Top 100 Tools for Learning 2010: Final list, presentation and more — from Jane Knight

Yesterday I finalised the Top 100 Tools for Learning 2010 list.  Many thanks to the 545 people who shared their Top 10 Tools for Learning and contributed to the building of the list.   Although this list is available online, I also created this presentation which provides the information as a slideset – embedded below.

My Photo

Jane Hart, a Social Business Consultant, and founder
of the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies.

Video primers on e-teaching and learning


Resource from George Siemens who mentions:

I recently encountered this group of 27 online teaching and learning video resources, featuring Curt Bonk. Each video runs approximately 10 minutes and serves as an introduction to key ideas in planning and delivery technology enhanced learning.

E-Learning 2010: E-Educators Evolving — from (9/20/10)

This special report, the second in a three-part series on e-learning, aims to answer questions related to the growing role of e-educators in K-12 education. It provides perspectives and advice from state policymakers and virtual school providers navigating through the new and often murky policy waters of online-only education, and features insights from e-educators in the trenches of virtual schooling.

Watch out for the digital trees — from

For the first time ever, iNACOL (International Association for K-12 Online Learning) teamed up with the SREB (Southern Regional Education Board) to honor an “outstanding online teacher for exceptional contributions to online K-12 education as the nation’s K-12 Online Teacher of the Year.”

Teresa Dove, a Virginia math teacher, was chosen from more than 50 nominations of online educators in public schools and state virtual schools nationwide.

Dove said after receiving the award that teaching online allows her to spend much more time working individually with students than she did previously in a traditional classroom. Spending only a moment with students in a traditional classroom is “not enough, and our kids deserve better,” she said.

What struck me most about this award, was the advice Dove offered to online teachers as reported in an article from eClassroom News. When asked about her success, she didn’t talk about technology or the way to deliver information in an online format. She didn’t talk about how to create lessons that “translate” in the digital format.

She offered five lessons – practices – that make her effective. All of them were about relationships.

More here…

Good Teaching: The Top 10 Requirements — from Faculty Focus by Richard W. Leblanc

A Top Ten List for Successful Online Courses — Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT)

Many of us have been teaching online courses for several years. In that time we have learned what works and what doesn’t from a mix of hands-on-experience, fellow online faculty, platform specific training, and exposure to pedagogical research. While training and research have their value, we learned the most about preparing an effective online course from personal experience and working with our peers. When asked to prepare a presentation for new online faculty we sat down and pooled our knowledge with respect to course design and course management. The result of this collaborative session was a list of pragmatic practices required for a successful online course. While the list could be longer, and certainly doesn’t include all our favorite practices, we believe we have included those practices that are the key to success.
Checklist for Evaluating Online Courses (2006).
Southern Regional Education Board.
Online course evaluation rubric. (2007).
The online course evaluation project (OCEP) criteria. Monterey Institute for Technology and Education.
The online course evaluation project (OCEP) overview. (2006).

E-Learning Journals — from[via S. Downes]

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Arizona State launching online credential for online teaching — from The Journal by Dian Schaffhauser (06/21/10)

Arizona State University has expanded its online degree and certification programs for PK-12 teachers, including the addition of a new credential for online teaching. Tuition will be the same whether the student is in state or out of state.

Beginning with the fall 2010 semester, six new programs in the education area will be available completely online. Arizona preschool and kindergarten teachers will also have the opportunity to fulfill their early childhood education certification requirement online in order to meet a state department of education July 2012 deadline.

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‘Virtual’ internships prepare student teachers for new world of online schooling — from University of Florida, via Virtual School Meanderings blog

From DSC:
This brings up some very interesting points and questions. If K-12 education continues to use more online learning:

  • Shouldn’t colleges of education be teaching their students how to teach in an online environment? Or at least in a blended-learning environment?
  • Should students who are studying to become educators be asked to specialize in either face-to-face-based teaching, or teaching online, or teaching in blended learning environment?
  • Or should they get exposure to f2f, online and blended as part of that education…?

Hmmm…I’m not sure. But I don’t think we can expect to make as much progress if our colleges of education aren’t adapting to the changing learning environment out there.

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10 Principles of Effective Online Teaching: Best Practices in Distance Education — from Faculty Focus

“Teaching online for the first time is a little like trying to drive a car in a foreign country. You know how to drive, just like you know how to teach, but it sure is hard to get the hang of driving on the left side of the road … you’re not quite sure how far a kilometer is … and darn it if those road signs aren’t all in Japanese. If you’d like to better understand the “rules of the road” for online teaching and learning, 10 Principles of Effective Online Teaching: Best Practices in Distance Education is the perfect guidebook.”

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