The 10 most innovative companies in education

The 10 most innovative companies in education

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From DSC:
The incredible potential of location-aware educational materials, which could greatly enable a student to pursue their passions.

The other day, I was talking to my son after he had just finished playing a Wii-based football game. As we were talking, the situation made me reflect upon the power* that could come into play when a game/resource knows your (general) location. For example, in this NFL-based game, the system might ask if my son wants the Detroit Lions involved in the game. If he said yes, then the system might ask if my son were interested in knowing more about the Detroit Lines upcoming schedule. Again, if he answers in the affirmative, the system could provide a link to instantly take him to that information.

Now…take that same concept into the world of education, as a student attempts to pursue her passions, interests, and gifts. If she’s using a device that is teaching her how to draw, the “game” might present a list of art shows and exhibits in her area, along with information on how to get tickets to such events. In this manner, she could feed her passion. Such applications could open up a network of opportunities — in real-time — and present to a student what’s currently happening around them that could further involve them in the very thing that they are working with at that time (be it music, art, math, physics, or whatever discipline that’s involved). This is especially powerful if one were traveling or on a field trip.

Museums and educational institutions could tag their events so that such software goes out looking for such information and would bring such information back to the “game”.

It seems to me that if such technologies uncover chances to further one’s passion, the student will develop more of a love for learning. If a student develops a love for learning, the chances are better that that person will become a lifelong learner.

My bet? Some pretty cool teaching and learning times are ahead…


* I realize there are reflections going on in my mind — and others’ minds as well — that such power needs to be taken seriously, responsibly…and not abused from a commercial standpoint nor from a security standpoint. Software may even be needed to absolutely block such inquiries — but if we get to that point, we’ve let the bad apples out there control everything…again.

Senate passes patent office reforms –from

BOSTON (TheStreet) — The most comprehensive overhaul of U.S. patent law since the 1950s was approved by the U.S. Senate last week.

The America Invents Act, approved by a 95-5 vote, is intended to minimize the 700,000-application backlog faced by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, deter the diversion of its revenue to other government agencies and establish a system that grants patents to the first person to file an application, rather than having to determine who was first to produce a product.

From DSC:
I’m hopeful that this will encourage innovations within the world of educational technologies and better support educational entrepreneurship. -- Real Time Qualitative Market Research


Also see:

Focus Groups No More: GutCheck Makes Market Research Affordable and Cool
DIY Online Platform Simplifies Research Without Need for Big Budgets
DENVER, CO — (MARKET WIRE) — 03/01/2011 — GutCheck today launched its do-it-yourself online qualitative market research platform, which lets companies or individuals test their ideas, services and campaigns in real time, with their real markets, at a fraction of the cost of traditional focus groups.

While online surveying is nothing new for quantitative research thanks to companies like SurveyMonkey, GutCheck is the first to enable real-time experience-based (qualitative) feedback online, saving thousands of dollars and hours of hassle — and making high-quality feedback available to anyone, from sophisticated agencies working on messaging to small startups wanting to test their market strategy.

Winner DEMO 2011

The 100 most influential technology investors in Europe — from The Telegraph by Milo Yiannopoulos
In conjunction with “social capital” company PeerIndex, The Telegraph has compiled a list of the European VCs and angels with the most online influence.

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Meet the winners of DEMO 2011

Meet the winners of DEMO 2011 — from by Mike Melanson

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The Future of television: Sweeping change at breakneck speed — from Cisco by Scott Puopolo, Carlos Cordero, William Gerhardt, Kate Griffin, Leszek Izdebski, and David Parsons, Cisco IBSG Service Provider Practice
10 reasons you won’t recognize your television in the not-too-distant future

Also see their blog posting on this.


Reminds me of a graphic I created a while back…


The pace has changed -- don't come onto the track in a Model T

Also see:

New technologies introduced at the DEMO Spring 2011 Event
Promising new products and prototypes of 2011 that have never been seen before. These are real products that are ready for market.

February 28:

Consumer Technologies

  • from AboutOne, LLC
  • ecoATM from ecoATM
  • from
  • Manilla from Manilla
  • MindWave BrainCubed Education Bundle from NeuroSky
  • PhotoRocket from PhotoRocket
  • Primadesk from Primadesk, Inc.
  • SocialEyes from SocialEyes
  • Cyclic Variations in Altitude Conditioning™ from CVAC Systems, Inc.
  • ICaR Expert Systems from ICaR Systems (Alpha Pitch)
  • KloudDock from InfiniWing, Inc. (Alpha Pitch)
  • Qffers App from Dvmmy (Alpha Pitch)

Enterprise Technologies

  • DataRoket from DataRoket, Inc.
  • GageIn from GageIn, Inc.
  • Swivel from FaceCake Marketing Technologies
  • VIOLIN Platform from EMBRIA Technologies
  • Workface from Workface, Inc.
  • The Webcam Social Shopper from Zugara
  • from (Alpha Pitch)

Cloud Technologies

  • ApSynth from ApSynth
  • Cloud9 IDE from Ajax
  • Defensio for Facebook from Websense
  • EPflow from EyePredict
  • Kuggaa from Kuggaa
  • Nimble from Nimble
  • Stratosphere from V3
  • VECTOR™ from HBMG, Inc.


