To boldly go where no pupils have gone before — from by James Morgan

Classroom of the future


The researchers behind the design of so-called ‘Star Trek classrooms’ have discovered that multi-touch, multi-user desks can boost pupils’ skills in mathematics. The inter-disciplinary team from Durham University, whose findings have been published in the journal Learning and Instruction, found evidence to suggest that children who used smart desks to complete mathematical exercises benefited more than those who completed their tasks on paper.

During the course of a three-year project known as SynergyNet, the researchers have worked with more than 400 pupils, predominantly aged between eight and 10. The team’s latest results show that collaborative learning, such as that facilitated by touchscreen desks, increases learners’ mathematical fluency and flexibility. Moreover, the researchers are confident that the technology that they have developed could also be used to improve learning across other subject areas.

Also see:

Will Richmond on Top 2013 TV Trends [from Videomind by Greg Franzese]

Will Richmond on Top 2013 TV Trends -- from Videomind by Greg Franzese -- 11-29-2012


From DSC:
I continue to watch this space as the foundations are being put into place for what I’m calling, “Learning from the Living [Class] Room.”


Learning from the living room -- a component of our future learning ecosystems -- by Daniel S. Christian, June 2012


An innovative, sharp concept for a potential Apple TV

An à la carte Apple TV concept integrates Siri, FaceTime, and cable/satellite providers (Gallery) — from by Jordan Kahn

Example “screenshots” from this concept:

Apple TV Concept - Nov 2012




Also see:


From DSC:
This relates to what I’m calling “Learning from the Living [Class] Room”


The Living [Class] Room -- by Daniel Christian -- July 2012 -- a second device used in conjunction with a Smart/Connected TV



American Express launches the largest ever Interactive TV advertising campaign — from
New branded channel will serve as “always on” brand hub


NEW YORK, Nov 21, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) — American Express and BrightLine announced today the rollout of the largest Interactive TV campaign ever executed, including an “always-on”, unified destination point that can be accessed by multiple cable and satellite providers. The AMEX Channel will enable American Express Cardmembers and prospects to have an interactive on-demand viewing experience that matches consumers’ evolving TV viewing behaviors.

The nationwide interactive TV channel will reach more than 50 million households in the United States. Viewers can access it through various gateways including clickable overlays that will air alongside some American Express commercials, dedicated channel positions, channel guide listings, interactive banners and more. The AMEX Channel has been designed to function as an evolving resource for Cardmembers and prospects by enabling them to visually explore the American Express experience via shared member stories, games, special offers and more on the big screen. The channel will have a consistent presence and frequently update to keep the American Express community informed, entertained and connected.


American Express Interactive Channel is set to reach 50 million homes — from The New York Times by Sturart Elliott


American Express is promoting its wares to cardholders and potential cardholders through an interactive branded channel under a new agreement with BrightLine. American Express is promoting its wares to cardholders and potential cardholders through an interactive branded channel under a new agreement with BrightLine.

American Express is taking another step toward the new world of television that is always on, making a deal with BrightLine for a yearlong campaign centered on an interactive branded channel.



From DSC:
Further exploration/experimentation such as this is excellent; this is another pulse check on the Smart/Connected TV situation — and machine-to-machine communications and the use of second screen-based apps may be relevant here as well.




From DSC:
Eventually, this will lay a solid foundation for what I’m calling “Learning from the Living [Class] Room.”


Also see:

  • HEVC is game changer for multi-screen and IPTV
    There is an industry consensus that HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding), the draft compression standard, will have a dramatic impact on the industry thanks to its ability to eventually halve bit rates compared to MPEG-4 AVC (H.264), the current encoding Gold Standard that it will complement but ultimately succeed. And as with all encoding, if you create sufficient extra coding efficiency to halve bit rates then you can also choose to leave bit rates the same but double picture quality, or turn the bandwidth/quality dial to any point in between. Encoder vendors are working towards deployments of the new codec as early as next year, probably starting with multi-screen TV services and fixed line IPTV.
  • Indra Sistemas SA : Connected TV: Gateway to the job market for the disabled
    Thanks to this standard, researchers of the Visual Telecommunications Application Group (G@TV), through the Indra-Adecco Foundation Chair, are developing a television platform in which people with various disabilities can access services such as distance learning and job offers. It will also enable employers and the public to obtain information about disability and the integration of the disabled into the workforce.

Talk about the creative side of computing! Turning video games into live music -- meet the Tacit Group


From DSC:
Some serious cross-disciplinary work/fun/experimentation going on here!


