What we learned in 2011 – you’re going mobile — from Blackboard blogs » Next Level Learning by Kevin Alansky


What stood out after looking at this year’s trends could be summarized in a single word: mobile.

Mobile technologies are not only increasingly important in our daily lives, but are also playing a more substantial role in workplace training and education.  Here are just a few examples of mobile developments in various professional working and learning environments this year…

The 2011 State of the Industry: Increased Commitment to Workplace Learning — from ASTD.org by Michael Green and Erin McGill


Despite current economic challenges, senior executives continue to invest in developing their employees and understand that a highly skilled workforce is a strategic differentiator. Data from more than 400 organizations across all major industries demonstrate that learning and development is critical to drive growth and sustain a competitive advantage.

The findings of ASTD’s 2011 State of the Industry Report show that organizations are just as committed as ever to learning and development (L&D). ASTD estimates that U.S. organizations spent about $171.5 billion on employee L&D in 2010. This amount includes direct learning expenditures such as the learning function’s staff salaries, administrative learning costs, and nonsalary delivery costs. Sixty percent ($103 billion) of total expenditures were spent on internal expenses and the remaining 40 percent ($68.5 billion) contributed to external expenses.

Do you really need separate social learning tools or platforms in the workplace? Part 1 — from c4lpt.co.uk  by Jane Hart


As business is becoming more social and we are using new social tools to work collaboratively with one another as we work, do we really need another set of social tools specifically for learning?

Announcing the 2011 Social Media for Learning Report — from eLearningGuild.com
76% of organizations plan to use more social media for learning. What’s your strategy?



Learning 2011 Breakout Session Formats:

  • Thought Leader
  • Learning Story
  • “Learning @” Session
  • Targeted Session
  • Panel
  • Discussion
  • Workshops
  • FLIP Sessions
  • Supplier Showcase
  • Ten Ways Session
  • Author Sessions
  • Learning Café
  • Step-by-Step How-To Session

Spotlight Award: iPad as “Game Changer”

The Learning CONSORTIUM is proud to announce that the iPad will receive a special “Game Changer” Learning Spotlight Award at Elliott Masie’s Learning 2011, November 6-9, in Orlando, FL.


Social media and its impact on how we learn in the workplace — from C4PLT by Jane Hart


From DSC:
One reflection that jumped out at me from Jane’s excellent presentation…and that I believe is a universal truth:

If an organization doesn’t respond to changing conditions, needs, desires, preferences, best interests, and/or the requirements of its customers, that organization will diminish in usefulness and will most likely (albeit eventually) go out of business.

I know I’m not introducing a new thought here and the above statement seems very self-evident, but do we heed this advice in corporate L&D? Corporate IT? IT within higher education? In higher education as an industry?


Finding the right learning mix — from Chief Learning Officer by Lance Dublin
Learning organizations are experiencing a kind of renaissance, with new technology prompting new thinking about how to enhance, extend and enable learning.

Intel predicts Smart TV is the device of the future — from nyxiotechnologies.com’s blog
Chipmaker Intel believes that the Smart TV is the electronic device of the future, in the living room anyway.


The Smart TV is already upon us, in its various forms from various manufacturers. It has arrived with 3D capabilities, web browsing and social networking and applications. Currently Samsung and LG seem to be two of the big players pushing the Smart TV to consumers.

Also see:


Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie – July 13, 2011.
#670 – Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.
http://www.masie.com – The MASIE Center


Corporate Learning & Higher Ed: Learning from Each Other! Every year, I am struck by how similar some of the issues are that colleges and universities face with learning approaches to our own challenges in the corporate world. Yet, our 2 worlds rarely discuss or collaborate.  Well, I am very pleased and honored to announce that EDUCAUSE’s President, Diana Oblinger, will be a keynoter at Learning 2011, to be held in Orlando in November.  EDUCAUSE is the association, with 2,300 colleges and universities as members, whose mission is to advance higher education through the use of technology. Diana will present research and perspectives on how learners are evolving, learning systems need to change and ways in which workplace learning and higher education learning can learn from and with each other. I am excited about helping to build this connection. Diana will be meeting with the CLO’s and other learning leaders at Learning 2011 to discuss how collaborating between our two worlds.

Info at http://www.learning2011.com


From DSC:
Thanks Elliott! Thanks Diana! Great idea!


The business impact of Social Media [infographic]— from ReadWriteWeb.com by Klint Finley


Socialcast (which was recently acquired by ReadWriteWeb sponsor VMware) ran an interesting infographic [this] week visualizing, among other things, a social media study conducted by the Center for Marketing at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth on the use of social media in Fortune 500 companies (we covered part of this study back in 2008).

The majority of companies studied found social media – such as blogging, social networking and online video – to be successful. Even as far back 2007 (why does that seem like so long ago?), a majority of the companies surveyed found social media to be at least somewhat important.

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