Public universities seek more autonomy as financing from states shrinks — from the NYT by Tamar Lewin
With states providing a dwindling share of money for higher education, many states and public universities are rethinking their ties.
The public universities say that with less money from state coffers, they cannot afford the complicated web of state regulations governing areas like procurement and building, and that they need more flexibility to compete with private institutions.
-My thanks to Mr. Michael Haan, Calvin College, for this resource
Also see:
- Is Ed Tech Accessible Enough? — from by Bridget McCrea
Technology opens doors for college students and teachers, but it’s not always adequate for non-traditional learners, despite meeting existing accessibility standards.
Helen Lee knows what it’s like to get excited about a new piece of classroom technology. But as assistant professor for Western Michigan University’s Department of Blindness & Low Vision Studies in Kalamazoo, Lee also is familiar with the bitter disappointment that comes when her students can’t use some or all of the technology.
Bucking trend, college will cut price — from New York Times by Tamar Lewin
From DSC:
Smart move. I wish more institutions of higher education would go this way — it would certainly help in the PR department. Let’s not be proud of 2-5% increases; instead, let’s be proud of 2-5% decreases.
Google’s Gadfly — from
“Uncomfortably familial.” That is how Siva Vaidhyanathan, a professor of media studies at the University of Virginia, describes the relationship between higher education and Google — a company that has, in a little more than a decade, evolved from pet project of Stanford doctoral students to chief usher of the information age.
But as is often the case with cousins, the genetic differences between higher education and Google are more striking than their similarities. Beneath the interdependence and shared hereditary traits, tensions creep. And like an awkward Thanksgiving dinner, Vaidhyanathan’s new book, The Googlization of Everything (And Why We Should Worry) (University of California Press), provokes these tensions to the surface.
The Virginia professor, who is not afraid to confess his affection for the ease and usefulness of Google, nevertheless distrusts the company’s basic motivations as it vies for our intellectual inheritance. “Google has fostered a more seamless, democratized, global, cosmopolitan information ecosystem,” he writes. “Yet it has simultaneously contributed to the steady commercialization of higher education and the erosion of standards of information quality.”
Online Education in the Ivy League — from US News by Brian Burnsed
Dartmouth’s new healthcare delivery program is the first of its kind, but it may not be the last.
Will higher education split? — from Stephen Downes
Sir John Daniel and Stamenka Uvali-Trumbi asks provocative question: “Will higher education split over the next decade or two into a public sector focussed on research and a for-profit sector doing most of the teaching?” The evidence? The communique from UNESCO predicting “massification” of higher education, Wildavsky’s book on global universities, and Salmi’s commentary on world class universities, Tony Bates’s article on the future of higher education, and Archibald and Feldman’s book on the costs of higher education. He could have added many other sources (and especially digital sources), such as this week’s call for a $10,000 degree from Texas governor Rick Perry, or Paul Kiser wondering whether state-run higher education is doomed.
Also see:
- Dr. Tony Bates’
2011 Outlook for Online Learning and Distance Education (PDF)