The Future of TV -- an infographic from Beesmart


From DSC:
The educational “store” part of this graphic could take several forms:

  • Online-based exchanges between buyers and sellers (teachers/professors and learners) — professors as their own brand
  • Institutional offerings/brands
  • Team-based content from newly-developed firms, organizations
  • Each of us puts up our own learning materials for others to take (for free or for a price)
  • Other


The best screencasting apps for the iPad — from


However, by far my favorite of all the apps is ExplainEverything.  Unlike the three I just mentioned, it is a paid app [$2.99], but you get so much for your money that it is a compelling choice for all schools using iPads. You can record your video over multiple pages, re-record audio as you please, use the page sorter to rearrange or see your pages at a glance. You can have almost any pen color you can imagine, a choice of 5 pen widths, control over pen transparency and choice of two pen tips. The app has a built-in laser pointer, shape tool and text tool with more fonts that you could ever need. You can even insert a web browser and record a live website as part of your screencast.

Also see:


Tagged with:  

Learning Insights Report 2012 — from Kineo and


Actual report here:

Learning Insights Report 2012 -- from Kineo and


International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC) Vol 5, No 4 (2012)

Table of Contents


E-learning use patterns in the workplace – Web logs from interaction with a web based lecture PDF
Christian Ostlund pp. 4-8
A Human Resource Development Program for Information Technology Engineers using Project-Based Learning PDF
Minoru Nakayama, Manabu Fueki, Shinji Seki, Toshikazu Uehara, Kenji Matsumoto pp. 9-15
A Model for Teaching, Assessment and Learning in Engineering Education for Working Adults PDF
Kin Chew Lim, Stephen Low, Samir Attallah, Philip Cheang, Emet LaBoone pp. 16-21
Domain Ontology, an Instrument of Semantic Web Knowledge Management in e-Learning PDF
Anatoly Jasonovich Gladun, Julia Vitalijevna Rogushina, Jeanne Schreurs pp. 22-31
High Performance Work Systems as an Enabling Structure for Self-organized Learning Processes PDF
Thomas Wallner, Martin Menrad


pp. 32-37


Short Papers

Can Course Design in an Online MAT Program Promote Personalized Learning through e-Teaching and e-Learning Practices? PDF
Barbara Schwartz-Bechet pp. 38-41
E-Learning in Kazakhstan: Stages of Formation and Prospects for Development PDF
Daniyar Sapargaliyev


pp. 42-45



The International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace – ICELW2013 PDF
Call for Papers


p. 4


From DSC:
I wonder how MOOCs focused on language will go…?  It could be great to practice a language from folks all around the world — or will it be chaotic?  Different accents. Real-world speaking and listening. Real world conflict, perhaps, as well.  But it seems like there could be some effective learning going on — at least “on paper”.   I wonder, too, if 1/2 of the time folks could speak one language — and would be the students during that part of the class — while the other 1/2 of the time they speak another language — and would be the “teachers.”




And for yet another item on innovation within higher ed! Whew!

  • Excelsior College and three California Community Colleges offer credit for professor-less MOOC — from online by Alex Wukman
    Excelsior College has partnered with San Diego City College, San Diego Miramar College, and Santa Rosa Junior College to offer credit for a professor-less, or mechanical, massive open online course (MOOC). The course, an introduction to statistics class, is being developed by the 20 Million Minds Foundation and the online learning community OpenStudy.

#DevLearn 2012 Conference Backchannel – Curated Resources — from/by David Kelly


This post collects the resources shared via the backchannel of The eLearning Guild’s 2012 DevLearn Conference, being held October 31 – November 2 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

I am a huge proponent of backchannel learning.  There are many conferences I would love to be able to attend, but my budget can only accommodate one or two each year.  The backchannel is an excellent resource for learning from a conference or event that you are unable to attend in-person.

I find collecting and reviewing backchannel resources to be a valuable learning experience for me, even when I am attending a conference in person.  Sharing these collections on this blog has shown that others find value in the collections as well.



Some examples:



Also see:


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Broadband, broadcast lines erode as TV shifts to a mobile, multiscreen media landscape — from by Joseph O’Halloran back from 2/11/2012


[Q2 2012] research from online video firm Ooyala has confirmed the trend that viewers around the world are embracing mobile, multiscreen experiences for both long-form and short-form content.

The Ooyala Global Video Index Report for the second quarter of 2012 reveals that online video uptake may be rising across the world but that engagement patterns vary by country and region, with a number of global video hot spots. For example, in the UK the survey revealed that 15% of the total time spent watching online video occurs on mobile phones and tablets, while 11% of the total time spent watching online video in China occurs on tablets and smart phones.

