Cisco will buy ExtendMedia to manage video delivery — from


“ExtendMedia will enable Cisco to help service providers deliver multiscreen offerings as the market transitions to IP video,” Earnhardt wrote. “In English: Video, video, video and more video on any screen, on any network, on any device.”

“As the video market transitions and consumers expect multiscreen engagement, service providers are enhancing their infrastructure to manage and deliver video to any device while providing a rich user experience,” Rodriguez said.

From DSC:
I believe this type of announcement also has relevancy for those of us in higher ed. Video on any device…at any time…at any place.

Also see:

  • The Virtual MSO — from ExtendMedia
    Apple’s planned subscription service, Netflix’ streaming service, maybe even Comcast’s new Xfinity are early examples of the Virtual MSO. Its attributes – premium content, multi-business model (subscription, advertising, transactional), linear and on-demand consumption, user and multi-device entitlement – come from both Web video and pay TV.

Top 4 online video sites to upload videos

Top 4 online video sites to upload videos — from

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From Dr. Sarah Eaton: Using Skype in the second and foreign language classroom


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Online collaboration: New innovations pave the way for convergence — from
Merger of television and computer takes giant step closer as innovative online tool suite is released

CALABASAS, Calif., Aug. 16 /PRNewswire/ — Anticipating the coming paradigm shift that will merge your television and your computer, NxtGenTV has just released the most cohesive system of online tools to facilitate the ultimate interactive communication platform. Four years of innovating has resulted in, an elegant, easy-to-use online meeting system that supports the diverse requirements of single users, small and medium size businesses as well as enterprise and nonprofit organizations. Creating a new opportunity for the global audience to interact online in even greater and more efficient ways is only one of the many benefits of building a social media broadcasting system that facilitates Communication, Collaboration, Presentation and Education.

An industry leader in online games, apps, widgets, banners and rich media development for major entertainment brands, The Illusion Factory created a new company, NxtGenTV to develop and patent cutting-edge online technologies such as shared synchronized visual media and other key innovations that will further blur the lines between computers and television. “We have been passionate about creating the cumulative new systems that will drive Convergence,” shares Brian Weiner, CEO of The Illusion Factory, “our creation of NxtGenTV will lead the push for truly interactive television.”

The type of learning materials that can be produced by an organization such as Virtual Heroes is the type/quality of material that will be produced in a vision that I have been calling “The Forthcoming Walmart of Education.



Also see:

From DSC:
This is why I would encourage the U.S. government to see if they can get 1-2 billion — from the billionaires who are donating much of their wealth to charitable causes — in order to create such professionally-done, interactive, engaging, team-created learning materials.
Then make those materials available — free of charge — throughout the world.

Podcasting: Ideas for teachers — from Learning Objects Community — posted by Nancy Rubin

What is a podcast and how can I teach with it? If you are wondering what a podcast is, that might be a good place to start. Podcasts are basically audio files that can be produced with a standard computer, a microphone, software, and a web site where you will post your completed podcasts. Audio podcasts are usually an MP3 file and are the most common types of podcasts. Enhanced podcasts can have images to go along with the audio. They can also have chapter markers, making it easier to skip to different portions of an episode. Enhanced podcasts are not necessarily supported by all devices. Video podcasts are movies, complete with sound. Video podcasts can be in a variety of formats, but MPEG-4 is the most popular and the only format that will play on iPod and iPad.

Some classroom ideas for podcasting:

  • Record directions for students
  • Record lessons
  • Record supplemental materials
  • Record instructions for a substitute teacher
  • Record classroom rules
  • Interview people at your school
  • Create a news show and discuss current events
  • Record a speech
  • Record student readings so they can hear what they sound like

Also see:

iPhone camera accessories — from Cool Hunting by Aaron Kohn
Five ways to get the most out of shooting photos and video on a mobile phone

The iPhone 4’s new five-megapixel camera and HD video capability makes capturing snapshots and footage on-the-go easier than ever. A bounty of applications and accessories out there help you get the most from the smartphone’s camera functions, but which are the essentials? We picked out a few of our favorites that up the general quality of images and add handy features.



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