DreamBox Learning CEO to speak on adaptive learning at Arizona State University Education Innovation Summit – from

DreamBox Learning (http://www.dreambox.com), the leading adaptive learning company, today announced that its President and Chief Executive Officer, Jessie Woolley-Wilson, will speak at the Arizona State (ASU) Education Innovation Summit about the positive impact of intelligent adaptive technology in the classroom. The panel session — Is Farmville the Future of Learning?  Games, Social Platforms, Adaptive Technology – will be held on Wednesday, April 6 at 1:15 p.m. at SkySong, the ASU Innovation Center in Scottsdale. The full Education Innovation Summit runs from April 5-7.

“The ASU Education Innovation Summit provides a platform for education and technology trailblazers to come together in a think tank environment to share ideas about how to ensure that our kids, teachers and school administrators have the critical tools to achieve academic greatness,” said Jessie Woolley-Wilson, President and CEO of DreamBox Learning. “I’m very excited to join respected industry colleagues to discuss how intelligent adaptive learning technology, social platforms, and gaming principles are collectively having a transformative impact on our education system and future generations of learners.”

Ms. Woolley-Wilson will share insights on the evolving adaptive learning sector as well as showcase how DreamBox Learning’s intelligent adaptive learning platform is leading the transformation, helping kids at any skill level achieve math proficiency.

From DSC:
Not that I’m on board with everything here…but the following excerpt from Rethinking colleges from the ground up — from the World Future Society by Thomas Frey — is worth reflecting upon; and so are some of the questions listed at the bottom of this posting. 

(NOTE: You may need to be a member to access this article in its entirety; emphasis DSC)


So What’s Changed
The obvious question to start with is simply, “What’s changed?”

Why is it that an education system that has produced some of the world’s top scientists, engineers, and business executive is no longer good enough to serve today’s young people?

The answers can be found in the following five areas:

  1. From information poor to information rich
  2. Fierce competition
  3. The cost to benefit ratio is changing
  4. New times require new intelligence
  5. Shift from individual intelligence to group intelligence

The following are but a few of the reasons why changing times demand different solutions…

Colleges are being pushed in a number of directions but the big dividing points will be oriented around in-person vs. online, and for the in-person side of the equation, doing the things in-person that cannot be done through online education.


Also see:

What does the “new normal” of shrunken classroom budgets, greater reliance on information technology and the ongoing science and math skills shortage mean for the future of education? Join fellow futurists this summer in Vancouver to solve these and other questions during our two-day WFS-exclusive Education Summit. This year’s speakers include FUTURIST magazine authors Maria H. Andersen, David Pearce Snyder, and Tom Lombardo among many others.

Sessions include:

  • Defining the “New Normal” for Education
  • Education as a Service
  • Where’s the “Learn This” Button?
  • Learning in Depth: A Simple Innovation That Can Transform Schooling
  • A New Education Vision: Reinventing School-to-Employment Systems for Knowledge-Based Global Economies
  • The New Tech Network
  • Jump-Start Your Career as a Foresight Educator
  • Reinventing Educational Activism by Creating Linkages: Technology, Content-Driven Collaboration, and Financial Literacy
  • A New Century: A New Instructional Paradigm
  • Educating the Wise Cyborg of the Future
  • Deconstructing the Education Monopoly in the United States
  • Futurists and the Future of Education

WorldFuture 2011 Education Summit: $295 for WFS members/$345 for nonmembers. Learn more and register here.


Digital skills in Higher Education - Spring 2011

April 2011:
Hear from analyst Ellen Wagner as she covers research showing the expansion of technology in higher education. Evolving expectations for digital skills for students and faculty require use of technology that have traditionally been used by art and design schools.









Also see:


China-Hong Kong: Thorny issues of higher education ties — from universityworldnews.com by  Yojana Sharma

One of the little-publicised sections of China’s economic plan for the next five years includes Hong Kong for the first time since the former British colony’s handover to China in 1997. However, Hong Kong and southern China have already been forging higher education ties with a view to creating a common higher education space in the not-too distant future.

“For the first time Hong Kong is included in China’s latest five year plan, giving us a strategic role in the development of the Pearl River Delta,” Tony Chan, President of Hong Kong’s University of Science and Technology, told a conference in Hong Kong in March.


Addendum on 4/5/11:

Tagged with:  

Some great items re: whether online learning is disruptive or not

From DSC:
A reflection upon 3 Trends in Idea Management – from ReadWriteWeb.com by Klint Findley


Idea management software seeks two “holy grails” of enterprise collaboration technology: 1) innovation and 2) the breaking down of silos.

If such software and systems could breakdown silos — and if the culture of one’s organization could support it — this type of endeavor could be hugely important in catapulting an organization ahead of other organizations within its industry.

