2020 Learners — from learning with ‘e’s by Steve Wheeler


Children of the future will also need to learn for life – learning to be flexible, adaptable and open to changes that might – for our current generation at least – be perceived as a threat. Of one thing we can all be certain – that change will accelerate in the next few years. Change can be disruptive and can take time, energy and effort to adapt to, but learners of the future will need to see change as an opportunity, and will need the requisite skills to take the opportunities that are presented and turn them into positive and sustainable outcomes.

Finally, children will need to be able to design their own learning spaces, create their own content and learn from it. They will be less reliant on didactic and transmissive forms of teaching and will turn instead to more independent learning from the vast storehouse of knowledge we know as the World Wide Web. This does not preclude some form of ‘schooling’ however. The teacher’s role will change to accommodate these new needs. Teachers will become facilitators, mediators, co-authors and co-producers of content, and ultimately, companion travellers with children on their road to better learning. It is already happening in some schools. In posts later this week, I will explore what possible new roles of teachers in 2020 will need to adopt to help to prepare learners for an uncertain and certainly unpredictable future.

Lisa Gansky: The future of business is the “mesh” — from TED

At TED@MotorCity, Lisa Gansky, author of “The Mesh,” talks about a future of business that’s about sharing all kinds of stuff, either via smart and tech-enabled rental or, more boldly, peer-to-peer. Examples across industries — from music to cars — show how close we are to this meshy future.

Preparing for Generation C — from Business Spectator by Roman Friedrich, Michael Peterson, and Alex K


Colin is a 20-year-old computer science student living in London with two other students in the year 2020. He enjoys backpacking, sports, music, and gaming. He has a primary digital device (PDD) that keeps him connected 24 hours a day — at home, in transit, at school. He uses it to download and record music, video, and other content, and to keep in touch with his family, friends, and an ever-widening circle of acquaintances. His apartment is equipped with the latest wireless home technology, giving him superfast download speeds of up to 100 Mbps.

Much of Colin’s experience at school is mediated by his PDD. He can attend lectures, browse reading material, do research, compare notes with classmates, and take exams — all from the comfort of his apartment. When he goes to campus, his PDD automatically connects to the school’s network and downloads relevant content, notices, and bills for fees, for which he can authorise payment later, at his leisure. Although he prefers to shop online, when he visits a retail store, his PDD automatically connects to the store’s network, guiding him through product choices, offering peer reviews, and automatically checking out and paying for items he purchases.

This is the first generation that has never known any reality, other than that defined and enabled by the Internet, mobile devices, and social networking. They have owned various hand-held devices all their lives, so they are intimately familiar with them and use them for as much as six hours a day. They all have mobile phones, yet they prefer sending text messages to talking with people. More than 95 per cent of them have computers, and more than half use instant messaging to communicate, have Facebook pages, and watch videos on YouTube. Their familiarity with technology; reliance on mobile communications; and desire to remain in contact with large networks of family members, friends, business contacts, and people with common interests will transform how we work and how we consume.

The article includes this graphic:



Game Theories -- What online gaming teaches us about talent development -- from The Economist by John Hagel and John Seely Brown


Where can our most talented, passionate individuals thrive through accelerated learning, sharing, self-managed teams, transparent and mutual accountability, clear markers for merit and the opportunity to volunteer for work that involves their best talents and strongest interests so they stay passionately involved?

Thankfully, we have discovered that seven game-like conditions can be adapted to the workplace to accelerate talent development.  As competitive and economic pressures mount, companies will need to find ways to transform the workplace into an environment that helps talent to develop faster.

Here is a brief description of this addictive game that attracts over 12 million people around the world and the practical pointers that can be gleaned from it.

GutCheck.com -- Real Time Qualitative Market Research


Also see:

Focus Groups No More: GutCheck Makes Market Research Affordable and Cool
DIY Online Platform Simplifies Research Without Need for Big Budgets
DENVER, CO — (MARKET WIRE) — 03/01/2011 — GutCheck today launched its do-it-yourself online qualitative market research platform, which lets companies or individuals test their ideas, services and campaigns in real time, with their real markets, at a fraction of the cost of traditional focus groups.

