Storytelling gets an upgrade: Beyond tactile stories — from by J.C. Hutchins, novelist and transmedia storyteller


Over the course of my two previous pieces on storytelling upgrades, I showed how tactile and kinetic features native to the iPad can be linked to traditional narrative devices, such as foreshadowing. However, where it gets really exciting is how the device can unlock a deeply interactive and immersive environment in which the “reader” is an integral part of a nonlinear story—all narrative features that cannot be rendered in print.

Up to now, I had been focusing on the tactile and kinetic, but there are dozens of ways exist to leverage the iPad’s other built-in features, including…

Also see:


StoryWorld 2011

StoryWorld Conference + Expo is a timely event for:

  • Transmedia content developers
  • Book publishing professionals
  • Television development and acquisition professionals
  • Film professionals
  • Advertising agencies and multi-media marketing firms
  • Game developers (including web, video, roleplaying and alternate reality games)
  • Mobile developers
  • Production companies
  • Literary and entertainment agencies
  • Writers and content creators
  • Media consultants
  • Any firm or professional in the business of producing cross-platform content

Teaching students to be multimedia storytellers — from Spotlight on Digital Media & Learning

From DSC:
With a special congrats out to Laura Fleming on her curation efforts:

We wanted to point Spotlight readers to a new, powerful collection on the National Writing Project’s Digital Is website. Reading and Writing Transmedia is curated by Laura Fleming, a library media specialist in River Edge, N.J., who blogs regularly about the connection between transmedia and education.

The Evolution of Transmedia Storytelling
These videos capture a discussion between Frank Rose, Author of “The Art of Immersion” (and a contributing Editor at Wired) and Jeff Gomez, President and CEO of Starlight Runner Entertainment at Ad Age’s “Creativity and Technology” (CaT) Conference in NYC June 9th, 2011.

  1. The Evolution of Transmedia Storytelling (Part 1 of 3) (5 min introduction)
  2. The Evolution of Transmedia Storytelling (Part 2 of 3) (15 min)
  3. The Evolution of Transmedia Storytelling (Part 3 of 3) (14.5 min)


The ABCs (and Ds and Es) of Plot Development — from by Mark Nichol

Writer Annie Lamott created a helpful mnemonic catechism, ABCDE, to help writers remember the basics. Here are the elements:

  • Action
  • Background
  • Conflict
  • Development
  • End
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From DSC:
I found a wonderful animation at No words. Lots to say” …which points to the animation by Aidan Gibbons, Music by Yann Tiersen which I put into ViewPure at The Piano – Amazing Short – Animation


A wonderful animation entitled, "The Piano" -- not a word is spoken, but a wonderful story is told




John Hunter on the World Peace Game — TED March 2011 — my thanks to Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Kate Byerwalter for this great presentation


TED Talks -- John Hunter presents the World Peace Game -- March 2011

About this talk
John Hunter puts all the problems of the world on a 4’x5′ plywood board — and lets his 4th-graders solve them. At TED2011, he explains how his World Peace Game engages schoolkids, and why the complex lessons it teaches — spontaneous, and always surprising — go further than classroom lectures can.

About John Hunter
Teacher and musician John Hunter is the inventor of the World Peace Game (and the star of the new doc “World Peace and Other 4th-Grade Achievements”).



AP Interactive visualizes a future of stories that reach beyond text — from


Data visualization is “going through a kind of renaissance in journalism,” said Shazna Nessa, director of Interactive for the AP. What’s really behind the news collective’s uptick in graphics, she told me, is a kind of evolutionary change in journalism — one that’s reflected in the Interactive unit itself. Once a repository of charts and maps, the department is now creating what Nessa described as “comprehensive interactive stories,” and we can expect to see a lot more of them.


Visual storytelling: Interview with Nancy Duarte — from


Why should learning experience designers care about stories? How does it relate to learning?

Stories are the oldest communication form and are proven to be easily recalled and repeated. If training material can be recalled and repeated, it’s most likely understood. Stories are a great container for memorable information. Relaying instructional content through metaphor and story helps the audience connect emotionally to the content being communicated. Instructional designers are on a steady quest to keep their audiences engaged and motivated, and storytelling is an effective strategy.

Why Jesus’ parables stand out

Why Jesus’ parables stand out — from the


The NT Blog came across an interesting short video of two scholars discussing the significance and distinctiveness of Jesus’ parables

It’s a nice introduction to Jesus’ teaching style…

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20 great opening lines to inspire the start of your story — from by Mark Nichol

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Art of the Wormwood Saga -- Part I -- released 3-8-11


Addendum 3/14/11:


  • 60% reached on kickstarter – new videos online!Yesterday, 60% of the funding goal for the Wormworld Saga App was reached on and like I promised, here’s the next batch of videos in the “Art of the Wormworld Saga” series.


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Alternative reality games (ARGs) as mobile learning — from Float Mobile Learning by John Feser


An alternate reality game, or ARG for short, (pronounced by saying the letters ‘A-R-G’, not by sounding like a pirate) is an interactive narrative that uses the real world as a stage for telling a story, playing out a scenario or creating a learning experience.  ARGs make use of diverse media and game elements to help tell and impact the outcome of the story.

Mobile devices combined with a good story and an educational game can be a powerful way to increase engagement and activity level of your learners. ARGs offer an interesting way to bring your mobile technology along for the ride. ARGs are being successfully used in marketing and entertainment as well as to train and solve real world problems. Organizations that are looking for creative ways to engage in mobile learning should consider the benefits ARGs have to offer. By crafting a realistic, enjoyable experience, you’ll be reinforcing behavior that most companies are actively seeking in their employees: critical problem solving, inquisitiveness and creativity.

Ira Glass on the Art of Storytelling (Part 1) — from

Since 1995, Ira Glass has hosted and produced This American Life (iTunes – Feed – Web Site), the award-winning radio show that presents masterfully-crafted stories to almost 2 million listeners each week. What’s the secret sauce that goes into making a great story, particularly one primed for radio or TV? Glass spells it out in four parts.

Also see:

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