From DSC:
I understand that Mr. George Lucas is going to express his generosity in donating the $4.05 billion from the sale of Lucasfilm to education.

Here’s a question/idea that I’d like to put forth to Mr. Lucas (or to the United States Department of Education, or to another interested/committed party):

Would you consider using the $4+ billion gift to build an “Online Learning Dream Team?”


Daniel Christian -- The Online Learning Dream Team - as of November 2012


 Original image credit (before purchased/edited by DSC)
yobro10 / 123RF Stock Photo



From DSC:
What do you think? What other “players” — technologies, vendors, skillsets, etc. — should be on this team?

  • Perhaps videography?
  • Online tutoring?
  • Student academic services?
  • Animation?
  • Digital photography?


Yahoo! and Samsung form multi-year partnership to deliver Interactive TV — from by Business Wirevia The Motley Fool
Partnership to provide real-time, enhanced entertainment and advertising to homes across the United States


SUNNYVALE, Calif. & RIDGEFIELD PARK, N.J.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Yahoo! (NAS: YHOO) and Samsung today announced an expanded multi-year partnership to integrate Yahoo!’s Broadcast Interactivity platform into Samsung 2012 Smart TVs. Yahoo! Broadcast Interactivity, powered by its automatic content recognition (ACR) technology, SoundPrintTM, will be deployed in Samsung’s SyncPlus platform, enabling new opportunities for intelligent content discovery, advertising and engagement, bringing an unprecedented level of interactivity in the living room.


From DSC:
Another steps towards:


The Living [Class] Room -- by Daniel Christian -- July 2012 -- a second device used in conjunction with a Smart/Connected TV



A fifth of TV sets connected to the Internet by 2016 — from






Welcome to Star Scholar U., where a personal brand is the credential — from The Chronicle by By Jeffrey R. Young


Welcome to Star Scholar U 2

Keri Rasmussen for The Chronicle

Tyler Cowen, an economics professor at George Mason U., helped build an online-education site, Marginal Revolution U, based on a blog he runs with Alex Tabarrok. “In part we did it just to show it could be done—that you can have a Web site which looks nice and works,” Mr. Cowen said.



A new kind of university has begun to emerge: Call it Star Scholar U.

Professors with large followings and technical prowess are breaking off to start their own online institutions, delivering courses with little or no backing from traditional campuses.

Founding a university may sound dramatic, but in an era of easy-to-use online tools it can be done as a side project—akin to blogging or writing a textbook. Soon there could be hundreds of Star Scholar U’s.


5 perspectives on the future of the human interface — from by Alex Williams


The next generation of apps will require developers to think more of the human as the user interface. It will become more about the need to know how an app works while a person stands up or with their arms in the air more so than if they’re sitting down and pressing keys with their fingers.

Also see:




Rethinking carrots: A new method for measuring what players find most rewarding and motivating about your game — from by Scott Rigby, Richard Ryan


The Player Experience of Need Satisfaction model (PENS) outlines three basic psychological needs, those of competence, autonomy, and relatedness, that we have demonstrated lie at the heart of the player’s fun, enjoyment, and valuing of games. By collecting players’ reports of how these needs are being satisfied, the PENS model can strongly and significantly predict positive experiential and commercial outcomes, in many cases much more strongly than more traditional measures of fun and enjoyment. And despite the simplicity of the model conceptually, it shows promise as a “unified theory” of the player experience by demonstrating predictive value regardless of genre, platform, or even the individual preferences of players.


Pearson project will let professors mix free and paid content in e-textbooks — from The Chronicle by Alisha Azevedo


Pearson, a major textbook publisher, continued its push into digital education on Monday by introducing a service that allows instructors to create e-textbooks using open-access content and Pearson material.


A river of data — from by Bror Saxberg
Making the learning experience more effective


How should teaching change in the age of Siri?– from MindShift


 Short of banning smartphones (a short-term solution, at best), the evolution of artificial intelligence services like Siri means that there will be a shift from a focus on finding the answer as the endpoint to a greater focus on analysis. You have the answer, but so what? What does that answer mean in a real-life situation?


Degreed launches crowdfunding campaign for reimagined ‘digital diploma’ — from by Ki Mae Heussner
San Francisco startup Degreed is challenging the traditional college diploma with an online service that tracks and scores educational achievements from established institutions as well as new online learning platforms. Ahead of a public launch in 2013, Degreed this week began a crowd funding campaign.



