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Citing IT skills shortage, IBM wants to expand presence at universities — from

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

“We want to be the scale up partner of choice for these universities,” said Jim Sporher, head of IBM’s university programs. “We want to make sure they have access to technology and understand our strategy.”  He also sees massive open online courses (MOOCs) as a mega-trend and will be considering ways for IBM to be part of the MOOC trend in the future, particularly as many of the MOOC providers such as Udacity and Coursera offer classes in computer science.

As a big blue-chip progenitor of the tech industry, IBM is worth listening to in many regards. For one, corporate computing trends often filter down into the education space. The corporate world often has the money to purchase and deploy game-changing technologies. IBM sees that it also works the other way too, where computing at the university level creates new businesses and ideas that move up into the corporate realm.


From DSC:
I wonder…will the corporations develop their own MOOCs?  Their own digital “playlists” and associated exams? (i.e. that someone needs to go through and pass in order to work for them…show me what you can do.)  Hmmm…

Also see:


McKinsey and Company -- Education to Employment -- An executive summary



Also see:


From DSC:

I’ve been trying to figure out the best ways to incorporate a BYOD/BYOT into the Smart Classroom.  That is, how can students’ devices seamlessly communicate with the main displays around the classroom? How can they quickly display a blog posting or a Google doc for example…or play a song they wrote, etc.  So I was excited to wake up this morning with the following concept/idea:


The Internet of Things Ceiling -- A concept for our future Smart Classrooms by Daniel Christian in December 2012


The Internet of Things Ceiling -- concept by Daniel Christian -  December 2012



Other features/thoughts:

  • Line of sight communications — students must be in the room to display something up on the main displays
  • Information travels many ways:  From large multitouch displays/walls to students’ devices and vice versa; so a professor could hit “Save” in order to send his/her annotations to all of the students’ devices (allowing them to be more cognitively present — vs madly writing down what the professor is writing)
  • The Smart Classroom’s infrastructure becomes like a multi-thredded processor — instantaneously and simultaneously handling a far greater amount of data — going in multiple directions
  • What’s an interesting idea here is for discipline-specific, cloud-based storage mechanisms for students who want to contribute their pieces of content to their schools repositories of content
  • This topic reminds me of a graphic I created a while back, re: The “Chalkboard” of the Future:




So…what if the 4 screen’s on Julong’s Ultra-IPBOARD were coming from 4 different sources? Perhaps:

  1. One from a publisher’s cloud-based content repository
  2. Another from a stream of content originating from a student’s iPad
  3. Another from a stream of content originating from the Smart Classroom’s PC or Mac
  4. …and the last source originating from a student’s smartphone?


Demo for Ultra-IPBOARD


Also see:


The training world is changing — from Harold Jarche


Open online courses, talent management, social collaboration: The training world is changing. Traditional training structures, based on institutions, programs, courses and classes, are under pressure. One of the biggest changes we are seeing in online training is that the content-delivery model is being replaced by social and collaborative frameworks.

Here are just some of things happening now that trainers should be prepared to tackle in the new year:

ADDIE must die! — from by David Grebow


What’s Missing?
As I read over this list, I kept missing some simple questions. Here are just a few:

  • What is the real problem and will it still be a problem by the time we [are] finished with the training program?
  • Does this help produce a learning experience that is social?
  • Will the program enable a community of learners who can be in contact after the program?
  • What is the best solution? Are we taking ALL the ways people can learn into account?
  • Does the solution really call for a training program? Would other approaches work as well if not better?
  • Will a passing test score mean people really learned how-to do something?
  • Does the solution relate directly to my business goals?
  • How can I measure the results?  Improved performance? Faster time-to-performance? More sales? More successful innovation?

Using ADDIE the answer was more often than not a resounding “NO”.

There’s another model for learning that asks more appropriate questions, and works for Enterprise 2.0 programs.

I’ll cover it in Part Two: The Better Learning Model


From DSC:
David brings up some excellent points in his 10/17/12 posting above. 

What gets me here is why, after having just graduated w/ my Masters in Instructional Design for Online Learning in June 2011, was ADDIE the most predominantly taught Instructional Design (ID) model throughout the entire program?  What the (*@%^^?   How long does it take to get new thinking/new models into our education-related programs? (Sebastian Thrun asked a similar question in his recent keynote address at the 18th Annual Sloan Consortium Conference on Online Learning:  “Why haven’t Colleges of Education contacted him about what’s working with Udacity!?!”  Why did 170 of his face-to-face students opt to take his more game-like online-based course?)

Phrases popping into my mind:

  • Streams of content
  • Communities of practice
  • Communities of inquiry
  • Real-time, training on demand
  • Informal learning
  • Staying relevant
  • Reinventing ourselves
  • Engagement





Learning in a Social Organization (LISO): a clickable guide — from  by Jane Hart

From DSC:
A great picture of a dynamic, active, practical, constantly-changing, learning ecosystem:


Learning in a SocialOrganization (LISO) -- from Jane Hart - September 2012

Survey shows people take training as infrequently as they go to a conference; but they learn continuously in other ways — from Learning in the Social Workplace by Jane Hart


Although there are probably few surprises in the responses to the four main questions themselves, it is when you view the amalgamated results that you can see the bigger picture.

Addendum on 5/17/12 from Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie – May 9, 2012 | #722 – Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.

Results of Learning Directions Pulse Survey

* 33% of organizations reported they are SHRINKING the use of face-to-face classrooms.
* Greatest planned growth in learning activity mode is in the use of Webinars.
* Strongest interest in change and updates was in Leadership Development.
* While 40% show a strong interest in Social Learning – only 20.1% plan a growing utilization with a strong piloting base.
* Mobile and Tablet Device use for Learning is being piloted by 30.1%

Only 14% think that company training is an essential way for them to learn in the workplace — from Learning in the Social Workplace by Jane Hart


That was one of the findings of my recent anonymous survey on how people learn best in the workplace, and even I was surprised by the results.  But I think the biggest take-away from my survey is that we can no longer assume we know how people like to learn in the workplace nor how we think people should learn. So in this blog post, I want to share the data from my survey, some of my thoughts about the results, and the importance of undertaking your own survey.

Checklist: transforming corporate learning — from Internet Time Blog by Jay Cross


If you don’t get this, it will get you.

Experience has taught us that making over a training department into a business learning function requires these activities:

iPads for all: One sales team’s story — from by Chris Murphy
Level 3 just gave iPads to its entire North American sales team, and IT packed them with apps customized to their jobs.


— I originally saw this at
Brent Schlenker’s blog –>

No more business as usual — from by Jay Cross

Excerpts (emphasis DSC):

Business is changing, and the learning function must change along with it.

Learning is no longer optional
Continuous improvement and delighting customers require a culture of pervasive learning. We’re not talking classes and workshops here. Creating a new order of business requires learning ecologies — what we’ve been calling Workscapes — that make it simple and enjoyable for people to learn what they need to get the job done. Companies that fail to learn will wither and die.

As all business becomes social business, L&D professionals face a momentous choice. They can remain Chief Training Officers and instructors who get novices up to speed, deliver events required by compliance, and run in-house schools. These folks will be increasingly out of step with the times.

Or they can become business leaders who shape learning cultures, social networks, collaborative practices, information flows, federated content management, just-in-time performance support, customer feedback mechanisms, and structures for continuous improvement.

© 2025 | Daniel Christian