From Brett Victor’s “Kill Math” page

The power to understand and predict the quantities of the world should not be restricted to those with a freakish knack for manipulating abstract symbols.

When most people speak of Math, what they have in mind is more its mechanism than its essence. This “Math” consists of assigning meaning to a set of symbols, blindly shuffling around these symbols according to arcane rules, and then interpreting a meaning from the shuffled result. The process is not unlike casting lots.

This mechanism of math evolved for a reason: it was the most efficient means of modeling quantitative systems given the constraints of pencil and paper. Unfortunately, most people are not comfortable with bundling up meaning into abstract symbols and making them dance. Thus, the power of math beyond arithmetic is generally reserved for a clergy of scientists and engineers (many of whom struggle with symbolic abstractions more than they’ll actually admit).

We are no longer constrained by pencil and paper. The symbolic shuffle should no longer be taken for granted as the fundamental mechanism for understanding quantity and change. Math needs a new interface.

Also see:


Why Angry Birds is so successful and popular: A cognitive teardown of the user experience — from Pulse > UX by Charles L. Mauro


Simple yet engaging interaction concept: This seems an obvious point, but few realize that a simple interaction model need not be, and rarely is, procedurally simple. Simplification means once users have a relatively brief period of experience with the software, their mental model of how the interface behaves is well formed and fully embedded. This is known technically as schema formation. In truly great user interfaces, this critical bit of skill acquisition takes place during a specific use cycle known as the First User Experience or FUE. When users are able to construct a robust schema quickly, they routinely rate the user interface as “simple”. However, simple does not equal engaging. It is possible to create a user interface solution that is initially perceived by users as simple. However, the challenge is to create a desire by users to continue interaction with a system over time, what we call user “engagement”.

What makes a user interface engaging is adding more detail to the user’s mental model at just the right time. Angry Birds’ simple interaction model is easy to learn because it allows the user to quickly develop a mental model of the game’s interaction methodology, core strategy and scoring processes. It is engaging, in fact addictive, due to the carefully scripted expansion of the user’s mental model of the strategy component and incremental increases in problem/solution methodology. These little birds are packed with clever behaviors that expand the user’s mental model at just the point when game-level complexity is increased. The process of creating simple, engaging interaction models turns out to be exceedingly complex. Most groups developing software today think expansion of the user’s mental model is for the birds. Not necessarily so.

Other key items discussed:

  • Simple yet engaging interaction concept
  • Cleverly managed response time
  • Short-term memory management
  • Mystery
  • How things sound
  • How things look
  • Measuring that which some say cannot be measured


From DSC:
What Apple is able to do with many of their hardware and software products, what Charles describes here with Angry Birds, what Steelcase did with their Media:Scape product’s puck — and other examples — point out that creating something that is “easy” is actually quite hard.


Concept future -  Universal Remote Controller 6


Concept future -  Universal Remote Controller 4


Student engagement on the go — from The Journal by Chris Riedel

Assistant Principal Patrick McGee explains that whatever the other advantages of adopting iPads and iPods in the classroom, the key is student engagement.

“This is my 3-year old daughter the day the iPad came out,” said Patrick McGee as he displayed a movie of a young girl sitting at a kitchen counter, gripping an iPad in both hands. The audience watched as the little girl found, launched, and began to use a Dr. Seuss app; all without intervention or explanation from an adult. “Kids know–intuitively–how these things work; even at 3,” he said. “We need to use that.”


Mobile content is twice as difficult [usability] — from Jakob Nielsen

When reading from an iPhone-sized screen, comprehension scores for complex Web content were 48% of desktop monitor scores.

It’s more painful to use the Web on mobile phones than on desktop computers for many reasons:

  • Slower downloads
  • No physical keyboard for data entry
  • No mouse for selection; no mouse buttons to issue commands and access contextual menus (indeed fewer signaling states, as discussed further in our seminar on Applying HCI Principles to Real World Problems: a touchscreen only signals “finger-down/up,” whereas a mouse has hover state in addition to button press/release)
  • Small screen (often with tiny text)
  • Websites designed for desktop access instead of following the usability guidelines for mobile
  • App UIs that lack consistency

New research by R.I. Singh and colleagues from the University of Alberta provides one more reason: it’s much harder to understand complicated information when you’re reading through a peephole.

…rest of posting here.

From DSC:
With the above said, the mobile learning wave cannot — and most likely should not — be stopped. The types of devices we end up using may change, but mobile learning will move forward.

For one example of this, see:

Skype falls short as a web conferencing tool for everyday business use says — from

Millions have been using Skype privately for years. With its upgraded functionality, Skype now tries to appeal to business users in search of a web conferencing solution but cannot deliver. In a test of its functionalities and a following comparison to well-established web conferencing solutions, revealed some major drawbacks.

Also see:
Skype: Great for private chats and calls, not so great for web conferencing — from

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25 user experience videos that are worth your time — from

We’re all mostly accustomed to educating ourselves by reading articles. Rare are the opportunities to attend conferences or watch live shows on subjects that we’re interested in. That’s why we are presenting here phenomenal videos and related resources on the topic of user experience (UX) by different presenters at different events. We have focused on current content but have included some older videos that are still relevant. It will take you more than 16 hours to watch all of these videos. So, make some popcorn, turn off the lights and enjoy.

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Touch Gesture Guide

The Touch Gesture Reference Guide — by Luke Wroblewski

Also see:
GestureWorks Open Source Gesture Library

Apple’s latest patent outlines the future of multitouch — from
Total control at the tip of your fingers

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Finds: What Makes Design Seem Intuitive? — from Williams Instructional Design, LLC

This entertaining and informative presentation by Jared spool of User Interface Engineering on, “What Makes Design Seem Intuitive?,” addresses web design, but much of his message applies to instructional design as well. Some of the gems of insight include…(see posting)

From DSC:
When we put educational materials online, we instantly create a user interface.
From the students’ standpoints, how intuitive/usable are those interfaces?

When we don’t enforce some type of consistency in our online-based offerings, do we not put the monkeys on the back of our students to try and figure out how their current instructor does things (i.e. where the syllabus is, where the discussion board forums are, etc.)?

And might I add in here (which I realize is controversial), this is yet another reason why we need to move towards the use of teams in higher ed. One person can not do it all anymore…it’s just too big of a job now. We can’t expect our subject matter experts to be usability/interface design/instructional design/interaction design specialists.

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From DSC:

The posting below is a great resource for all educators — especially those involved with putting materials online — as well as for folks interested in interaction design/usability. Check it out!

There is power in digital storytelling (and eliciting emotion), so this posting really caught my eye! You might want to check out Francisco Inchauste’s blog as well. Nice work!

UX and Storytelling -- part 1

Better User Experience With Storytelling – Part One — from by Francisco Inchauste

Stories have defined our world. They have been with us since the dawn of communication, from cave walls to the tall tales recounted around fires. They have continued to evolve with their purpose remaining the same: To entertain, to share common experiences, to teach, and to pass on traditions.

Today we communicate a bit differently. Our information is fragmented across various mass-media channels and delivered through ever-changing technology. It has become watered down, cloned, and is churned out quickly in 140-character blurbs. We’ve lost that personal touch where we find an emotional connection that makes us care.


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