A capitalist’s dilemma, whoever wins on Tuesday — from the New York Times by Clayton Christensen

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

In a way, this mirrors the microeconomic paradox explored in my book “The Innovator’s Dilemma,” which shows how successful companies can fail by making the “right” decisions in the wrong situations. America today is in a macroeconomic paradox that we might call the capitalist’s dilemma. Executives, investors and analysts are doing what is right, from their perspective and according to what they’ve been taught. Those doctrines were appropriate to the circumstances when first articulated — when capital[From DSC: or from an educational perspective, we could use the word information] was scarce.

But we’ve never taught our apprentices that when capital is abundant and certain new skills are scarce, the same rules are the wrong rules. Continuing to measure the efficiency of capital prevents investment in empowering innovations that would create the new growth we need because it would drive down their RONA, ROCE and I.R.R.



Gartner sees 821M unit smart device mkt in 2012; 1.2B 2013 — from by Eric Savitz



Microsoft announces Windows 8 and Surface tablet


Microsoft unveils Windows 8, Surface tablet — from


NEW YORK (Reuters) – Microsoft Corp launched its new Windows 8 operating system and Surface tablet on Thursday in a bid to revive interest in its flagship product and regain ground lost to Apple Inc and Google Inc in mobile computing.  “We’ve reimagined Windows and we’ve reimagined the whole PC industry,” Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer told Reuters Television.  Windows 8 devices and the company’s new Surface tablet, which challenges Apple’s popular iPad head on, go on sale at midnight on Thursday.

Microsoft’s Windows 8 Test: Courting Consumers — from by Shira Ovide


The software giant on Thursday formally introduced the touch-oriented overhaul of the operating system that powers nine out of every 10 computers in the world and goes on sale Friday. Microsoft’s new Windows 8 is widely viewed as a test of whether the PC-era kingpin can become a factor in new-wave mobile devices—not just tablets but convertible devices that can operate in clamshell or slate-style modes.

100” multitouch table almost ready to ship! -- from Ideum in October 2012

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The power and potential of mobile learning [Christian]

The power and possibility of mobile learningas cross posted from (for LifeLong Learning)
Daniel S. Christian | October 2012

As I sat down to write about mobile learning, I struggled with narrowing down the scope of what I was going to attempt to address.  Which angle(s) should I take?

And then I reflected on my morning so far. I helped my daughter wake up to the sounds of a song coming from my iPhone.  She opened one eye, then the other, and soon, she was dancing around the room.  Success!

I then proceeded to listen to my iPhone as I drove my car into work – it gave me the energy I needed to start my internal engines.  (By the way, the idea of automobile-based technologies continues to grow, opening up further possibilities; but that’s a topic for another day.)

Then I caught up with a friend for coffee and he reached for his iPad.  He showed me an app for the local Art Prize competition that’s currently going on in our area.  He mentioned that if a person wasn’t in the immediately vicinity of the Art Prize event, that person could not vote on any of the pieces.  However, if the GPS-based coordinates were within the approved range, a person could use that app to:

  • Vote on which pieces of artwork that they liked
  • Find out where the artwork was located (at numerous locations on a map)
  • Learn more about the pieces themselves – what the pieces were made of, hear the artists’ thoughts on why they created what they created, etc.

So by the time I pulled up to my PC at 9:00am, I had already been positively impacted by mobile technology in several ways.  The common words and phrases that are often used to describe mobile learning and mobile technologies rang true and popped back into my mind: ubiquitous, always on, always connected, 24x7x365, convenient, etc.

As I enjoy peering into the future as well as pulse checking a variety of items, I would like to ask the following questions concerning the potential power and possibility of mobile learning as well as the relevant, emerging set of technologies that enable it:

