The powerful ‘power of story’ — from storycentral DIGITAL

Robert McKee also has some theories on what constitutes ‘story’:

Story is about eternal, universal forms, not formulas.

Story is about archetypes, not stereotypes.

Story is about thoroughness, not shortcuts.

Story is about mastering the art, not secondguessing the marketplace.

Story is about respect, not disdain, for the audience.

Story is about originality, not duplication.

Addendum 1-12-11 — also see:

Transmedia and Augmented Reality — from by Robert Pratten

(From Robert) This is a presentation I gave in Silicon Valley to a team exploring Augmented Reality (AR). The goal was to provide an overview of what transmedia was and then to suggest ways in which one might approach using AR as part of a transmedia experience.

Transmedia Storytelling and Augmented Reality -- Robert Pratten -- Oct 2010


The test has been canceled — from by Keith O’Brien
Final exams are quietly vanishing from college

The change, which was first reported in Harvard Magazine, is not a statement on the value of final exams one way or the other, Harris said. But the shrinking role of big, blockbuster tests at Harvard and colleges elsewhere is raising serious pedagogical questions about 21st century education: How best do students learn? And what’s the best way to assess that? Is the disappearance of high-stakes, high-pressure final exams a sign that universities are failing to challenge today’s students, or is it just a long overdue acknowledgment that such tests aren’t always the best indicator of actual knowledge?

From DSC:
Perhaps like many others, I don’t remember a lot from the final exams taken during my college days. My hope is that whatever methods we use, we can foster deeper, longer-lasting ROI’s from students’ studying time. We can create more “hooks” on which to hang things 5-10 years down the line (if that’s possible these days!). One thought along these lines, is to use the ideas of story, play, and promoting the creativity of our students.

The greatest teacher of all time used story — in the form of parables — all the time. I’ll bet that many of us can still recall to this day the parable of the sower, or the prodigal son…the good Samaritan or the lost coin. With enough repetition, we remember these stories and the deeper meaning behind them. They provide hooks to hang other things upon (i.e. scaffolding).

Engage through story --- from Duarte Design in September 2010

Resource from
Presentation Advisors by Jonathan Thomas


Per Jonathan:

I’ve written before about the power of storytelling in presentations.  I am so passionate about the “Story” that it seemed serendipitous when I joined the Story Worldwide team to help spread their brand.

Also see:
Our mission is to provide Americans of all backgrounds and beliefs with the opportunity to record, share, and preserve the stories of our lives.

From DSC:

The posting below is a great resource for all educators — especially those involved with putting materials online — as well as for folks interested in interaction design/usability. Check it out!

There is power in digital storytelling (and eliciting emotion), so this posting really caught my eye! You might want to check out Francisco Inchauste’s blog as well. Nice work!

UX and Storytelling -- part 1

Better User Experience With Storytelling – Part One — from by Francisco Inchauste

Stories have defined our world. They have been with us since the dawn of communication, from cave walls to the tall tales recounted around fires. They have continued to evolve with their purpose remaining the same: To entertain, to share common experiences, to teach, and to pass on traditions.

Today we communicate a bit differently. Our information is fragmented across various mass-media channels and delivered through ever-changing technology. It has become watered down, cloned, and is churned out quickly in 140-character blurbs. We’ve lost that personal touch where we find an emotional connection that makes us care.


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