Social Media and the Workplace Explained by Common Craft

10 questions every Internet Exec needs to ask and answer
— from Morgan Stanley by Mary Meeker; original resource from George Siemens

Question Focus Areas

  1. Globality
  2. Mobile
  3. Social Ecosystems
  4. Advertising
  5. Commerce
  6. Media
  7. Company Leadership Evolution
  8. Steve Jobs
  9. Ferocious Pace of Change in Tech
  10. Closing Thoughts

RockMelt -- a new browser for the Net

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. -- Learning Agents

An island no more: A game-changing application suite for LMS — from by Trent Batson

…a “Google Analytics” for the LMS.

…perhaps the most revolutionary aspect of plugjam, allowing both students and teachers to intelligently search open educational resources (OERs) maintained by Merlot and 10 colleges and universities through the new OER Global Consortium inspired and supported by MERLOT, including Johns Hopkins, MIT, Notre Dame, The Open University, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Stanford University, Delft University, University of Massachusetts Boston, The University of Tokyo, and Yale University. Other institutions offer additional OERs, such as Carnegie Mellon, Rice, and others.

…essentially allowing faculty and students to create a portal with a live instantiation of the LMS interface on the same page as social software and other functionalities, literally putting your LMS into the social Web.

Why is all this important? The campus book library of 10 years ago has changed radically: It is now augmented (and perhaps surpassed) by the library on the Web, more easily searched, portable to any Web site, and potentially a broader-based, more up-to-date set of resources than was ever available before to the campus community. With many more Web academic resources becoming available everyday and the LMS, with plugjam, capable of becoming its own “lending library,” each course can be content-rich beyond imagination.

Top 100 Tools for Learning 2010: Final list, presentation and more — from Jane Knight

Yesterday I finalised the Top 100 Tools for Learning 2010 list.  Many thanks to the 545 people who shared their Top 10 Tools for Learning and contributed to the building of the list.   Although this list is available online, I also created this presentation which provides the information as a slideset – embedded below.

My Photo

Jane Hart, a Social Business Consultant, and founder
of the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies.

Learn IT in 5

From DSC:
What if we had a “textbook” like this? One that targeted your social/learning network on a particular topic? Personalized…customized…and constantly up-to-date. Interesting…

(Quality may or may not be a concern…depending upon one’s social/learning network.) -- what if we had textbooks like this?

The Future of Online Socializing— from the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project and Elon University’s Imagining the Internet Center

The social benefits of internet use will far outweigh the negatives over the next decade, according to experts. They say this is because email, social networks, and other online tools offer “low friction” opportunities to create, enhance, and rediscover social ties that make a difference in people’s lives. The internet lowers traditional communications constraints of cost, geography, and time; and it supports the type of open information sharing that brings people together.

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At the core of the Apple Store

Also see:

At the Core of the Apple Store: Images of Next Generation Learning [PDF file]
What can we learn from the Apple Store as a learning environment?

In Education Journal

Some examples:

Systemic Changes in Higher Education
Author(s): George Siemens | Kathleen Matheos

A power shift is occurring in higher education, driven by two trends: (a) the increased freedom of learners to access, create, and re-create content; and (b) the opportunity for learners to interact with each other outside of a mediating agent. Information access and dialogue, previously under control of the educator, can now be readily fulfilled by learners. When the essential mandate of universities is buffeted by global, social/political, technological, and educational change pressures, questions about the future of universities become prominent. The integrated university faces numerous challenges, including a decoupling of research and teaching functions. Do we still need physical classrooms? Are courses effective when information is fluid across disciplines and subject to continual changes? What value does a university provide society when educational resources and processes are open and transparent?

The Net Generation’s Informal and Educational Use of New Technologies
Author: Swapna Kumar

Harnessing New Technologies to Teach Academic Writing to the Net Generation
Author(s): Sean Wiebe | Sandy McAuley

While the ubiquity of Web 2.0 technologies disrupts conventional notions of schooling and literacy, its impact on learning is idiosyncratic at best. Taking the form of a dialogue based on the fifteen-week collaboration of two colleagues implementing an innovative first-year university writing course, this paper documents some of the successes and challenges they faced as they sought to create a space for those technologies in their classrooms.

Social Media Revolution 2 (Refresh) — from Erik Qualman [via G. Siemens]

Socialnomics -- by Erik Qualman

Per George:

Erik Qualman’s socialmedia revolution video has been updated. He starts by asking: “Is social media a fad? Or the biggest shift since the industrial revolution?”. While the stats provided are interesting, his questions mistake the effect for the cause. It’s like asking, 150 years ago, “is the railway a fad? Or the biggest shift since the agricultural revolution?”. Of course, the railway was part of the industrial revolution. But it was needed largely because of other trends (economic, societal, technological innovation, etc.). In the same sense, social media is an expression, a carrier, of fundamental changes around information and interaction. It is not, however, the change itself. Three years ago, I communicated a similar concept in It’s not about the tools. It’s about the change*.

*In that posting George states:

It’s the change underlying these tools that I’m trying to emphasize. Forget blogs…think open dialogue. Forget wikis…think collaboration. Forget podcasts…think democracy of voice. Forget RSS/aggregation…think personal networks. Forget any of the tools…and think instead of the fundamental restructuring of how knowledge is created, disseminated, shared, and validated (emphasis DSC).

But to create real change, we need to move our conversation beyond simply the tools and our jargon. Parents understand the importance of preparing their children for tomorrow’s world. They might not understand RSS, mashups, and blogs. Society understands the importance of a skilled workforce, of critical and creative thinkers. They may not understand wikis, podcasts, or user-created video or collaboratively written software. Unfortunately, where our aim should be about change, our sights are set on tools. And we wonder why we’re not hitting the mark we desire. Perhaps our vision for change is still unsettled. What would success look like if we achieved it? What would classrooms look like? How would learning occur? We require a vision for change. It’s reflected occasionally in classroom 2.0 or enterprise 2.0 projects. But the tool, not change centric, theme still arises. We may think we are talking about change, but our audience hears hype and complex jargon.

What is your vision for change?

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College Students Addicted To Social Media — from CTI Career Search

From DSC:
If this is true, does it change our pedagogy? How can we harness this hunger for social networking? Or should we take other steps to fight/try to prevent the addictions?

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