Social and Media Technologies

  • eLive from eLive Entertainment
  • from Fetch Plus Asia Pacific, Pte. Ltd.
  • GutCheck from GutCheck
  • HeyStaks from HeyStaks
  • from Ecobe (Alpha Pitch)
  • Marginize from Marginize
  • Next Island virtual world from Next Island
  • from
  • Pixable Photofeed (on iPad) from Pixable
  • Speaku from Speaku (Alpha Pitch)
  • SocialReplay from Silentale
  • Thoora for Tablets from Thoora
  • TrendSpottr from TrendSpottr
  • Viafoura from Viafoura
  • The Geco from The Geco (Alpha Pitch)

Mobile Technologies

  • Dynamic Device Identity from mSIGNIA
  • Guardly from Guardly
  • HighNote from HighNote
  • JetStreamHD from Nuvyyo, Inc.
  • MobileNation from MobileNation
  • News360 for iPad from News360
  • Screach from Screenreach Interactive, Ltd.
  • ShowUhow Product Experience Platform from ShowUhow, Inc.
  • Small Business iPhone and Android Apps from Bizness Apps
  • ON Voicefeed from Life Is Better ON

DEMO 2011 event -- February 28 - March 1, 2011

From DSC:
I wish they would be more upfront about their pricing — i.e. how many credits each “course” is. You purchase credits…and then you find out how many credits you will need to get their services.  I mainly post this to show the level of innovation occurring out there in the online-based world; and online-based tutoring will only grow.



Originally saw this at Ewan Mcintosh’s links for 2-24-11


Google Apps taking commercial vendors to school — from by Michael Hickins

The Google Apps for Education application set is gaining traction among school districts across the country, in many cases replacing commercial vendors like Microsoft. Google signed up Oregon and Iowa for its suite of Web-based email and collaboration applications last May and June, respectively, and three other states have joined since then, most recently New York State, according to Shan Sinha, group product manager for Google Apps.

There are now more than 10 million students using Google Apps, including many of New York State’s 3.1 million student population, said Sinha. In addition to the applications used to do things like send email or edit documents collaboratively in real time, the suite includes access to third-party applications like Endgrade Gradebook and lesson plan software for teachers, and administration applications like or Thinkwave for IT administrators. The apps are available through the EDU category of the Google Apps marketplace.


Also see:

Google Apps for Education

From DSC:

  • A note to Google — don’t pull any of these applications like you did with Google Wave. If you persuade people to go to your tools, you can’t pull the rug out from under peoples’ feet.
  • With that said, I appreciate your constant pursuit of innovation.

DEMO 2011 event -- February 28, 2011

Computer ties human as they square off on ‘Jeopardy!’ — from


IBM's Watson computer is competing against former champs Ken Jennings, left, and Brad Rutter on "Jeopardy!" this week.

.From DSC:
To be clear, I celebrate what the LORD has created and given to us in our amazingly-complex minds! I do not subscribe to the idea that robots are better than humans or that technologies are to be glorified and that technologies will save the world — not at all. (In fact, I have some concerns about the havoc that could easily occur if certain technologies wound up in the wrong hands — with those who have no fear of the LORD and who have massive amounts of pride…with hearts of stone.)

Getting back to my point…
The phenomenon that Christensen, Horn, and Johnson describe in Disrupting Class continues to play out in higher education/K-12. The innovations are mainly happening outside the face-to-face T&L environments.

Also see:

2011 Training Top 125 Best Practices and Outstanding Initiatives — from
Training editors recognize innovative and successful learning and development programs and practices.

  • Best practice award winners
  • Outstanding initiative award winners
  • 2011 special training top 125 award winners
EDUCAUSE Review - Top-Ten Articles of 2010 | If this e-mail message does not display correctly or hyperlinks are missing, please type into your browser's address bar.
The ten most widely read online EDUCAUSE Review articles from 2010 focused on innovation, current IT issues, individual/collaborative learning, attention, openness, the future campus, scholarly publishing, and libraries.

In case you missed them in 2010:


Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams

Bret L. Ingerman, Catherine Yang, and the 2010 EDUCAUSE Current Issues Committee

Larry Sanger

Howard Rheingold

danah boyd

Brian Lamb and Jim Groom

Diana G. Oblinger

Rick Anderson

Keith Webster

David Wiley
© 2025 | Daniel Christian