Stanford assigns Vice Provost of Online Learning — from by Molly Gerth


This week, Stanford University announced the appointment of John Mitchell to serve as Vice Provost for Online Learning. This signifies the university is getting serious about the Stanford Online initiative to reach more students around the world and to address the transforming 21st century education system.

iTunes U Course Manager hands on — from UCL – London’s Global University  by Matt Jenner


iTunes U is known as a wonderful platform for finding recorded lectures and podcasts from academics and institutions across the world. But recently it’s also become a location for entire courses, with students, multiple resources and some interaction all happening on devices such as the iPad. It’s all very Apple-based, which means anyone without this hardware can’t access it and thus it remains a little elitist. BUT there’s still some good reasons to look into it – and I hope this begins to explain why.

From DSC:
Thanks Matt for the helpful screenshots and overview of what iTunes U is offering these days!

If Apple were to devote more resources to create a fully-stocked CMS/LMS, they could add a significant piece to the overall ecosystem they continue to build.  But this time, it would have significant benefits to those who want to learn and to reinvent themselves over time.

For example, what if:

  • Faculty members worked with students to create the textbooks using iBooks Author?
  • And the textbooks were free?
  • iPads were used in BYOD type of settings and audio/video/text/graphics-based files could be “beamed” up to a larger presentation display? (Or all of the materials that they would need are already on the iPad from their orientation day and onward — and would constantly be updated throughout their collegiate days?  In fact, a supplemental charge could provide the ability for alumni to subscribe to constantly updated streams of content as well.)
  • CMS/LMS functions like discussion boards, wikis, blogs, podcasts, videoconferencing and more could be built into iTunes U?

Could be a potent learning setup as such cloud-based materials are available to everyone throughout the globe — at very attractive prices.


The middle class falls further behind -- part of the perfect storm for higher ed in the US


From DSC:
Along with a host of other trends, this is a piece of the perfect storm in higher ed. People will find a way to make a living — whether this involves “traditional” higher education or not. From a career development side of things, robotics may make these graphics even more pronounced as jobs move from being done by humans to jobs being done by robots.

Also see:





States with online course or online experience requirements — from Sevenstar

  1. Alabama (As of 2008, all students must earn one credit in an advanced placement course, an honors course, a dual credit course or a distance learning course)
  2. Florida (For the 2011-2012 academic year, Florida begins requiring its high school students to complete at least one course online in order to graduate. As of 2006, all students must have the option to take an online course if a student wants it)
  3. Georgia (Starting in 2014, all ninth grade students will have to take at least one online course before graduation)
  4. Michigan (As of 2006, all incoming high school students must complete a course of study delivered via the intranet/Internet; or students will complete 20 hours of structured, sustained, integrated, online experiences.)
  5. Idaho (All students who begin ninth grade in fall 2012, must take 2 online courses to graduate)
  6. New York (As of 2011, public schools in the state of New York must spend significant amounts of time online)
  7. New Mexico (As of 2011, All students must earn one credit in an advanced placement course, an honors course, a dual credit course or a distance learning course)
  8. Virginia (All students who begin ninth grade in fall 2013, must take at least part of a course online to receive a standard or advanced-studies high-school diploma.)


Also see:

  • Christian Schools, Finances and Online Courses: Ready for a New Wineskin? — from Sevenstar
    Financial-based decisions are occurring in almost every school. While financial stewardship has always been a hallmark of the Christian school movement, the decisions to cut faculty, reduce the breadth of classes offered, and close schools may lessen the impact of Christian education in the United States. This white paper describes the changed landscape of education and presents opportunities for Christian Schools to thrive financially in this new environment. If your school is concerned about financial sustainability, be sure to read this seminal white paper.


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California State University selects Pearson to launch Cal State Online — from
Fully online program to increase access to higher education for students.


The California State University, the nation’s largest four-year university system, has selected Pearson to launch Cal State Online, a fully online program designed to increase access to higher education. Cal State Online will launch in January 2013 with a selection of undergraduate degree completion and professional master’s programs, leveraging the multitude of programs currently available across the CSU.


