blog will not be surprised at what I’m about to say…

Higher ed, if we are wise, will quickly wake up and heed the disruptive changes that have already occurred within other industries (i.e. those caused by a variety of technologies).  The following quote is especially relevant for those of us in higher education, because the conversation is no longer being controlled by those within the world of higher education. 

“For the first time, the tools to drive change and improve learning lie beyond the scope and the control of the academy, in the community which surrounds it. So, for the first time in our history, colleges and universities do not control either the conversation or the drive to innovate. As a consequence, also for the first time, if they stand still, they will be left behind, bobbing in the wake of rapid change.” — HEMG

The writing on the wall is coming into a bolder/stronger/clearer view:  Higher ed needs to respond to society’s needs and to its own customers…otherwise, it will become irrelevant. Much of this is due to what things often come down to — money.

The cost of education is one of the most potent forces acting as a catalyst to these changes — and the tidal waves of technological change will finish the job.

Staying Relevant


…and more forcefully illustrated:


From Daniel S. Christian


Clayton Christensen on disruptive innovators and how to hire a milkshake.
From the University Of Phoenix Lecture Series:

Originally saw at Online Learning Update

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Khan Academy expands to Art History, Sal Khan no longer its only faculty member — from by Audrey Watters


Also see:

Online students vs. traditional students — from; with thanks to Mr. Muhammad Saleem for this resource

Online Students vs. Traditional Students
Via: Online PhD Programs Blog


From DSC:
I’m not sure I would use the word versus here (or the abbreviation for it).   Students can be involved with taking both types of courses — face-to-face and online — at the same time.  So although some students might be taking most of their classes in a face-to-face manner, they might also be taking some of their coursework online (as the schools provide more online-based offerings and programs).

My advice to students new to online-based learning:

  • “Do an immediate assumptions and expectations reality check!  Don’t think that online learning is easier. It isn’t. It will require more discipline and time than your face-to-face courses. But you will learn a great deal and you will be preparing yourself for the workplace. Stay on top of things — don’t fall behind.”




Tip 60: It’s a stream, not a course… — from


Many traditional elearning instructional designers cut their teeth designing self-paced elearning programs. We create events.

However, the talk of the town these days is that learning is not an event.  People don’t plop in front of an elearning program or sit in a classroom and BAM! – they’ve got it all rock solid.  Instead, we’re talking about streams of activities that may happen over extended periods of time as individuals explore and master topic s or content areas. Instead of events, we hear about “learning experiences” and “activity streams”.

So how do traditional instructional designers stay relevant? And is that even possible? Let’s dip our paddles in the stream and explore together…


From DSC:
This brings to mind a graphic I periodically post…


What's the best way to deal with ever-changing streams of content? When information has shrinking half-lives?

Creating a game-based online class — from by Justin Marquis



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Living Actor™ Presenter is a new Web platform developed by Cantoche, an international company well known for its unique expertise in 3D avatar technological innovations.

Various benefits depending upon the solution that you go with:

  • Enhance your presentations with a Talking Avatar
  • Animate you avatar using simple online tools
  • Reduce your multimedia production expenses
  • Access the largest library of 3D Talking Avatars
  • Get an immediate preview of your animations
  • Embed your virtual presenter in any software: Adobe Captivate or Presenter, Articulate Presenter, Microsoft PowerPoint…
  • Create immersive simulations for your trainees
  • Get the best of 50+ 3D Talking Avatars for your scenes
  • Produce the scenes yourself with simple tools
  • Reduce your multimedia production expenses
  • Get an immediate preview of your animations
  • Embed your simulations and scenes in any software: Adobe Captivate or Presenter, Articulate Presenter, Microsoft PowerPoint…
  • Offer a unique user experience for your visitors
  • Increase the transformation rate of your audience
  • Produce the scenes yourself with simple tools
  • Reduce your multimedia production expenses
  • Get an immediate preview of your animations
© 2025 | Daniel Christian