From DSC:
Though this report summarizes data from Q2 2012, it shows the developing trends on some of the ways that people are using their devices (throughout the globe).  I will continue to watch this space  for what happens with learning-based applications; especially those apps using 2 screens.
Also see:

Writing multiple choice questions for higher order thinking — from by Connie Malamed


One of the biggest criticisms of multiple choice questions is that they only test factual knowledge. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We can also use multiple choice questions to assess higher-order thinking.


Also see:

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Excerpt from  Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie – August 15, 2012 — #737 – Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.

2. The “e” in e-Learning, Vanishing?
One of my habits it to look for shifts in the language of learning. What terms are organizations using more, using differently or even dropping.

Lately, The MASIE Center has noticed a marked DECREASE in the use of “e” in e-Learning.  Here are some indicators that we are tracking:

  • Fewer “e”-Learning positions in organizations.  As we analyze several databases of learning professionals in the United States, we are seeing more than a 20% decrease in the number of titles that have e-Learning included.  e-Learning Developers are now more likely to be called Learning Developers or Designers.  Even in the world of external consultants or designers, there are fewer pure e-Learning job roles.
  • Fewer organizations are labeling their digital learning programs or modules as e-Learning. We see a slight increase in the use of on-line, a decrease in the use of “virtual” and many are just labeling them as Learning or Training programs, with reference to the delivery being via webinar, distributed or on their learning portal.
  • Webinars are growing but not referenced as e-Learning.  In fact, almost all of the more engaged, social or collaborative learning formats have drifted away from using the term e-Learning as their primary category.
  • Video Segments, ala Knowledge You-Tube elements, are growing in popularity and are rarely called e-Learning.
  • “User Supplied Content” is rarely called e-Learning, though it is more often than not in digital format.
  • Mixed and Blended Learning is also using the phrase e-Leaning less frequently.
  • Mobile and Device friendly learning programs are more likely to refer to the mobility platform rather than e-Learning.
  • In many organizations, e-Learning has become associated with compliance based required “check” off programs. Some learners may like the time flexibility for the on-line program but many do not associate e-Learning with performance outcomes.

Let’s assume that all learning – as we go forward – will use a MIX of on-demand and live content, context and collaboration.  Some will be highly designed and some will be real-time.  Some will be digitally connected and some will be face to face.  At Learning 2012, we will chatting about the changing language of learning. From career paths, to college programs to labeling our learning offerings – it is time to shift the use of the “e” as electronic and instead see the embedded “e” in Learning to mean:

  • Everywhere.
  • Everyone.
  • Evolving.
  • Effective.
  • Efficient.
  • Everytime.
  • Embedded.
  • Engaging.


Addendums on 8/16/12:

Why higher education is looking for e-Learning leaders — from by Tanya Roscorla


Universities and community colleges are posting job openings for a range of e-learning leadership positions, reflecting the growing popularity of online education.

Is it time to remove the ‘e’ and ‘m’ from learning? Yes and no — from RJ Jacquez


This is becoming a question I get asked frequently, and I also see it asked quite a bit to other people. I happen to think this is a very valid question, especially as people begin to participate in conferences and conversations on the topic of using mobile for learning.  To me there are good arguments for answering yes and no. Let me explain.



Learnetic, a Polish-based eLearning publisher and developer, has just released Lorepo — an online authoring tool dedicated to the creation of interactive digital content compatible with desktop computers, tablet devices and smart phones. Thanks to HTML5 technology and the development of specific design guidelines, the new tool enables authors to create interactive learning objects that are compatible with the wide variety of operating systems, screen resolutions and mouse/touch interfaces in today’s marketplace. Read the rest of the press release here >> -- Lorepo is our key solution for everyone interested in learning, creating and sharing interactive content.


Lorepo is provided to you by Learnetic, an eLearning industry leader offering a wide range of products and services for modern education. Lorepo is our key solution for everyone interested in learning, creating and sharing interactive content.

Either you are an individual person willing to share some knowledge with your friends or the whole world, a teacher eager to provide your students with personalized learning resources or a publishing company aiming at preparing professional, multiplatform interactive content, Lorepo is the best choice for you.


Also see:  Learnetic S.A. is a world-leading educational software publisher and e-learning technology provider,


.Learnetic S.A. is a world-leading educational software publisher and e-learning technology provider, based in Poland. Its content, publishing tools and eLearning platforms are widely used by publishers, teachers and students in over 30 countries, including Poland, United States, United Kingdom, Holland, Spain, Portugal, Malaysia, Singapore, Chile, and Australia. The company’s talented team of software engineers specializes in designing applications for education markets and is dedicated to satisfying the diverse needs of contemporary educators and learners.

From DSC:
My cousin helps Fortune 500 companies innovate and deal with change management-related issues.  Something he once said is rather haunting to me now…

“Often when organizations start feeling the pain, it’s too late at that point.” (Think Blockbuster, Kodak, Borders, and many others.)