Also see:

Your future TV is not about Tele-Vision [Eaton]

Your future TV is not about Tele-Vision — from by Kit Eaton

Excerpt (emphasis below from DSC; also see the above categories to see how I see this as a highly-relevant component to our future learning ecosystems):

Then imagine what a hybrid of Apple’s tech and efforts like GetGlue, Shazam, and other interactive systems will be like when they’re more integrated into your 2017 smart TV. The big screen in your living room won’t be a one-way window into another world you can’t touch anymore. It’ll be a discovery engine, a way to learn facts, interact with the world, talk to people, find new and surprising content to absorb. Advertisers will love it, and companies like Nielsen–which largely has to guess all those stats about who watches which show at primetime nowadays–will be able to get accurate data…which may mean more appealing shows.



The Living [Class] Room -- by Daniel Christian -- July 2012 -- a second device used in conjunction with a Smart/Connected TV



Also see:

Are they learning or cheating? Online teaching’s dilemma — from by George Anders; my thanks to Mr. Yohan Na for the resource

From DSC:
I think the key is that folks are going to need to show what they can do, not just what they know (in order to get a job for example). That type of thing will expose (at least to a degree) who has been doing the work and who hasn’t.  Also, I’m hopeful that faculty members can integrate assignments that personalize the learning — that make it relevant; so people will have a greater incentive to do the work and hopefully get more engaged with it.

The topic of cheating/plagiarism gets at a far deeper issue — why don’t people want to do the work in the first place? Where’s the enjoyment of learning? Why isn’t learning more enjoyable? How can we make it more enjoyable/relevant/personalized?

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Online College Students 2012: Comprehensive Data on Demands and Preferences [Aslanian & Clinefelter]


Learnetic, a Polish-based eLearning publisher and developer, has just released Lorepo — an online authoring tool dedicated to the creation of interactive digital content compatible with desktop computers, tablet devices and smart phones. Thanks to HTML5 technology and the development of specific design guidelines, the new tool enables authors to create interactive learning objects that are compatible with the wide variety of operating systems, screen resolutions and mouse/touch interfaces in today’s marketplace. Read the rest of the press release here >> -- Lorepo is our key solution for everyone interested in learning, creating and sharing interactive content.


Lorepo is provided to you by Learnetic, an eLearning industry leader offering a wide range of products and services for modern education. Lorepo is our key solution for everyone interested in learning, creating and sharing interactive content.

Either you are an individual person willing to share some knowledge with your friends or the whole world, a teacher eager to provide your students with personalized learning resources or a publishing company aiming at preparing professional, multiplatform interactive content, Lorepo is the best choice for you.


Also see:  Learnetic S.A. is a world-leading educational software publisher and e-learning technology provider,


.Learnetic S.A. is a world-leading educational software publisher and e-learning technology provider, based in Poland. Its content, publishing tools and eLearning platforms are widely used by publishers, teachers and students in over 30 countries, including Poland, United States, United Kingdom, Holland, Spain, Portugal, Malaysia, Singapore, Chile, and Australia. The company’s talented team of software engineers specializes in designing applications for education markets and is dedicated to satisfying the diverse needs of contemporary educators and learners.

‘Clicks’ could be future of higher education — from Voice of America by Ted Landphair

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

But a new survey of more than 1,000 Internet experts, researchers and observers of American education found that higher education may soon be more about “clicks” than “bricks.”

The survey was conducted by Elon University in North Carolina and the Pew Internet & American Life Project.  Sixty percent of its respondents agreed with the statement that, by 2020, “there will be a mass adoption of teleconferencing and distance learning” in order to give students greater access to real-world experts.

But not all the experts who were polled are thrilled with this vision.  According Lee Rainie, director of the Pew Internet Project, they worry that long-distance learning “lacks the personal, face-to-face touch they feel is necessary for effective education.”