Many of us can look back in our careers where we have had solid ideas that we tried to get adopted or pursued. However, such ideas may have made it up a layer or two in one’s job family/ladder — but then the idea was halted.  Thus, those ideas are never heard by others in different departments/parts of the organization — people that might have seen an application for the idea and might have pursued it. Or perhaps, other people who might have built upon/modified the idea to produce something even more useful to the organization. Far too often the people on “the front lines” within an organization do not talk to each other enough.

A related line of questioning:

  • Could such systems be made available to students? Prospective students?
  • Would there be value in that? (That is, what classes would students like to see…what topics would they like to learn about…what ideas do they have for teaching topic ABC.)


From Spigit.com

Higher education around the country has not been immune to economic decline over the last few years, and the education industry all over has been looking for new ways to help solve their problems. There will always be a place for education, as there will be for improving it, and improving the way it is implemented. Improvements in student-faculty collaboration are a necessity now more than ever, as many educators, students, and administrators have learned.

With nearly 70,000 faculty, staff and undergraduate students, the president of the University of Texas at Austin expressed the desire to better connect people and increase collaboration between departments. The need for a centralized and focused platform to discuss ideas and improvements that would advance the university’s mission was a top priority for the school.

By implementing Spigit’s idea management platform, UT is able to gather ideas from students and staff and collaborate on ways to improve the school and further the university’s mission. This centralized platform has increased engagement, stimulated participation and facilitated creative problem solving in the Education Industry. Due to the overwhelming success with faculty and staff, University of Texas has now created another community for students and alumni, totaling nearly 500,000 people.


Also see:




From DSC:
The first article/item I want to comment on is:

A Potential Market for Courseware Developers — from Brandon-Hall.com by Richard Nantel

First of all, thanks Richard for tackling this subject and for putting a posting out there regarding it. For years, I’ve wondered what the best way(s) is(are) to pursue the creation of professionally-done, interactive, personalized/customized, multimedia-based, engaging content. It is expensive to create well-done materials and/or the learning engines behind these materials. Also, as at the faith-based college where I work, some colleges would want a very specific kind of content or take a different slant on presenting the content.  So the content would have to be modified — which would have an associated cost to it.

Some options that I’ve thought of:

  • Outsource the content creation to a team of specialists — at educationally-focused publishing companies out there
  • Outsource the content creation to a team of specialists — at other solution providers focused on education
  • Develop the content in-house with a team of specialists
  • Don’t create content at all, but rather steer people to the streams of content that are already flowing out there. Some content may be changing so fast that it may not be worth the expense to create it.
  • Have students create the content — that’s what school becomes. Learning enough to create/teach the content to others. (This would require a great deal of cross-disciplinary collaboration and cooperation amongst faculty members.)

As a relevant aside, I have held that if an organization could raise the capital and the teams to develop this type of engaging, professionally-done content — and scale the solution — they could become the Forthcoming Walmart of Education. The attractive piece of this for families/students out there would be that this type of education will come at a 50%+ discount.

The second article/item that caused some additional reflection here was the article at The Chronicle of Higher Education by Marc Parry entitled, Think You’ll Make Big Bucks in Online Ed? Not So Fast, Experts Say

What if the United States could reallocate even the cost of 1-2 high-end planes in the United States Air Force? Our nation could create stunning, engaging content that could reach millions of people on any given subject — as online learning has the potential to be highly scalable (though I realize that much of this depends upon how much involvement an organization wants to integrate into the delivery/teaching of this content in terms of their instructors’/professors’ time).

Anyway, Marc highlights some important points — that creating content, marketing that content, etc. can be expensive.

But I have it that if you don’t get into this online learning game, you won’t be relevant in the years to come. People want convenience and students’ expectations will continue to rise — wanting to learn on their own pace, per their own schedule, from any place and on any device; finally, they will want to have more opportunities to participate/collaborate/control their own learning experiences. (And this doesn’t even touch upon whether it will become even more difficult to get through “the gate”  — that is, getting the student’s attention in order to make it into their short-term memory, in hopes of then moving the lesson/information into long-term memory.)

From DSC:
Crestron’s Media Controllers do a nice job of moving the complexities of technology into the background — providing an easy to use, touch-panel interface to their media controllers (i.e. to control such “sources” as desktop computers, laptops, DVD/VHS players, document cameras, audio inputs from iPods/iPads, etc.).  So no longer do you need to search for the correct remote (of the 5-10 remotes on your lectern) — you just use the touch-sensitive panel to drive your media. Very nice. The downsides to this set of technologies are the costs involved to purchase and install the equipment, as well as developing the necessary skillset to configure and maintain them.



