toontastic -- bring out the creativity in young ones!

Also see:

Beyond Smart TV: ‘Surfaces’ prototype reveals the television of tomorrow — from by Christina Bonnington


“In a few years’ time, you’ll be able to buy a TV that covers an entire wall, acting like wallpaper,” NDS chief marketing officer Nigel Smith told Wired. In this way, the TV could take the form of a gigantic canvas, providing layers of additional information, as well as different levels of immersion.

Because wall-sized TVs are hard to come by, NDS created a $30,000 setup comprised of six LCDs arranged in a rectangular array. The onscreen system is coded in HTML5 and runs on Chrome. A second screen experience, also coded in HTML5, provides remote control functionality in the browser of an iPad.

 Xbox 360 hailed as a game-changer for Connected TV — from by John Moulding


The Xbox 360 will be a game-changing device in the Connected TV market now that Microsoft has decided to transform it from a games console into a general entertainment hub. That is the view of Christian Bombrun, Deputy General Manager, Web, at M6, the French broadcaster that last December became the first free French channel to be available via a games console. “The difference between the Xbox and connected TVs is that this device is very well connected. Most people that buy a connected TV do not even know they are getting one and they do not plug it into the Internet,” he argues. “Xbox 360 users have already connected the device to enhance the gaming experience.”


The evolving definition of television  — from by John Paul Titlow


What will be interesting to watch is what evolves around that big screen – everything from the little screens and the apps they contain to the way that real-time communication and other data from the Web are integrated into the experience.




Keynote: Changing the user-experience: How will we watch TV in the future? –– keynote by Stefan Jenzowsky, Head of Multimedia, Siemens CMT — at the Connected TV Summit 2012



Ikea’s Uppleva TV will be a smart TV, have video streaming apps — from by  Mark Raby



When Smart TV gets smart — from by Pete Schwab, Senior Director, at UIEvolution.

Two-thirds of Americans watch at least one online video per day — from by Greg Franzese

PANEL: Next steps for Connected TV –– from


Addendums on 5/17/12:

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“Hollywood will be destroyed and no one will notice,” Wales said. But it won’t be Wikipedia (or Encarta) that kills the moviemaking industry: ” Collaborative storytelling and filmmaking will do to Hollywood what Wikipedia did to Encyclopedia Britannica,” he said.

— quote from Jimmy Wales to Hollywood: You’re Doomed (And Not Because of Piracy) at by Ryan Singel

Animator creates incredible musical painting with $5 iPad app [VIDEO] — from Mashable by Christine Erickson


“I really recommend it to anyone who does storyboards, concept art and animators, filmmakers, producers, whatever — this is the future,” says the video’s lead animator and director, Whitney Alexander. (You can see the full making-of here.)

Also see:

The iPhone Boom Mic

The iPhone Boom Mic

Originally saw this at

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Avid Studio for iPad

Avid Studio for the iPad -- March 2012


Avid Studio for iPad


Addendum on 3/16/12:

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What is motion design and how can you use it? Video 101 — from and Vimeo Video School


Motion design is everywhere! You can see it in TV shows, movie credits, and of course right here on Vimeo. But what is motion design? How do you define motion design? Well read on my friends, as we jump into this new world…

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Simulation beyond perspective — from by Pier Luigi Capucci
The discourse of holography as a tool for imagery, art, media studies and science.


Holography suggests a new visual universe within a culture where the visual simulation is the most effective communication system; and it let us reflect about the need for a more comprehensive definition of “image”. We can believe that future images will also be holographic and that we shall communicate more and more through them, in a delicate balance between presence and absence, immediacy and remoteness, present and past, materiality and immateriality, matter and energy.


Film making for kids: Three great resources — from Literacy, families and learning blog by Trevor Cairney

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Ixonos Showcases an Interactive Multichannel TV Experience at Intel Developer Forum 2011 — from


“More and more television viewers have begun using a computer or a smartphone while watching TV”, says Sami Paihonen from Ixonos’ User Experience Design Centre.  “Consumers across age brackets are going online to look up additional information on editorial and commercial content and wanting to share their thoughts and ideas with friends.”  To address this, Ixonos has designed a solution that offers a seamless transition between broadcasted content and other online content. For TV viewers, this means a consistent and engaging user experience regardless of which device they use.

“We discovered that TV viewers are constantly looking to enrich their viewing experience by multitasking, and we believe the constant flow of information can be harnessed better for the benefit of TV viewers as well as companies promoting their content.  We designed the TV Compass user experience framework to address this need for sharing information”, Sami says.

Cooperation among competing bodies appears possible as TV mulls future direction at IBC2011 —  from

IBC Showcases Television’s Future —

To cloud the future of television is — from



Movie Mount turns your iPad 2 into a serious video-making machine — from by Terrence O’Brien

Movie Mount
Steve Jobs has resigned as Apple CEO "effective immediately"


From DSC:
I want to post a thank you note to Mr. Steven P. Jobs, whom you most likely have heard has resigned as Apple’s CEO. Some articles are listed below, but I want to say thank you to Steve and to the employees of Apple who worked at Apple while he was CEO:

  • Thank you for working hard to enhance the world and to make positive impacts to our world!
  • Thank you for painstakingly pursuing perfection, usability, and excellence!
  • Thank you for getting back up on the horse again when you came out of a meeting with Steve, Tim and others and you just got reamed for an idea or implementation that wasn’t quite there yet.
  • Thanks go out to all of the families who were missing a dad or mom for long periods of time as they were still at work cranking out the next version of ____ or ____.
  • Thanks for modeling what a vocation looks like — i.e. pursuing your God-given gifts/calling/passions; and from my economics training for modeling that everyone wins when you do what you do best!

Thanks again all!



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