So that has been the question I’ve been pondering these last couple of years — are we already too late to the game?


Public universities see familiar fight at Virginia — from the NYT by Tamar Lewin on 6/25/12

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

The tumult at the University of Virginia …reflects a low-grade panic now spreading through much of public higher education.

But the 10-point outline she offered — listing state and federal financing challenges, the changing role of technology, a rapidly changing health care environment, prioritization of scarce resources, faculty workload and the quality of the student experience, faculty compensation, research financing and the like — was almost generic, and would have applied to nearly every public university in the nation.

Rebuilding Mr. Jefferson’s University — from by Kevin Kiley

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

In a statement before the vote, Dragas said the events of the past two weeks have actually unified the campus around a series of questions it needs to address. “Prior to these events, there seemed to be a roadblock between the board’s sense of urgency around our future in a number of critical areas, and the administration’s response to that urgency,” she said. “Also, many of our concerns about the direction of the university remained unknown to all but a few. This situation has now keenly focused the attention of the entire university community on the reality and urgency of the specific challenges facing the university  most of which, once again, are not unique to U.Va. – but whose structural and long-term nature do require a deliberate and strategic approach.”

University of Virginia: Only the Beginning — from The American Interest by Walter Russell Mead

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

What we see at UVA this month is just a foretaste of the storm that is coming — a few early raindrops and gusts of wind before the real storm hits. The country needs more education than the current system can affordably supply, and the pressure on the educational system will not abate until this problem is resolved.

Fixing college — from the NYT by Jeff Selingo, editorial director at The Chronicle of Higher Education, who is writing a book on the future of higher education


Other information industries, from journalism to music to book publishing, enjoyed similar periods of success right before epic change enveloped them, seemingly overnight.We now know how those industries have been transformed by technology, resulting in the decline of the middleman newspapers, record stores, bookstores and publishers.

Colleges and universities could be next, unless they act to mitigate the poor choices and inaction from the lost decade by looking for ways to lower costs, embrace technology and improve education.


Ousted Head of University Is Reinstated in Virginia — from the NYT by Richard Perz-Pena

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — Facing a torrent of criticism, the University of Virginia trustees made a stunning turnabout on Tuesday, voting unanimously to reinstate the president they had forced to resign over concerns that the university was not adapting fast enough to financial and technological pressures.

iTunes U Just Got A Killer New Feature — from by Jeff Dunn


Available To You
The good news is that the social learning tools are available for ALL courses on iTunes U. So it’s now a free, socially-enabled, robust learning platform that has seen more than 700 million downloads. Hard to argue with that.

If you’re looking to take your classroom lectures and presentations online to share them with the world, this new development out of iTunes U could be just what you’ve been waiting for.

Nerds of the World, Unite! iTunes U Just Got Interactive — from The Atlantic by Megan Garber
Stanford is adding a social layer to its most popular class on Apple’s platform.

From DSC:
I’d rather see Apple, themselves, get more invested in — and committed to — helping design and integrate more tools inherent within the iTunes U ecosystem itself, capabilities such as:

  • Web-based videoconferencing and collaboration tools
  • Audio/visual-based discussion boards (use voice and video to submit an initial posting as well as to respond to someone else’s posting)
  • Interactive whiteboards
  • Application sharing
  • Social networking/learning
  • E-payments
  • Etc.



YouTube Video of  Marc Whitten, VP Xbox LIVE


SmartGlass -- from Microsoft -- June 4, 2012


Microsoft Unveils ‘SmartGlass’ to Connect Xbox and Windows — from the Wall Street Journal


Xbox Marc Whitten, corporate vice president of Xbox LIVE, announces
Xbox SmartGlass onstage at the Xbox 360 E3 media briefing Monday.


Also see:

Addendum 6/6/12:

Changing the Economics of Education -- John Hennessy and Salman Khan at 2012 All Things Digitall



Is there anything to be done about the rising price of higher education? That was the question posed to John Hennessy, president of Stanford University, and Salman Khan, founder of Khan Academy, a nonprofit online-learning organization. They sat down with The Wall Street Journal’s Walt Mossberg to discuss how technology might be part of the solution.

Here are edited excerpts of their conversation.


Addendum on 6/7/12:

  • D10: Stanford, Khan Academy, and the future of higher ed — from by Jason Snell
    Though the crushing cost of college education wasn’t a major topic of Khan and Hennessy’s conversation with D10 co-host Walt Mossberg, it’s certainly a major cause of anxiety for parents. But most of the time, the conversation dwelled on the simple issue that technology is going to radically transform education—and right now everyone’s trying to figure out how to manage that change. “There’s a tsunami coming,” Hennessy said. “I don’t know how it’s going to break, but my goal is to try to surf it, not just stand there.” At its simplest form, technology needs to find ways to make education more efficient. That means serving more students, but also teaching them more effectively.


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