EDUCAUSE 2010 Day 2: Hamel, Gates, lecture capture, and tough publishers — from by Joshua Kim

From DSC:
Especially of interest here to me was the item about TechSmith and Sonic Foundry…veerrry interesting. Also, administrators, deans, and department chairpersons NEED to hear Hamel’s presentation/thoughts. To me, it held some of the most lasting value from any presentation that was offered online yesterday.

Gary emphasized the need for us to keep reinventing ourselves — and I would add, given the pace of change, this is just as true of each of us as individuals as our collective organizations.  He noted the accelerating pace of change, that knowledge itself is changing…and that most organizations today were never built to handle this kind of change. He stressed the need to be more nimble.

The web:

  • Dematerializes
  • Disintegrates
  • Disintermedites
  • Democratizes

Too often organizational change is episodic, convulsive — reacting to a time of crisis. (From DSC: Read…when the organization has been broadsided.)

We are broadsided not because we couldn’t see things coming down the pike, but because those things were not pallatable to us….hmmm…sounds of online learning and web-based collaboration are ringing in my ears…

Try to imagine the unimaginable.

Augmented reality and mobile learning — from by Jeff Roth

Let me pose this scenario:

Every day, you walk down the same street. You walk past the buildings, see the crowds and yawn.  But on this day, you decide to use your smartphone and look down on the screen. At that moment, you see animation, tweets from people in the area, and you can respond. Interactivity meets reality. Social meets real time visibility.  Engagement, enlightenment and excitement in an instance.

You wonder to yourself, can this work in the e-learning world?  Specifically, m-learning? Can an app for the smartphone superimpose learning in a location or locations?  Would it be possible to create a 3D environment in a real environment with people interacting? If yes, what would it be called?

Augmented Reality and it is happening as we speak…

Gartner’s 2010 Hype Cycle Special Report Evaluates Maturity of 1,800 Technologies — from Gartner
Hype Cycle Research Provides a Cross-Industry Perspective on Potentially Transformative Technologies


Figure 1 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2010


Source: Gartner (August 2010)

Key themes emerging from this year’s Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies include:

  • User experience and interaction.
  • Augmented reality, context and the real-world Web.
  • Data-driven decisions.
  • Cloud-computing implications.
  • Value from the periphery.
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Reinventing management for a networked world — one of topics/presentations at Educause 2010

From DSC:
The following summary of this presentation is a powerful message that I’m looking forward to hearing (emphasis mine):

Over the past decade, the Internet has had a profound impact on just about every organization around the world. It has enabled dramatic efficiency gains in core processes and has radically changed service delivery in industries as diverse as education, financial services, publishing, and entertainment.

However, the greatest impact of the Internet is likely to come over the next decade as it starts to reshape the traditional management processes and structures that are used to run large-scale institutions. The management practices found in most organizations today trace their roots back to the Industrial Age or to medieval religious orders. While this model was well suited to a world requiring conformance and discipline, it is woefully inadequate and even toxic in today’s world of accelerating change.

To thrive in the years ahead, every organization must become as nimble as change itself—a challenge that will require a fundamental rewiring of our tradition-bound management principles and practices.

Unlike most organizations, the web is a cauldron of innovation; it is extraordinarily malleable and highly adaptable. In these respects, it already exhibits exactly those qualities that will be most critical to organizational success in the years to come.

That’s why the management model of every organization will need to be rebuilt on the fundamental values of the web: freedom, openness, transparency, collaboration, flexibility, and meritocracy. In this provocative and practical presentation, Gary Hamel will lay out a blueprint for “Management 2.0” and outline the steps you can take to help your organization to become as adaptable as the times demand.

While looking at the video for Sonos Controller for the iPad, I wondered…what if we could replace the selection below — i.e. the word music with the words “educational providers” — and then control which room received which signal/content?

Wow…talk about a home dedicated to learning!   🙂


‘My Generation’ iPad app syncs with TV — from by John D. Sutter

A new app for Apple’s tablet computer will listen to the ABC television series “My Generation” with you, and serve up content to augment the experience.

Using the iPad’s built-in microphone, the free “My Generation Sync” app literally syncs up with the TV show so it can give you information about what’s happening at that very moment on the television.

3-D printing spurs a manufacturing revolution — from the New York Times by Ashlee Vance

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt announces $100 million Innovation Fund to invest in education initiatives globally — from
HMH Innovation Fund will help develop and bring to market groundbreaking new products for delivering individualized learning solutions and classroom technologies; company also investing an additional $300 million in broader technology initiatives over the next three years

BOSTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Global education leader Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) today announced the formal creation of a $100 million fund to support innovative ideas for new products to promote and enhance student achievement, individualized learning and effective technology integration in the classroom. The HMH Innovation Fund will be aimed at supporting emerging education initiatives and programs, as well as accelerating new technology development with the goal of bringing to market and spurring adoption of innovative solutions that can play a critical role in transforming education.

Learning amongst the riches: Students in the cloud — from by Trent Batson

The cloud is where new learning conversations and related innovations are happening. Learning itself is becoming virtualized. Universities have a new role, but are as essential as ever: They are guiding learners in the process of learning amongst the riches.

Video Gallery: 4 Futuristic Technologies From Japan’s NTT

Demo 1: Telemedicine
Demo 2: Digital Signage
Demo 3: Home ICT
Demo 4: Remote Collaboration Apparatus “t-Room”




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