Check out Paul Simbeck-Hampson’s posting:
The Future of Mobile Tagging
From DSC:
How might this impact education? Hmmm…
Tap your inner poet: 10 top poetry blogs — from
Also see:
From DSC:
First of all, my thanks to Mr. Joseph Byerwalter for this resource/link. I haven’t read this story; however I was intrigued by the user interface design here and it made me think of some related items/topics here:
I would have loved to see some more multimedia integrated into Daniel Lieske’s fabulous artwork — sound effects/audio/music and/or the capability of hearing the author read the story. Also, perhaps some interactivity may or may not add something here. In any case, this is a piece of the type of thing that I believe we will see much more of on devices like the iPad — as well as on Internet-connected televisions:
Incredibly-powerful, interactive, multimedia-based
methods of relaying one’s story or message.
Also, such endeavors open up a slew of potential future opportunities for our students (artists, musicians, sound engineers, writers, programmers, interface designers, user experience experts, etc.) — as well as chances to practice their creativity today.
— from “Misa digital guitar set for CES launch as the Kitara” at by Paul Ridden
— from
Also see:
From DSC:
What if you could take your iPhone and aim it at a particular area of a “board” and then download that piece of information? As easily as when iPhones trade contact info via “bumping”, one could quickly obtain a piece of information on a bulletin board.
The Coming Age of the Teacherpreneur — from by Barnett Berry & the TeacherSolutions 2030 Team
In an excerpt from a forthcoming book on the future of education, a group of accomplished educators envisions new roles for teacher leaders.
Ultimately, teacherpreneurship is about propagating a new culture of innovation and creativity in a sector of education that has been woefully lacking in one. Most importantly, teacherpreneurship is not promoting a free-market vision for the profit of a few—but rather how our society can invest substantially in teachers who can expertly serve millions of children and families who are not in the position to choose a better school somewhere else or find the most erudite online teacher anytime, anywhere. Teacherpreneurship is all about the public good, not private gain.
Giant Paper Sculpture Looks Like an Abstract Wheatfield — from by by Suzanne LaBarre; sculpture by Japanese architect Ryuji Nakamura