
Kiwa Media Group is an award winning media company developing iPhone/iPod Touch & iPad Apps, digital content for books, producing film & television programs & digital content for the mobile music industry. Kiwa Media also provides software solutions for ADR and Language Dubbing across the globe. The company is led by President, Rhonda Kite.

Kiwa Media Group brands include QBook, SingQ, VoiceQ & Kiwa TV & Film Production. Kiwa is a registered Mac OS and iPhone developer.

Example product –> QBook – Bringing your stories to life
QBook™ is an interactive read-along digital colour picture book format designed by Kiwa Media for young children. QBook is an eBook, iPhone and iPad app that combines a narrators voice with original picture illustrations and touchable text that is synchronised to highlight and sound when words are touched.

From DSC:
Let’s picture that you are a 3-4 year old…and your parents get you one of these iPads. You begin to learn to read like this using an app like QBook. You grow up knowing this type of technology exists and you use gadgets like this all the time. They keep you engaged…they give you control of the content, pacing, etc.

Now fast forward to college. You’ll quickly see why I preach the dangers of the status quo.

Podcast: William Rankin on Mobile Learning with the iPhone and iPod — Educause

William Rankin is Associate Professor and Director of Educational Innovation at Abilene Christian University. In this interview from the EDUCAUSE 2009 Conference, Rankin discusses ACU’s mLearning Initiative, which deployed mobile devices to the entire freshman class. This created unique opportunities to pilot applications, overcome challenges, and create partnerships.

From DSC:
What if we had a “textbook” like this? One that targeted your social/learning network on a particular topic? Personalized…customized…and constantly up-to-date. Interesting…

(Quality may or may not be a concern…depending upon one’s social/learning network.) -- what if we had textbooks like this?

Creating Digital Magazines — from Adobe by Dave Dickson on July 19, 2010

Earlier this year when WIRED Magazine launched its digital edition (and sold more issues than the newsstand version without cannibalizing print sales) we noted that it was created with InDesign CS5 along with new publishing technologies. Today, we’ve released a short video that overviews these new technologies, including more detail on how they fit into the digital magazine authoring workflow.

Late this summer, we’ll post these new publishing technologies on Adobe Labs so a broad set of media, corporate and retail catalog publishers will be able to create compelling content experiences. Using this Digital Magazine Solution, these publishers can create immersive content without having to hire additional developers or invest in extensive retraining for staff. Publishers can add interactivity without writing code via InDesign and create monetizable digital magazines for the Apple iPad – with other platforms and devices expected in the future.

InDesign CS5 + Digital Content Bundler

The “.issue” Format + Digital Content Viewer
This new .issue format is a compressed file format that contains vertical and horizontal magazine layouts, metadata, code to enable interactivity, and associated assets (images, video, etc.) Once the layouts have been packaged into the .issue format, the file is then rendered and displayed to the end-user using a publisher-branded Digital Content Viewer. The WIRED Reader, for example, is the first instance of a publisher-branded viewer. This Digital Content Viewer allows readers to interact with and navigate through the magazine content (including via the innovative “browse” mode). Previously we announced the Digital Content Viewer for Apple iPad; in the future we also expect to develop the Digital Content Viewer on Adobe AIR for desktops and other devices.

Creating digital magazines -- from Adobe

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Livescribe Echo Smartpen even cleverer than predecessor — from by Addy Dugdale


Livescribe, makers of exceedingly smart pens, has just made public its latest. The Echo, which is available from today, is a computer in a pen that’s aimed at anyone who spends their time taking notes–from students to professionals–and even people in our trade–journalism.

As well as using the pen and pad for drawing on your computer, via the USB port, the password-protected Echo can transcribe notes directly to your computer, and record audio on it. But what is most clever about the Echo is that it syncs your notes to the recorded audio, so that when you place your pen on a word written during the note-taking, it plays back the audio that it recorded when you wrote the word down.


