From DSC:
What a great way to engage, inspire, involve students in music!
Also see:
- Neil Johnston from
- Originally saw at The Futures Agency
Reinventing the Technology of Human Accomplishment — by Gary Hamel; from the University of Phoenix Distinguished Guest Video Lecture Series.
From DSC:
No matter whether you agree with what Gary is saying or not, can you imagine if every lecture contained this type of team-based assistance in creating the motion graphics, recording the video, editing the video, executing proper sound design principles, etc.? Most likely such an endeavor would be more achievable/successful when producing content in a controlled, studio type of environment — and then presenting it online (vs. trying to do this in front of a live classroom/audience/face-to-face.)
Anyway, very powerful communication channels here! Excellent use of motion graphics to backup his message. A transcript with bolded headings and colored main points would be great too. By the way, wouldn’t it be cool for “call outs” to appear — somewhat in an augmented reality sort of way — when a main point was just made?!
Description of video:
Watch Gary Hamel, celebrated management thinker and author and co-founder of the Management Innovation eXchange (MIX), make the case for reinventing management for the 21st century. In this fast-paced, idea-packed, 15-minute video essay, Hamel paints a vivid picture of what it means to build organizations that are fundamentally fit for the future—and genuinely fit for human beings. It’s time to radically rethink how we mobilize people and organize resources to productive ends. Here’s how we start.
This video is an excerpt from the University of Phoenix Distinguished Guest Video Lecture Series.
Sample screen shots:
From DSC:
Again, can you imagine the bump in engagement/attention spans if a faculty member could be backed up by these types of motion graphics!?
From DSC:
I realize that many of the for-profits are already using teams of specialists…but many others are not.
–Originally saw this at the
Higher Education Management blog by Keith Hampson
Apple’s new video regarding their iOS 5 operating system
From DSC:
I have it that these technologies will be used for educationally-related purposes/materials as well; including digital storytelling, transmedia storytelling, transmedia-based interactive/participative educational materials and more.
From DSC:
Growing up with the music I did, I really liked this! It’s fun — and for some students, highly engaging! Thanks to Lee Wilson for posting it on his blog.
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Key tips every webinar host should know –– from guest blogger Gena Taylor (Maestro eLearning), as she interviewed Lynne Bauerschmidt (HCR ManorCare)
Lynne Bauerschmidt is the Business Training Services lead at HCR ManorCare for the homecare, healthcare and hospice divisions. She supervises five team members who are responsible for the development of all business office training programs and training on all back office functions as they relate to payroll, accounts payable, and how to utilize our computer system for patient management.
Over 20 webinar classes are offered each month and open to anyone in the office. The team is also responsible for training all office managers with an extensive 6 week training program, developed by the team, and all done via webinar. The business units are located across the United States in 154 locations. Lynne has been in the healthcare field for 29 years and has a bachelor’s in Management of Health Services.
What follows is an interview between Lynne and Maestro eLearning, as a part of a new series called Trainer Talks. This series explores the difficulties of being a trainer and how to overcome them, along with tips and advice to make your training more effective and even more engaging.
Q. What have you found to be the greatest challenges in the training profession today?
Our greatest challenge is finding ways to ensure our audience is retaining and learning the information we are presenting. In January 2009 my team went to 100% webinar training. Without the aid of face-to-face training, you are continuing to look for ways to ensure your audience is still engaged.
Q. Webinars have escalated in popularity. What are the most effective ways you have found to ensure you audience is still engaged?
Listed below are some of the different methods we use to try to ensure the student is engaged and learning:
The most important thing is finding out what they hope to achieve with the class and making sure the material suits their need.
Q. Are there certain things every webinar host should keep in mind?
Q. What do you like most about teaching the webinars?
What I like most about teaching via webinar is the great number of people we can reach. We began teaching exclusively using the webinar method in January 2009. At first we were apprehensive and not at all sure it would be successful, believing that face-to-face training was the best. Due to financial cutbacks, we had to find a way to make it work. My team worked together to put together more than 20 webinar presentations that we conduct and offer each month, in addition we offer customized and software upgrade trainings. These trainings are reviewed and updated routinely.
Prior to 2009 our audience was focused on just office managers. The office managers were then responsible for training their staff. Since we went to the all webinar format, we have expanded the positions we train to all office positions, both clerical and clinical as it relates to back office processes and systems. This allowed us to train 2,947 individuals in 2009 and 4,091 in 2010, compared to 420 in 2008. Another added benefit, the students can re-take any of the courses at any time to brush up on their skills or refresh themselves on a process not used often. Cost is reduced as there are no travel expenses when training via webinar.
Q. What other advice do you have to present and future trainers?
Be positive, make it fun! Always be looking for new, more inventive ways to convey the information you want to present. People attending your classes can’t see you, they need to hear your enthusiasm. Facilitate participation and encourage feedback.
Maestro eLearning is a customer service company in the business of creating custom online training courses. They’re collaborating with industry professionals to deliver more value in their series “Trainer Talks.” If you would like to participate in an interview, contact
…and some other intriguing concepts.
Also see:
New Augmented Reality Tools: Play Videos on Your Worksheets — from K12 Mobile Learning blog by Johnny Kissko
Also see: