

From DSC:
With thanks going out to Mr. Mike Amante (@mamante) for posting this item out on Twitter.

20 awesome iPad apps that will teach your kids to read — from


As anyone with a toddler knows, iPads are like crack for kids. Children have some sort of special radar that lets them know when an iDevice is within their reach, and they’ll do anything they can to get their hands on them. Resistance is futile, but instead of lamenting excessive screen time, you can make your child’s iPad addiction a productive one with educational apps, including those that promote early reading. With these 20 apps, your kids can learn how to write letters, develop phonics, and even write their own books. Read on to find the very best iPad apps for developing young readers, and feel free to share your own favorites in the comments.

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“Book’em Dano!”

Book igloo — from


Book Igloo sculpture installation books art


Massive theater converted into magnificent bookstore — from posted by Katie Hosmer



Addendum on 4/13/12:


Curl Tables by Constanze Schweda


Tagged with: -- for encouraging storytelling, art, literacy, creativity and more!

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The Joy of Books — A Short, Inspired Film Full of Passion


From DSC:
This is a great one for all teachers out there trying to get students interested in reading & writing! It also is a nice use of multimedia to communicate a message — so it serves as an example of a new media literacy as well.


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Live Ink -- works for me!

From DSC:
What I take from this:

  • Allow for scanning — there’s too much information to take in when drinking from today’s firehoses!
  • Use white space
  • Be brief as possible
  • Bulleted lists can be helpful
  • Provide bolding to highlight key points/topics

I noticed McGraw-Hill is starting to incorporate this technology:

  • McGraw-Hill’s Connect platform is incorporating Live Ink, a cool technology that converts text into an easy to read cascading format.

— from SmartTech Roundup: 2012 Predictions & Digital Reading

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From DSC:
I originally saw this at:

Multimedia Transformation -- Special Report from Education Week


In science and math classes across the country, digital tools are being used to conduct experiments, analyze data, and run 3-D simulations to explain complex concepts. Language arts teachers are now pushing the definition of literacy to include the ability to express ideas through media. This report, “Multimedia Transformation,” examines the many ways multimedia tools are transforming teaching and learning as schools work to raise achievement and prepare students for careers that require increasingly sophisticated uses of technology.

Fluency in a technology accelerated age — from Shift to the Future by Brian Kuhn

From DSC:
The following images that Brian featured in his blog posting — images from Sylvia Rosenthal Tolisano (
@langwitches) — remind me of some of the elements in our current learning ecosystems:






Lessons that inspire a love for the arts — from

Illio of a can of Happy Idea Condensed Creative Soup


The Importance of Creativity in the Classroom
Blogger Jim Moulton on why an effective arts education requires that students be given freedom within a structure.

Staging Plays for Active Learning
Playwriting teaches kids how to construct a plot, write dialogue, tell a story through action, and much more.

How to Set Up a Literature Circle
Get tips for laying the groundwork, setting up protocols for discussions, and implementing strategies for motiving students to read.

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QR codes for digital literacy — from Instructional Design Fusions

Increasingly, we are recognizing that mobile devices are an important way to connect people to learning and health tools. However, text interfaces can be very problematic for individuals with poor literacy. Enter QR codes. Although we may associate them with high tech uses, they can play a valuable role in overcoming some text literacy challenges that can make the effective use of mobile phones impossible for some.

This video by describing the Mobiglyph project demonstrates how QR codes can help reduce the digital divide.

The academy in hard times

Also see:

‘The fundamentals of how children learn’ – ePace [from]
Maureen McTaggart explores a new service that helps kids learn and teachers teach

Mary Blake

A simple 45-minute test developed by an ex-teacher helps educators identify the strengths and weaknesses of all their pupils and then transform the way they teach and how those children learn. But the ePace online profiling tool, which will be launched at BETT 2011, is not about creating more record-keeping for teachers, says Mary Blake.

“We are looking at the fundamentals of how children learn rather than what attainment level they are going to get,” she says. “I think it’s an amazing thing for teachers to know but even more so for children because it empowers them to see for themselves how they are learning.”

The ePace (electronic profile of attainment cognition and efficiency) test evaluates 11 critical areas of learning – auditory memory, visual memory, listening skills, emotional control, decision making, focus, hand-eye co-ordination, mental speed, timing, literacy and impulsivity – and any child from the age of seven can take it. The support pack includes practical teacher resources and strategies and interactive sharing with students and parents is actively encouraged.

Powerful clip.

From DSC:
First of all, I got this item from:

One Facet of the Future of Educational Publishing — by Jeff Frank

I really enjoyed watching the Strage Prize video, and it led me to think more about the relationship between online video and the publication of educational research. In my role as Managing Editor of the Teachers College Record, I read a very large number of qualitative and ethnographic studies. While the best of these papers give the reader a strong sense of the subjects and the study location (and the author/researcher), after watching the 2010 Strage Prize video, I was fascinating by how much this video added to my understanding and appreciation of Lalitha’s paper.

I think having the two together–the written work and the video/podcast–adds something of unique value. I hope more educational researchers and publishers experiment with these kinds of paired works, because I think they offer readers a wonderful educative experience.

Side note from DSC:
Think interactive, multimedia on an iPad sort of device.


Which led me to:

Strage Prize 2010 — by Gary Natriello | October 8, 2010

This video features the work of Lalitha Vasudevan and her paper, “Performing New Geographies of Literacy Teaching and Learning.” The paper focuses on the literacies and digitally mediated lives of youth, and was published in the July 2009 issue of English Education.

The video’s production and publication is supported by the Strage Junior Faculty Prize. The Prize was established in 2009 by Teachers College alumna Alberta Strage and her husband Henry to recognize junior faculty achievement. Alberta also serves on both the President’s Advisory Council and the International Advisory Council for Teachers College. We appreciate both their generosity to Teachers College and support for the work of our junior faculty.

The Prize supports the production of a web video to highlight original and innovative work of a junior faculty member at Teachers College. All currently untenured members of the faculty in tenure-line appointments are eligible to compete for the prize by submitting an article, book chapter, paper, or other original product appearing during the previous year.

Congratulations Professor Vasudevan!

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