Taking a second look at the untapped employment potential of the web — from learnoutlive.com by Andre Klein

Also see:



Steelcase sets out to discover where HD video links will take the next-generation office — from Crain’s Detroit Business by Matthew Gryczan



Ideo Chairman David Kelley (on screen) in Palo Alto, Calif.,
and Steelcase CEO Jim Hackett are constantly connected
from Hackett’s office in Grand Rapids.

Human Capital Trends 2011 — Revolution/Evolution — from deloitte.com


Workforce analytics: Up the ante …………………………………………….. 1
HR in the cloud: It’s inevitable …………………………………………………. 4
From ladder to lattice: The shift is on ………………………………………. 7
Emerging markets: The front line for growth and talent …………….. 10
Diversity and inclusion: Driving business performance ………………… 12
Next-generation leaders: New models for filling the pipeline ………. 15


Talent in the upturn: Recovery brings its own challenges ……………. 18
COOs for HR: Operations takes a seat at the table …………………….. 21
Leading in a regulated world: All risk, all the time……………………… 23
Collective leadership: Getting organizations to work as one ……….. 27
Contingent workforce: A critical talent segment ……………………….. 30
Employer health care reform: Moving beyond compliance …………. 32

Find an internship -- internmatch.com

Are you ready for the second wave of social media? — from smartblogs.com by Jesse Stanchak

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

When people ask what the next big thing in social media will be, they’re usually looking for an ascendant platform that will supplant Facebook the way Facebook supplanted MySpace or they’re expecting a feature set, such as geo-location or group messaging. But what if it’s not a network or a tool? What if it’s an application?

“Internal social media is the second wave … the future of work is in communities,” said Cisco’s Andrew Warden at this week’s Corporate Social Media Summit.

Warden gave the crowd four reasons to start looking at internal social tools…


From DSC:
My thanks to Tracy Gravesande for posting this item over at the “The Social Learning Community Network” (a Yammer-based community of practice)

Also of potential interest here is:


Addendum on 7/5/11:

LinkedIn leaps (further) into the content game with SlideShare– from FastCompany.com by E.B. Boyd


Everyone knows LinkedIn as a networking tool. But slowly, it’s becoming a media publisher too–or at least a place to find great work-related content.

Back in March, Reid Hoffman’s crew launched LinkedIn Today, a way for businesspeople to share and discover great articles. Today, it announces a tighter integration with SlideShare, so folks can share and discover presentations, videos, and documents from that site.

Instructional Design for Simulations — from the University of Central Florida

Training and educational programs are now incorporating stand-alone and PC-based simulations and instructional (video) games to enhance human performance. The result has been a growing demand for simulation, game-based training, and instructional systems in corporate, government, and education sectors. The Graduate Certificate in Instructional Design for Simulations takes an interdisciplinary approach to prepare educators, instructional designers, human resource personnel, and training specialists in corporate, industry, and educational settings. Students will acquire the skills to successfully work with engineers, graphic artists, computer programmers, and game developers to design training and instructional systems, focusing on the pedagogical aspects of stand-alone and PC-based desktop training and educational simulations and games. To learn more, visit the Instructional Technology website at: http://education.ucf.edu/insttech.

Required Courses: 15 Total Credit Hours
Courses are available both in Web-based and mixed mode (reduced seat time) formats. This program may be completed entirely online.

EME 6613 Instructional System Design
EME 6601 Instructional Simulation Design for Training and Education
EME 6614 Instructional Game Design for Training and Education
IDS5717C Introduction to Modeling and Simulation
DIG 6432 Transmedia Story Creation

For information contact:
Atsusi Hirumi, Ph.D., Associate Professor
College of Education…

$3 billion slated for Michigan start-ups through Pure Michigan Business Connect — from metromodemedia.com


The recently announced Pure Michigan Business Connect initiative promises to leverage about $3 billion in seed capital and new revenue streams for Michigan-based start-ups, thanks to some local heavy hitters stepping up to the plate.

