Apple announces iPad 3, upgrades to Apple TV, new software – March 7, 2012
Also see:
- Apple Unveils Hi-Res, Quad-Core, 4G iPad — from Wired News by Christina Bonnington
Apple announces iPad 3, upgrades to Apple TV, new software – March 7, 2012
Also see:
Lytro’s light field camera technology could supercharge future iPhones — from by Chris Foresman
11 essential reads for photographers for the new year — from by Darren Rowse
The most popular post production software [poll results] — from by Darren Rowse
Higher Ed’s Ultimate Guide To Cloud Computing — from
Topics include:
Also see:
Addendum on 11/2/11:
Diving Into the Cloud — from by Rama Ramaswami, Dian Schaffhauser
In a two-part series, CT provides IT administrators with an easy-to-understand primer to help them educate campus constituents about the cloud and what it can do for their institutions.
San Francisco Fog — from by Terence Cheng
Yurikamome Series — from
Une très belle série de la photographe AppuruPai avec “Yurikamome” : le métro aérien de Tokyo. Des clichés avec expositions longues à bord de ce train, afin de rendre compte l’impression et la sensation de vitesse. Plus d’images de son travail dans la suite de l’article.
12 best selling photography books — from by Darren Rowse