The first iPad only novel is coming -- with literal bells and whistles

From DSC:
The idea of rich, interactive, multimedia-based textbooks comes to mind when I see this type of posting….talk about the power of digital storytelling!    🙂

Also…for a bit of humor here:

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Zinio, NACS Media Solutions Partner to Create First Collegiate Digital Newsstand — from
Newsstand will offer 3,000-plus digital magazines and books of interest to college students through web portal. Options available for college stores across U.S. who wish to share in revenue.

NEW YORK and OBERLIN, Ohio, July 12 /PRNewswire/ — Zinio, the world’s leader in digital publishing, technology, distribution, and services, and NACS Media Solutions (NMS), a subsidiary of the National Association of College Stores (NACS), today announced a partnership to develop the first all-digital online newsstand directed specifically at the college market. Featuring 3,000-plus magazines and books suitable for reading through Zinio’s UNITY™ platform, which enables on-line or offline access on any PC, iPhone, iPad, and upcoming supported devices, the newsstand will break new ground by taking the world of reading to the platforms most popular with the Digital Generation.

The new collegiate digital newsstand, which will carry “Powered by Zinio” branding, will include a revenue-sharing arrangement for NACS members who wish to promote the site to their local college students. At a future point, Zinio and NMS anticipate developing private-label versions for NACS members who decide to deploy and promote their own digital newsstands.

NMC's 5 Minutes of FameThis year’s presentations included:

The Sound of Music (and Technology) — from by Ian Quillen

While technology and music are usually thought of in a commercial sense, Bauer highlighted [at the ISTE 2010 Conference] resources that can help students compose, perform, and respond to music in academic settings, and even, on occasion, serve as a bridge between music and other areas of study.

Some tools mentioned include:

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pogoplug -- creating your own version of cloud computing for $129

The Pogoplug connects your USB drive to the Internet
so you can easily share and access your files from anywhere.

“Putterman, 43, began to wonder: Why hasn’t anyone created a gizmo that plugs into your personal hard drive and connects it to the Internet, allowing you to access your files directly, from your own hard drive, anywhere? You’d have no service fees or upload quotas.  A password system could grant chosen friends and colleagues access to your data, too.”

Your own personal $129 cloud — from
Pogoplug founder Daniel Putterman

Coincident TV (CTV) is transforming the way interactive video content is created, consumed and monetized. Coincident TV enables immersive “hypervideo” experiences – the real-time integration of online video with social media, weblinks and transactions. The Coincident TV software suite allows content creators and distributors to easily design, manage and measure interactive video engagements across all digital platforms, including both HTML5 and Flash.


Hyper Aquarium Demo [Learn about interactive video with an explanation of our aquarium demo]

Interactive acquarium from Coincident TV

From DSC:
Again, think of the possibilities here for education…especially on a wall-sized, iPad-like, interactive, multi-touch chalkboard! -- taking digital storytelling and publishing to the next level

About Sideways

Sideways, the publisher of experimental app magazines Sideways and TapTilt, transforms print into immersive experiences on digital tablets and mobile devices. Leveraging unique multi-media capabilities, Sideways goes beyond ebook functionality, changing storytelling and the way we consume books and magazines. Developing original content with forward-thinking publishers and authors, the company’s publishing platform augments text with rich media, adds multiple levels of reference, and enhances reading with mobile features and social media. Sideways takes advantage of interactivity to enrich both the solitary and social experience of reading – from fiction and non-fiction to “how to” and guides. Additionally, Sideways is the creator of Author App, a mobile application for authors designed to build their brands, engage their fans and expand their presence. Based in Cleveland, Sideways was founded in 2010 by Charles Stack and Eliza Wing. Stack started the first online bookstore in 1992 – – which was acquired by Barnes and Noble. Wing was formerly the CEO of and editor at Rolling Stone,, and New York Woman.  For more information, visit

Also see:

From DSC:
Do you hear the roar of the engines? (i.e. the pace of technological innovation is exploding and the racetrack is full of lightning-fast cars.)

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