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Charting technology’s new directions: A conversation with MIT’s Erik Brynjolfsson — from mckinsey.com
A leading expert explores the new relationship between man and machine and the challenges that emerge when innovation is decoupled from growth in jobs and incomes.

4 tips for creating a Sal Khan-style instruction video…from Sal Khan — from fastcompany.com by Anya Kamenetz


  • Keep things conversational. Emotionless is bad. Don’t talk over your audience’s head, or talk down to them either. “Not even a 6-year-old likes to be talked to like a 6-year-old.”
  • Use visuals and colors–but not too fancy. Khan favors hand-drawn diagrams.
  • Prepare carefully, then speak from your heart. Khan will sometimes write a script and throw it away. He’ll spend an hour walk figuring out how best to visualize a concept, then represent it in a quick sketch.
  • Keep it short. 10 minutes tops. Chunk down a larger concept into smaller pieces, to keep your audience hooked.

Video Conferencing Guidelines for Faculty and Students in Graduate Online Courses — from jolt.merlot.org and California State University, Fullerton; by  Gautreau, Glaeser, Renold, Ahmed, Lee, Carter-Wells, Worden, Boynton, & Schools



A review of the literature revealed that established guidelines were not available to assist faculty who use video conferencing in their online graduate courses. In an effort to address this need, a self-evaluation study was completed with faculty who teach such courses. Drawing on the results of this study together with published Netiquette guidelines and a survey of other extant literature, a set of Video Conferencing Guidelines was created.

Video Conferencing Guidelines for Online Graduate Students

  • Guideline #1: Remember you are on camera and live. The advantage of video conferencing is that you can take advantage of facial expressions, inflection, and tone of voice. Remember to think before you respond to make your thoughts and ideas clear and coherent to the video conferencing participants.
  • Guideline #2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior during the video conferencing session that you would follow in real life.
  • Guideline #3: Be mindful of all video conferencing participants. Allow other participants time and opportunities to contribute to the discussion and share their ideas with the group.
  • Guideline #4: Video conferencing provides synchronous opportunities to share knowledge. It is important to consider opinions from other participants who are engaged in the video conferencing session. Strive for a fairly equal balance among the participants.
  • Guideline #5: Be mindful of your tone and expressions during the video conferencing session. This is not an anonymous session. Your voice and video are viewed by all who are participating in the chat session.
  • Guideline #6: Share your expertise and knowledge. Be an active contributor during the video conferencing session.
  • Guideline #7: Remain professional in your communication with participants.
  • Guideline #8: Respect the context of the video conferencing session. Keep video conferencing sessions within the context of the conversation. If the session is recorded do not post isolated comments that may be taken out of context. Synchronous discussions take on a life of their own; therefore, it is important to keep conversations in context.
  • Guideline #9: Be forgiving of mistakes during the video conferencing session. Video conferencing is a new communication platform. There are bound to be technical glitches; be patient with the participants during the session.

A solid list of apps from 21innovate.com — a blog by Brad Wilson, Educational Technology Consultant with the Jackson County ISD (Detroit, MI)

As Brad mentions on his website (emphasis DSC):

Innovate with an iDevice
I’ve evaluated thousands of educational apps so that you don’t have to! Landing in 17 categories, here are more than 150 of the best FREE apps, along with 100+ that will be worth a small investment for many classrooms.


Also see:



APPitic is a directory of apps for education by Apple Distinguished Educators (ADEs) to help you transform teaching and learning.


Also see:

InDesign FX: How to create a puzzle with InDesign — from blog.lynda.com by Mike Rankin


How to create a puzzle effect using InDesign


Also see:

  • How to hook your reader from the very first page — from blog.lynda.com by Lisa Cron
    Think stories are just for entertainment? They’re not. Stories are simulations that allow us to vicariously experience problems we might someday face. Think of them as the world’s first virtual reality—minus the geeky visor. Story was more crucial to our evolution than opposable thumbs. All opposable thumbs did was let us hang on. Story told us what to hang on to.
    The great feeling of enjoyment we get when a story grabs us is nature’s way of making sure we pay attention to the story.