  • Q:  What happens when the technologies behind IBM’s Watson and Apple’s Siri get perfected and integrated into learning-based products and services? What types of devices will be able to tap into those products and services?
    A:  IBM’s Watson beat the best human players in a game of Jeopardy and is now being used as a data analytics engine for the medical community, wading through terabytes of patient healthcare information and research data in order to determine how best to treat illnesses.  So, such technologies hold some serious promise in terms of at least addressing the lower to mid-levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. For 2012, tablets, smart phones, laptops, notebooks would be likely candidates of accessing these types of products/services. But we are just at the embryonic stages of the Smart/Connected TV, and I have it that such a device will become an important and commonly-used mechanism for accessing such cloud-based applications and services in the future.
  • Q: Will students of all ages have access to their own virtual tutors so to speak? From any device at any time?
    A: Yes; this is highly likely, especially given the current (and increasing) levels of investments being made in educational technology related areas.  It’s very feasible to think that Apple, IBM, Google, Microsoft, McGraw-Hill, Pearson, or some other organization with deep pockets will develop such virtual tutoring products and services.
  • Q:  What will happen when a virtual tutor is unable to resolve or address the student’s issue to the student’s satisfaction?  Will the student be able to instantly access a human tutor – with the option of keeping the existing work/issue/problem visible to the human tutor?
    A:  Yes, again…highly likely. This will open up new opportunities for faculty members, teachers, instructors, trainers, and tutors.  Getting experience in teaching online is a solid career move at this point in history.  (Also relevant will be those people creating applications and technically supporting them. An understanding of web-based videoconferencing and collaboration tools will be helpful here.)
  • Q:  How will the convergence of the television, the computer, and the telephone impact what can be done with learning-based applications and experiences?
    A:  We are just beginning to see the ecosystems changing and adapting to deal with the convergence of the television, the computer, and the telephone.  The Smart/Connected TV – along with “second screen” based applications – is being driven by innovations involving the entertainment, marketing, and advertising industries.  But it’s not a stretch to think that educationally-related content will be right behind such innovative solutions.
  • Q:  How will the multiple screens phenomenon affect how content can be consumed and discussed?
    A:   I created a couple of graphics along these lines that attempt to capture a potential vision here. I call it “Learning from the Living [Class] Room,” and it continues to develop in front of our eyes. We could be watching a “lecture” on a big screen and simultaneously interacting with people throughout the world on our smaller screens.

The Living [Class] Room -- by Daniel Christian -- July 2012 -- a second device used in conjunction with a Smart/Connected TV



Learning from the living room -- a component of our future learning ecosystems -- by Daniel S. Christian, June 2012

  • Q:  How will mobile conferencing affect what can be achieved?
    A:  Mobile-based conferencing will provide 24x7x365 opportunities for learning – and communications – to occur.  Such technologies have applications even in more traditional face-to-face classroom settings.  For a few possibilities here, see how mobile technologies are used in this vision by Intel  as well as in this vision by Corning.


Great vision from Intel!


Great vision from Corning!


  • Q:  What sort of creative doors are opened when a story can be told across a variety of “channels” and means?  And what sorts of skill sets do we need to start building – or continue to build – in order to help students find work in these emerging fields?
    A:  Create a Google Alert on transmedia and/or transmedia-based storytelling and you will get a sense of what’s happening in this arena.  There will be huge opportunity for creative, innovative folks out there!  Being versed in new media would be a solid idea if one hopes to pursue careers in these burgeoning fields. That is, building at least a rudimentary skill set of how to creatively use text, graphics, animations, digital audio, digital video, and interactive programming to deliver and obtain information would be very beneficial here.
  • Q:  What types of analytics will be tracked and fed into one’s cloud-based learner profile?
    A:  It will depend upon where we want such technologies to take us.  However, think about the applications and implications of this approach if a web-based profile were used to:

    • Feed a workplace-based exchange – matching buyers and sellers of services
    • Inform a learning agent on which topics/disciplines that person wants to learn more about – helping that person obtain a highly-personalized, customized, relevant, engaging, productive learning experience with a solid ROI
    • Inform a cloud-based app on what prior knowledge one has and where to begin the “next lesson”
  • Q:  Will courses become apps?  Will what we know of TV programs become apps and, if so, how will that affect what each of us can contribute to our own communities of practice?
    A:  Just as the web has enabled individuals to deliver their own podcasts, information, etc. – essentially becoming their own radio stations to a degree – the ecosystems being built up around the Smart/Connected TVs could help each of us become our own TV station. The potential is huge in terms of further developing and sharing knowledge within communities of practice.
  • Q:  Will educational gaming dove-tail nicely with mobile learning and emerging technologies such as augmented reality, 3D, and connected television?
    Yes, the synergies and foundational pieces are already coming into place.
  • Q:  How will the bring-your-own-device (BYOD) situation affect what can occur in the face-to-face classroom?
    A:  Students will be able to seamlessly and efficiently contribute content to the discussions in a face-to-face classroom without breaking the flow of the classroom.  An example graphic can be found here.


A piece of the Next Generation Smart Classroom -- Daniel Christian -- June 2012


The topics and potential routes that additional articles could take are almost endless.  But I think it’s safe to say that mobile, lifelong learning is here to stay.

Listed below are some recent articles and resources if you are interested in pursuing the topic of mobile learning.  I also have a section on my Learning Ecosystems blog dedicated to mobile learning.

If you are interested in what I’m calling Learning from the Living [Class] Room, you might be interested in these postings.


Some recent articles/resources regarding mobile learning:




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Also see:

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