In the future, the whole world will be a classroom — from by Marina Gorbis



. TheFutureOfEducation3-Gorbis-6-28-13.

From DSC:
What Marina is asserting is what I’m seeing as well. That is, we are between two massive but different means of obtaining an education/learning (throughout our lifetimes I might add).  What she’s saying is also captured in the following graphic:




Also see:


AWE 2013: Six trends in Augmented Reality — from






From DSC:
Thanks to Mr. Andrew Vanden Heuvel (one of the early explorers), I was able to briefly try Google Glass out today

I can see numerous applications involving augmented reality, journalism, videography, medicine, and other disciplines/areas.  However, I can also see how this sort of thing comes with concerns re: privacy and security. But as with any technology, the technology itself is neither good nor bad — it’s how we use it.


Augmented reality is going mobile–and coming to a classroom near you — from by Jennifer Demski


iPad with different images hovering above

This article, with an exclusive video interview,
originally appeared in T.H.E. Journal’s April 2013 digital edition.

metaio Augmented Reality Solutions for Engineering



Video on YouTube — published on Apr 18, 2013
With over 10 years of experience, metaio offers the perfect Augmented Reality solutions for companies in the engineering and industrial fields. The built-in availability to connect AR with industry-standard measurement arms and high-precision laser-tracking systems lead to increases in quality, efficiency and accuracy through all phases of industrial processes.

Visualize virtual products or changes to production facilities in their natural environment, leading to increases in early error detection, prevention of extensive iteration loops and benefiting workers thanks to precise operational guidelines.


Also see:

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31 top apps for education from FETC 2013 — from The Journal by Stephen Noonoo


Like last year, this year’s popular App Shootout at FETC 2013 tossed around dozens of useful apps for teachers and students. Once again the closeout session was led by ed tech pros Gail Lovely, Hall Davidson, and Jenna Linskens, who each presented apps in three different categories of their choosing, including their favorite “wow” apps. Read on for a selection of the most buzzed about apps for Apple devices. For even more app ideas, visit the shootout’s Web site and complete app list Google Doc.

From DSC:
The other day, I mentioned how important it will be for institutions of higher education to increase the priority of experimentation. But, for a variety of reasons, I believe this is true for the K-12 world as well. Especially with the kindergarten/early elementary classroom in mind, I created the graphic below. Clicking on it will give you another example of the kind of experimentation that I’m talking about — whether that be in K-12 or in higher ed.




From DSC:
I’m trying to address the students that are more easily distracted and, due to how their minds process information, have a harder time focusing on the task at hand.  In fact, at times, all of the external stimuli can be overwhelming. How can we provide a learning environment that’s more under the students’ control? i.e. How can we provide “volume knobs” on their auditory and visual channels?

Along these lines, I’m told that some theaters have sensory-friendly film showings — i.e. with different settings for the lights and sound than is typically offered.

Also see — with thanks going out to Ori Inbar (@comogard) for these:


A relevant addendum on 1/10/12:



5 reasons to get excited about Augmented Reality in 2013 — from by Trak Lord


Augmented reality (AR) may seem like a futuristic concept, but it will be a reality of our digital lives in 2013. AR is a new technology that blurs the line between what’s real and what’s computer generated by enhancing what we hear, see and feel. Next year, I predict that it will be everywhere. Here are my five reasons why…


From DSC:
I’m excited to share with readers an idea I have that uses augmented reality for educational purposes — so stay tuned! More soon. My thanks to Mr. Rovy Branon (@rovybranon) for posting this resource on twitter.



The future of augmented reality — by Hidden Creative on


Google releases global augmented reality game “Ingress” — from by Kevin Holmes



Google [has] released an augmented reality game called Ingress that involves a shady world where two forces are pitted against each other, battling over a mysterious energy (the best kind) that’s recently been discovered. One side is the Enlightened who want to use the energy to control people’s minds via portals and the other is a group called the Resistance, who are fighting against them.


From DSC:
It’s not a stretch to see how educational gaming might dovetail nicely with augmented reality to create some seriously-engaging learning experiences!


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