Five tips for emerging video journalists — over at the Innovative Interactivity blog by Paul Franz


But there are a few skills that I strongly believe all budding video journalists should take note of as they begin their careers in multimedia production.

a) Get used to editing as if you were working for MTV. For example, TIME recently rolled out a new magazine feature called “Pop Chart,” which is tantamount to a kind of a whacky news round-up. Normally, these affairs can be boring time sinks that do not attract a whole lot of viewers or interest. But with a few editing tricks and changes to your style, they can become fun little shows that entertain as well as inform.

b) Start getting comfortable with your voice. Many pieces just won’t have all the content you require to have a single character narrate an entire piece. Purists will argue that not having enough A-roll is tantamount to laziness, but the realities of the job will force you to use your voice frequently as a narrative bridge.



video camera


The Future of Work, NYC — from conversationagent.com by Valeria Maltoni


Driver Wifi


Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

Tonight, I will be engaged in a Podio conversation kicking off a series on the future of work with fellow professionals and globetrotters Marcia Conner and Jennifer Magnolfi in New York City.

Moderated by Stowe Boyd, the session will cover several questions on how social media is impacting the world of business on the inside.

In Boyd’s own words:

[…] As our work becomes more social, more mobile, and increasingly channeled through mobile, social ‘work media’, what is the relationship between workers and business?

What will ‘workplace’ and ‘at work’ mean when people work in many locations and increasingly lose the distinction between work and leisure time?

How can business rethink the workplace in light of the primacy of social network-based communication and collaboration?

I’ve been living these questions for most of my career in corporate America.

LinkedIn is about to put job boards (and resumes) out of business — from forbes.com by Dan Schawbel

Excerpts (emphasis from DSC):

Job boards are becoming more irrelevant to the corporate recruitment process every single year. They are ineffective because of the sheer amount of competition on them and how they’re perceived by recruiters.

Just as I said in my book Me 2.0, job boards are black holes. Stop submitting your resume to them and praying that a machine finds it and delivers it to a hiring manager. You should spend more time meeting people at companies you want to work for at networking events and through social networks.


Your traditional Microsoft Word resume is obsolete so create a LinkedIn profile and use their “Resume Builder” to turn your profile into your new digital resume.

LinkedIn’s big announcement today
LinkedIn just announced that they will be launching a button for employer career sites called “Apply With LinkedIn,” which will allow candidates to submit their LinkedIn profiles as resumes through their HR management systems. Companies will be able to take the LinkedIn API and integrate the button into their entire database of open jobs.

What this means for job seekers
I see more and more companies using this button on their career sites, while divesting in job board advertising. This is yet another step in the internet becoming the new global talent pool. HR databases are isolated in the confines of companies and can’t update fast enough to remain relevant in this fast paced world we live in. Now, more than ever before, job seekers have to create their own LinkedIn profiles and take them very seriously. You have to constantly managing your profile, revise it as you advance in your career, and use it to network as much as possible. Companies will expect you to be on LinkedIn and if you’re not, then you can’t apply for jobs! There are over one hundred million LinkedIn users and you will suffer if you keep submitting your Microsoft Word resume to job boards.

Measuring the Net’s growth dividend
New McKinsey research finds that the Internet now accounts for a significant share of global GDP and plays an increasingly important role in economic growth.


The Internet is a vast mosaic of economic activity, ranging from millions of daily online transactions and communications to smartphone downloads of TV shows. Little is known, however, about how the Net in its entirety contributes to global growth, productivity, and employment. New McKinsey research examined the Internet economies of the G8 nations (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States), as well as Brazil, China, India, South Korea, and Sweden. It found that the Internet accounts for a significant and growing portion of global GDP.

An extensive study by the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI)—Internet matters: The Net’s sweeping impact on growth, jobs, and prosperity—includes these findings…


The Net's Sweeping Impact On Growth, Jobs, and Prosperity -- McKinsey Global Institute -- May 2011


Is an iPad app the new resume? — from Fast Company by Anna Kamenetz



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Employers turned more than half of interns into full-time hires– from naceweb.org

For students looking for a foot in the door of an employer, there’s more evidence that taking part in an internship could be the answer.

Employers responding to NACE’s 2011 Internship & Co-op Survey reported that an average 39.1 percent of their entry-level hires from the Class of 2010 came from their own internship programs. In addition, they reported converting, on average, nearly 58 percent of their interns into full-time hires.

For highlights from the survey, download Research Brief: 2011 Internship & Co-op Survey.

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