Lytro’s light field camera technology could supercharge future iPhones — from by Chris Foresman  

Lytro's light field camera technology could supercharge future iPhones

National Geographic 2011 Photo Contest

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11 essential reads for photographers for the new year — from by Darren Rowse

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The most popular post production software [poll results] — from by Darren Rowse


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Higher Ed’s Ultimate Guide To Cloud Computing — from

Topics include:

  • What is cloud computing?
  • Why use it?
  • The challenges of using cloud computing
  • What it means to higher ed
  • Educause’s 7 things you should know about cloud computing
  • Legal considerations
  • …and more


Also see:

Addendum on 11/2/11:

  • Diving Into the Cloud — from by Rama Ramaswami, Dian Schaffhauser
    In a two-part series, CT provides IT administrators with an easy-to-understand primer to help them educate campus constituents about the cloud and what it can do for their institutions.




San Francisco Fog — from by Terence Cheng

Terence Chang -- beautiful photography of the fog of San Francisco

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The Lytro camera  -- a revolutionary step in photography


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Yurikamome Series []

Yurikamome Series — from

Une très belle série de la photographe AppuruPai avec “Yurikamome” : le métro aérien de Tokyo. Des clichés avec expositions longues à bord de ce train, afin de rendre compte l’impression et la sensation de vitesse. Plus d’images de son travail dans la suite de l’article.





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Steve Jobs has resigned as Apple CEO "effective immediately"


From DSC:
I want to post a thank you note to Mr. Steven P. Jobs, whom you most likely have heard has resigned as Apple’s CEO. Some articles are listed below, but I want to say thank you to Steve and to the employees of Apple who worked at Apple while he was CEO:

  • Thank you for working hard to enhance the world and to make positive impacts to our world!
  • Thank you for painstakingly pursuing perfection, usability, and excellence!
  • Thank you for getting back up on the horse again when you came out of a meeting with Steve, Tim and others and you just got reamed for an idea or implementation that wasn’t quite there yet.
  • Thanks go out to all of the families who were missing a dad or mom for long periods of time as they were still at work cranking out the next version of ____ or ____.
  • Thanks for modeling what a vocation looks like — i.e. pursuing your God-given gifts/calling/passions; and from my economics training for modeling that everyone wins when you do what you do best!

Thanks again all!



12 best selling photography books — from by Darren Rowse

Here are the 12 best sellers when it comes to what photography books our readers are buying at the moment on Amazon…
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Blurb mobile -- stories are everywhere

Also see:

My thanks to Mr. Tim Pixley, for posting this resource out on LinkedIn.

© 2025 | Daniel Christian