Book review: Moodle 2.0 First Look by Mary Cooch

Book review: Moodle 2.0 First Look by Mary Cooch — from Synergy Learning by Joel Kerr

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Kineo and partners shake up LMS market — from

Kineo has formed a joint venture company with two leading e-learning and open source companies to develop and distribute a version of the Moodle Learning Management System for the corporate sector. The product, called Totara, is set to revolutionise the corporate LMS space as the first open source learning management solution designed specifically for the corporate sector.

An island no more: A game-changing application suite for LMS — from by Trent Batson

…a “Google Analytics” for the LMS.

…perhaps the most revolutionary aspect of plugjam, allowing both students and teachers to intelligently search open educational resources (OERs) maintained by Merlot and 10 colleges and universities through the new OER Global Consortium inspired and supported by MERLOT, including Johns Hopkins, MIT, Notre Dame, The Open University, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Stanford University, Delft University, University of Massachusetts Boston, The University of Tokyo, and Yale University. Other institutions offer additional OERs, such as Carnegie Mellon, Rice, and others.

…essentially allowing faculty and students to create a portal with a live instantiation of the LMS interface on the same page as social software and other functionalities, literally putting your LMS into the social Web.

Why is all this important? The campus book library of 10 years ago has changed radically: It is now augmented (and perhaps surpassed) by the library on the Web, more easily searched, portable to any Web site, and potentially a broader-based, more up-to-date set of resources than was ever available before to the campus community. With many more Web academic resources becoming available everyday and the LMS, with plugjam, capable of becoming its own “lending library,” each course can be content-rich beyond imagination.

Top 100 Tools for Learning 2010: Final list, presentation and more — from Jane Knight

Yesterday I finalised the Top 100 Tools for Learning 2010 list.  Many thanks to the 545 people who shared their Top 10 Tools for Learning and contributed to the building of the list.   Although this list is available online, I also created this presentation which provides the information as a slideset – embedded below.

My Photo

Jane Hart, a Social Business Consultant, and founder
of the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies.

Interview with Martin Dougiamas

Interview with Martin Dougiamas — from e-Literate

Here it is! All about the past, present, and future of Moodle:
Click here to view the embedded video.

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The thinking LMS — from by — Steve Kolowich

If Facebook can use analytics to revolutionize advertising in the Web era, McQuaig suggested, colleges can use the same principles to revolutionize online learning.

The trick, she said, is individualization. Facebook lets users customize their experiences with the site by creating profiles and curating the flow of information coming through their “news feeds.” In the same motion, the users volunteer loads of information about themselves.

Unlike analog forms of student profiling — such as surveys, which are only as effective as the students’ ability to diagnose their own learning needs — Phoenix’s Learning Genome Project will be designed to infer details about students from how they behave in the online classroom, McQuaig said. If students grasp content more quickly when they learn it from a video than when they have to read a text, the system will feed them more videos. If a student is bad at interpreting graphs, the system will recognize that and present information accordingly — or connect the student with another Phoenix student who is better at graph-reading. The idea is to take the model of personal attention now only possible in the smallest classrooms and with the most responsive professors, make it even more perceptive and precise, and scale it to the largest student body in higher education.

“[Each student] comes to us with a set of learning modality preferences,” McQuaig said. The online learning platform Phoenix wants to build, she said, “reject[s] the one-size-fits-all model of presenting content online.” In the age of online education and the personal Web, the standardized curriculum is marked for extinction, McQuaig said; data analytics are going to kill it.

Using VoiceThread in Moodle — Documentation — from Free Technology for Teachers by Richard Byrne

For users of Moodle, VoiceThread recently announced some useful new information. VoiceThread has  published documentation for integrating VoiceThread modules into Moodle 1.9. In this documentation you will find all you need to know to embed VoiceThreads into Moodle, creating VoiceThread assignments with Moodle, and authenticating with single sign-on. …

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How to sell a migration to Moodle

How to sell a migration to Moodle — by Michael Feldstein

The folks at Wesleyan University have a blog up that is a stellar example of how to evangelize for an LMS platform to faculty when you’re facing the front end of a migration.1 For starters, their FAQ is rich with information, including analysis by peer schools.

Here’s a sample:

Why are so many schools switching to Moodle?

While we cannot speak for all the other schools, we imagine their motivation is similar to ours—Moodle is more cost-effective than Blackboard and we have more control over it.  A plethora of independent research on student and faculty satisfaction with course management systems show that users like Moodle as well as or better than Blackboard.

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Moodle by Colby: A Moodle video from the student's perspective.

Also see this posting from Joseph:

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Press release: Moodlerooms releases joule 1.3

Press release: Moodlerooms releases joule 1.3 — via

Baltimore, MD — Moodlerooms, Inc., the provider of joule®, a cloud-hosted, managed open-source e Learning platform, is pleased to announce joule 1.3, the latest release of the enterprise learning management platform that delivers updated features and integration capabilities to further expand the choices educators have to configure their learning programs.

Some of the changes in joule 1.3 include…

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A top ten list for successful online courses – from JOLT by Richard J. Wagner, Jeff P. Vanevenhoven, and James W. Bronson (University of Wisconsin-Whitewater)

Many of us have been teaching online courses for several years. In that time we have learned what works and what doesn’t from a mix of hands-on-experience, fellow online faculty, platform specific training, and exposure to pedagogical research. While training and research have their value, we learned the most about preparing an effective online course from personal experience and working with our peers. When asked to prepare a presentation for new online faculty we sat down and pooled our knowledge with respect to course design and course management. The result of this collaborative session was a list of pragmatic practices required for a successful online course. While the list could be longer, and certainly doesn’t include all our favorite practices, we believe we have included those practices that are the key to success.

Keywords: course design, course management, online, module, training

[Original posting via Ray Schroeder]

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Drilling down with the Navigation Block in Moodle 2.0 — from by Moodle News by Joseph Thibault

Further resource from Joe about Moodle:

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