Colleges are realizing that traditional classroom instruction “is becoming decreasingly viable financially,” says Rebecca Bernstein of the State University of New York at Buffalo.  “The change driver will not be demand or technology.  It will be economics and the diminishing pool of students who can afford to live and study on campus. “

From DSC:
For those faculty members and institutions offering the majority of their courses with small classroom sizes of 10-20 students, I can appreciate such worries (though I would still say that there’s no where to hide in an online class of 15-20 students either). 

But for those faculty and institutions who are holding to this viewpoint — and who are offering intro courses to 100-300 students at a time — I have the following questions concerning this so called “personal, face-to-face touch” being alluded to:

  • If I were your student in your  Intro to Pysch or your Organic Chemistry class on your campus, and I had 150 other students taking such classes with me, would you even know my name if I met you walking down the street?
  • Would you know my major? My passions? My interests?
  • Would you know what I’m trying to accomplish or where I’m trying to get to?
  • Would you even care to know these things or would you be grudgingly teaching courses, while anxiously awaiting your return to your research lab?  (Not that research is bad at all…it’s just that few people can both teach well and research well at the same time — teaching is as much an art as it is a science and it takes a ton of work to do well…learning is messy.)

So this “personal, face-to-face touch” that’s often alluded to in order to achieve effective education simply doesn’t hold water for a great majority of the courses being offered throughout higher education today.  I’d loved to be proven wrong here —  and I hope that things have changed since my Big 10 educational experience.





Nine steps to quality online learning — from Tony Bates


Also see:

  • How [not] to Design an Online Course — from
    Moving a face-to-face credit course to an online environment is far more challenging than one might expect – as numerous experienced and esteemed professors have discovered. In this post learn vicariously through one professor’s experience of ‘what not to do’.


Two items/perspectives re: online learning

On one side:
The Trouble With Online Education — from the NYT by Mark Edmundson

On the other side:
Online Education is Real Education
— from The Society Pages by Nathan Jurgenson


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From the New York Times -- Universities Reshaping Education on the Web - July 17, 2012



As part of a seismic shift in online learning that is reshaping higher education, Coursera, a year-old company founded by two Stanford University computer scientists, will announce on Tuesday that a dozen major research universities are joining the venture. In the fall, Coursera will offer 100 or more free massive open online courses, or MOOCs, that are expected to draw millions of students and adult learners globally.

Also see:


From DSC:

Notice the equity investors here…players outside the normal/traditional higher ed landscape continue to enter. Control is an illusion. The conversation continues to move…



Addendums/also see:

  • from Dr. Keith Devlin, mathematician at Stanford — added 7/17/12
    Excerpt from his blog:
    I’m Dr. Keith Devlin, a mathematician at Stanford University. In fall 2012, I’ll be launching my first free online math course. This blog will chronicle my experiences as they happen, and hopefully garner some feedback and discussion for what can be approached only as a huge, but exciting experiment.
  • One course, 150,000 students — from the New York Times by Tamar Lewin — added 7/19/12
    Excerpt re: “How does this all work with a global enrollment?
    It’s been amazing. You’d see someone post in Brazil looking for other students in Brazil so they could meet and have a study group at a coffee shop. Facebook sites for the course popped up, not all in English. There are people in Tunisia, Pakistan, New Zealand, Latin America. And a professor in Mongolia has a group of students taking the course. He got them all a little laboratory kit, so they’re doing the experiments live along with the course.
  • Democratizing Education: Peter Norvig on Reaching a Global Audience — from by Brent Hannify
    Norvig delivered a TED Talk titled “The 100,000-student classroom” in which he shared what he and Thrun learned about reaching a global audience through online teaching. He and Thrun worked together to create an online class that would be equal or better than the flagship artificial intelligence class at Stanford … and to also bring it free to anyone who was interested in signing up. Norvig and Thrun watched in amazement as 50,000 people signed up during the first two weeks after the class’s announcement, and grew “a bit terrified” when it reached a total of approximately 160,000 students.
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