Magic Quadrant 2012 for E-Discovery Software — from



The e-discovery market landscape has shifted dramatically as end users have begun to demand more complete e-discovery functionality. Many vendors are responding with broader end-to-end functionality. New products, acquisitions and shifts in buying patterns have led to a radically altered picture.


Magic Quadrant for the Wired and Wireless LAN Access Infrastructure — from

Connectivity at the edge of an enterprise network is more than just a wired or wireless LAN infrastructure. Enterprises must chose infrastructure vendors that support network services, including security and management, and can integrate wired and wireless networking products.


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‘Internet doomsday’ malware explained in helpful video — from by Wilson Rothman who provides a video by Sophos’ Paul Ducklin


Security firm Sophos has released an engagingly British video about a rather complex subject: The DNSChanger malware that is likely to knock tens of thousands of computers off of the Internet come July 9.

If you’re curious about how the malware got out there, and what the FBI did to stanch the virtual bleeding, watch the first three minutes. At that point, you can follow narrator Paul Ducklin deeper into the details of checking your computer, or simply visit the FBI-authorized system-checking site,, to get verification. If there’s any ambiguity, it will pay to go back to the video for additional help. Just do it before July 9, or you may not be able to get to YouTube (or at all!


Internet doomsday malware explained in helpful video


From DSC:
The bottom line seems to be to make sure your router is ***not*** using one of these IP addresses.


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Good to know [from Google]


From DSC:
I originally saw this at

Steve Jobs has resigned as Apple CEO "effective immediately"


From DSC:
I want to post a thank you note to Mr. Steven P. Jobs, whom you most likely have heard has resigned as Apple’s CEO. Some articles are listed below, but I want to say thank you to Steve and to the employees of Apple who worked at Apple while he was CEO:

  • Thank you for working hard to enhance the world and to make positive impacts to our world!
  • Thank you for painstakingly pursuing perfection, usability, and excellence!
  • Thank you for getting back up on the horse again when you came out of a meeting with Steve, Tim and others and you just got reamed for an idea or implementation that wasn’t quite there yet.
  • Thanks go out to all of the families who were missing a dad or mom for long periods of time as they were still at work cranking out the next version of ____ or ____.
  • Thanks for modeling what a vocation looks like — i.e. pursuing your God-given gifts/calling/passions; and from my economics training for modeling that everyone wins when you do what you do best!

Thanks again all!



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Is anyone’s data safe? Really?

Citigroup data breach: A lesson and warning for all — from by Illana Green


“While Citi customers aren’t likely to have fraudulent charges against their accounts as a result of this breach, they are likely to encounter social engineering attempts to enable further crime,” said Chester Wisniewski, senior security advisor at online security firm Sophos.

This is a realistic concern for many of the Citigroup customers because exposure of personal email addresses and account numbers can lead to efforts by hackers to engage in  major fraud. Wisniewski warned customers that having your name and “other sensitive information” in hand, the attackers can easily provide convincing information that might allow them to extract even more personal information from the victims.

From DSC:
If Citigroup can be busted into…is anyone’s data safe? Really?  Hackers may think this is a game, but if they are not stopped, they will increasingly reak havoc on the Internet and on society at large, and put a chilling effect on innovation, growth, progress. No one will want to put anything on the net.

Also see:




The battle between hacktivists and governments around the world is hotting up, with each day bringing news of fresh arrests and retaliatory strikes.

In Spain, three hackers await their fate after being arrested in connection with the attack on Sony’s networks, and the Turkish government has also confirmed the arrest of 32 people it claims are members of the Anonymous collective.

Stateside, Anonymous has identified its next target as the US Federal Reserve, while LulzSec — the collective infamous for hacking not just Sony, but also Nintendo and Bethesda‘s networks in recent weeks — has admitted an attack on the US Senate’s website.

The American government has threatened to respond to cyber attacks from foreign countries with traditional military force, but the likes of Anonymous and LulzSec don’t fit into that category. LulzSec pointed to this in its statement after the attack: “We don’t like the US government very much. This is a small, just-for-kicks release of some internal data from — is this an act of war, gentlemen? Problem?”

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From DSC:
I’m seeing folks take pot shots at Sony and others re: their recent security breaches. I don’t find this type of thing funny at all, nor do I approach this type of subject in a light-hearted manner. To me, this is not a joke. I’d like to write more on this subject, but I don’t know enough to combat the hackers who might turn their ill-will towards this site/blog.

I support those people, organizations,  and governments who are cracking down on these hackers — as national/economic/personal security rely on these attackers doing a U-turn (or to repent, in Biblical terms). Instead of these attackers using their knowledge, skills, and abilities towards doing what’s harmful to society, they need to do what’s right and helpful to our world! Build up, not tear down.

Addendum on 6/10/11:

Excerpt from Spanish Police Arrest Sony PSN Hacktivists, But It Won’t Stop The Attacks: Expert — from by Kit Eaton

Sony has had to spend close to $200 million to repair and defend its networks after a spate of attacks…

From DSC:
…and guess who pays for that $200 million? Sony’s current and future customers — as these costs will be rolled into Sony’s future pricing for their products & services. The consumer gets nailed again; thanks to the thievery of some bad apples.



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Samsung installs keylogger on its laptop computers — from by Mohamed Hassan with edits by M. E. Kabay; Part 1 – The Discovery

From DSC:
Bad move just sunk people’s trust level in your products even further.

A new era in cyberwar

…heralds a new era in cyberwar.

Stuxnet -- a new era in cyberwar

San Francisco, California and London, England — A piece of highly sophisticated malicious software that has infected an unknown number of power plants, pipelines and factories over the past year is the first program designed to cause serious damage in the physical world, security experts are warning.

The Stuxnet computer worm spreads through previously unknown holes in Microsoft’s Windows operating system and then looks for a type of software made by Siemens and used to control industrial components, including valves and brakes.

Stuxnet can hide itself, wait for certain conditions and give new orders to the components that reverse what they would normally do, the experts said. The commands are so specific that they appear aimed at an industrial sector, but officials do not know which one or what the affected equipment would do.

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