Also see:


…and http://www.crestron.com/markets/classroom_campus_room_and_building_automation/

… and Crestron Debuts Versatile TPMC-9L Wall Mount Touch Panel Delivering Speed, Performance And Style At A Great Value
Crestron announced today [3/31/11] that the new TPMC-9L Wall Mount Touch Panel, the latest addition to its family of Core 3 OS-ready panels, is now shipping. TPMC-9L is the perfect-sized touch screen – large enough to enjoy a full, rich interactive user experience with a minimalist design that remains discreet in any setting. A 9” widescreen provides more space for designing custom graphical interfaces, and a larger display for viewing cover art, control apps and scores of other dynamic content. TPMC-9L also offers a slew of cool new media and communications tools like widgets and high-definition streaming video for IP/Web security cameras that instantly enhance whole home and building automation systems.

Does online education put traditional universities at a ‘grave risk’? — from eCampusNews.com by Denny
An expert on ‘disruptive innovation’ says ed tech could change the way powerhouse universities operate

Excerpt from article:

Christensen, a Harvard Business School professor and author of The Innovator’s Dilemma and The Innovator’s Prescription, delivered the keynote address to an audience of higher-education officials March 7 at the American Council on Education’s Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.

Christensen outlined the ways upstart, innovative businesses have toppled the giants of industry—such as Toyota’s rise coinciding with American automakers’ downfall—and how that model might translate to colleges and universities.

While online college classes have grown more available and affordable over the past decade, Christensen said a major shift had not yet occurred in higher education. Not until online learning grew in popularity was higher education even “amenable” to a major “disruption,” he said.

“When technology gets good enough, it sucks customers out of the old into the new,” he said, referring to institutions that have specialized in online learning, rather than traditional schools that have slowly adopted online college classes. “It doesn’t work the other way around.”

That move away from traditional powerhouses of education, he said, likely would happen in the next 20 years, and elite schools should be prepared.

National data support Christensen’s warning to traditional universities. Online student enrollment increased by 21 percent in 2010, according to the annual Sloan Survey of Online Learning. Overall, higher-education enrollment grew by 2 percent.

The survey of more than 2,500 colleges and universities showed online college classes gained 1 million students from 2009. More than 5.6 million students were enrolled in at least one web-based class in the fall 2009 semester.

Some example items from Christensen’s and Cizik’s keynote presentation:
The Innovative University: Changing the DNA of Higher Education From the Inside Out



Also relevant/see:

Cal State University to cut enrollment, faculty, staff and more — from The L.A. Times by Carla Rivera
Facing an 18% cut in state funding, Cal State plans to reduce enrollment by 10,000, cut $11 million from the chancellor’s office and shrink campus funding by $281 million. No tuition hikes are planned, chancellor says.

Also see:


Also see:

  • How does education prepare tomorrow’s leaders for this fast paced interconnected business world?
    Roger Martin, Daniel Pink and Jim Keane Discuss this in the Live Steelcase 360 Discussion: Educating the Creative Leaders of Tomorrow
    NEW YORK – March 18, 2011 –
    Coming out of the recent recession, problems are more complex, markets are more volatile and change is more rapid. Education must keep pace. So how can educators prepare students to lead in today’s interconnected world? Today, Steelcase is bringing together three of the most influential thinkers on management and education to discuss this topic in its live, virtual panel discussion: Educating the Creative Leaders of Tomorrow.


The plight of young males — from Harvard Business Review by Saul Kaplan

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The facts on higher order thinking — from Faculty Focus by Maryellen Weimer, PhD

.Faculty Focus


I just read a study that pretty much blew my socks off. An article highlighting the details will appear in the March issue of The Teaching Professor. I’ll give you the nutshell version here. The researchers were interested in finding out if there was empirical evidence to support the frequent criticism that introductory courses are fact filled with little content that challenges higher order thinking. Beyond anecdotal evidence, this research team didn’t find much empirical documentation so, being biologists, they decided to look at introductory-level biology courses.

State Higher Education Finance FY 2010 (USA)


States and the nation as a whole face challenging higher education financing and policy decisions. The pattern during the past three decades includes cyclical downturns in per student funding resulting from economic recessions, followed by recovery and growth. State and local revenue for higher education per student has declined and then recovered, often exceeding previous levels.

The SHEF studies for 2006, 2007, and 2008 indicate a three-year increase in state and local support for public higher education relative to inflation and student demand, following a period of declining public investment in higher education between 2001 and 2005. The three-year recovery abruptly ended when, in 2008, the nation suffered the worst recession since the Great Depression. Past experience and current indicators suggest that state revenue will recover slowly in the next few years. Despite the success of ARRA funding in cushioning the recession’s impact, the continuing fiscal crisis beginning in 2008 clearly poses a severe threat to the strength of higher education in the United States.

Such recurring budgeting cycles can be challenging and discouraging. The resiliency of state support for higher education, however, suggests its importance to our future is widely recognized. But there is no question that the fiscal challenges facing the nation will require both creativity and commitment from policymakers and educators. The data and analysis of this and future SHEF reports are intended to help higher education leaders and state policymakers focus on how discrete, year-to-year decisions fit into broader patterns of change over time, and how each step contributes—or not—to meeting longer-term objectives.

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