Microsoft releases next-generation Office 365 for business and education


REDMOND, Wash. — Feb. 27, 2013 — Microsoft Corp. today announced worldwide availability of a major new update to its Microsoft Office 365 services for business. Microsoft’s most complete Office cloud service to date has new features and offerings tailored to the needs and budgets of small, medium-size and large organizations. In addition to updated Microsoft Lync Online, Microsoft Exchange Online and Microsoft SharePoint Online services, business users can now get the rich Office applications they are familiar with, on up to five devices, delivered as an always up-to-date cloud service. Office 365 features enhanced enterprise social capabilities with SharePoint and Yammer today, and Lync-Skype connectivity for presence, instant messaging (IM), and voice by June. The new Office 365 service is available today in 69 markets and 17 languages and will be available in an additional 20 markets and 16 languages in the second quarter of this year.

From DSC:
First of, when I saw the article:
Lynda.com acquires online video training rival Video2brain to boost its international expansion — from thenextweb.com

…it reminded me of taking a class with Lynda Weinman years ago out at SFSU’s Multimedia Studies Program.  She relayed a lot of very valuable information in a short time.  She knows how to explain things well — using helpful techniques and understandable vocabulary.  She struck me as not only a creative person with a heart for teaching and learning, but she surrounds herself with people who also can effectively teach others.  Our institution gives a thumbs up to this solid resource and I wish Lynda & all of the other entrepreneurs at Lynda.com all the best.






Enter up to three (3) screencast videos. Videos will be assigned a category based on the information you provide (so please be as detailed as possible!). Categories are: Education (videos with a focus on teaching and/or schools, at any level); Tutorial/Training (videos with a focus on training or tutorial content); Sales and Marketing (videos made to sell or persuade); and Wildcard (videos that don’t fit in the previous categories).



Also see:


From DSC:
I’m also reminded of what I’d like to see in a digital textbook — a series of “layers” that people — with various roles and perspectives on the content — could use to comment on and annotate an article:


Nuance Communications Inc. : Nuance introduces PaperPort Notes 2.0, new iPad app unites speech recognition and text conversion — from 4-traders.com
Most complete notetaking app can now grab text from images taken with iPad camera


BURLINGTON, Mass., – November 20, 2012 – Nuance Communications, Inc. today launched version 2.0 of its PaperPort Notes app for the Apple iPad, introducing the ability to capture text from an image taken with the iPad’s built-in camera and instantly transform the words into accurate and editable notes. With a simple tap of a finger, it is easy to grab text from a picture or image of a sign, PowerPoint presentation, business card, receipt, or a handout.


Description (from iTunes)
PaperPort Notes is a digital note taking tool for the iPad that is transforming the way people create and share information. Now you can combine documents, web content, audio, typed text as well as hand written notes into a single document that you can easily organize and share with anyone.

PaperPort Notes brings you a complete note taking experience on the iPad that you won’t want to ever be without.

  • Quickly take typed and/or free hand notes
  • Leverage Dragon voice recognition to capture your ideas and notes simply by speaking
  • Convert scanned documents from the camera or photo albumn into editable text using the Nuance OmniPage Cloud service
  • Leverage powerful annotative tools to quickly mark up documents
  • Never miss another detail by adding audio page by page within your notes
  • Combine full documents, individual pages, content from the web and notes into a single document.
  • Powerful search, copy/paste, reordering and bookmarking tools allow you to quickly navigate your notes while staying organized
  • Access and share content using your favorite cloud storage services
  • PaperPort Anywhere connector provides access to files stored online or within PaperPort Desktop
  •  Much more… Follow us on twitter for tips and updates @PaperPortNotes

iPad Screenshots

iPad Screenshot 2
iPad Screenshot 3
iPad Screenshot 4
iPad Screenshot 5
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Magic Plan - potentially useful and sharp tool for architecture and interior design students


From DSC:
My thanks to Mr. Steven Chevalia at Calvin College for this resource.

Adobe announces Creative Suite 6 and Adobe Creative Cloud on 4-23-12


Adobe announces Creative Suite 6 and Adobe Creative Cloud on 4-23-12


.Also see:

From DSC:

  • This last piece from David Nagel addresses my fears and concerns with our current emphasis on standardized tests, common core standards, etc.  The emphasis is on STEM and can lead to a one-size-fits-all type of education that doesn’t allow each student to identify and pursue their own passions enough.


Addendum on 5/2/12:




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