While online surveying is nothing new for quantitative research thanks to companies like SurveyMonkey, GutCheck is the first to enable real-time experience-based (qualitative) feedback online, saving thousands of dollars and hours of hassle — and making high-quality feedback available to anyone, from sophisticated agencies working on messaging to small startups wanting to test their market strategy.

Winner DEMO 2011

The future of business: choosing the industries that will prosper in the decade ahead — from Trends in the Living Networks by Ross Dawson (emphasis via DSC)

The key point here is that the boundaries of industries are blurring to such an extent that it is essentially meaningless to think about an industry as defined today and wonder whether it will get bigger or smaller. If you are currently in a particular industry or looking to enter it, if you are not doing something quite different in 10 years from now, you will probably be out of business. You need to be following value, not thinking within industry boundaries.

I said almost exactly the same things recently to another journalist who was trying to get me to tell businesspeople what they should do. Rather than looking for the answers from someone else, entrepreneurs need to be trend watchers and futurists themselves, looking around, thinking about the implications, and acting on the trends they can see.

That said, tomorrow I will share my views on industries that are likely to prosper in the decade ahead.

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Better than free: How value is generated in a free copy world


Brief summary/notes from DSC:
Per Kevin Kelly (Feb 2011), the future is about 6 verbs:

  1. Screening — we are moving from being “people of the book” to “people of the screen”
  2. Interacting
  3. Sharing
  4. Accessing — not owning
  5. Flowing — streams/flows of data and information, tags, clouds, not pages, real time, always on (24x7x3765), everywhere, no sense of being completed, feeds, flows of data, books will operate in this same environment
  6. Generating — not copying; pressure on things to become free; value is in things that cannot be copied (easily or cheaply). We want “easy to pay for but hard to copy”; things such as:
  • immediacy
  • personalization
  • authentication
  • findability
  • embodiment
  • interpretation
  • accessibility
  • attention

Originally from — and see:

  • Gerd Leonhard at the Futures Agency.com
  • …and with thanks to O’Reilly for publishing this!

From DSC:
I have a saying that folks who know me well have heard me say it too many times…and that is, “We don’t want to be the Blockbuster of higher ed.”

Why do I say something like that? Check out this article:
Blockbuster Wants $250 Million More to Escape Bankruptcy: Can It Be Saved?


No other company faces this issue more than Blockbuster, the struggling rental chain, which the Wall Street Journal today reported is struggling even more than expected. After filing for Chapter 11 protection in September, the company is asking bondholders for an extra $200 million to $250 million, due to poor holiday performance and underestimated costs for exiting bankruptcy protection.

But the central reason for Blockbuster’s struggles, both now and before bankruptcy, is its difficulties transitioning its bricks-and-mortar business to digital delivery.

From DSC:
Blockbuster blissfully discarded any impact that the Internet might have on their business. Next thing you know, they got broad-sided. This is why I think peering into the future and taking a pulse check on a variety of items is critical in today’s environment.

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‘First iPhone app that lets you transfer money’ — from The Telegraph by Kara Gammell
First Direct has become the first UK bank to launch a true transactional banking app for Apple’s iPhone and iPod Touch.

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10 business models that rocked 2010 — from Board of Innovation by Nick Demey

Learning and the State of Business in 2011 — from Chief Learning Office by Bob Lee

As the pace of business continues to accelerate and mobility within the workforce continues to rise, virtual communication and collaboration in support of learning becomes more and more essential. Blended approaches that combine the best of traditional learning models with online learning are gaining momentum because they help decrease costs and meet the needs of an increasingly dispersed and mobile business workforce. A blended learning approach offers faster and more affordable ways to arm an organization with the knowledge and skills needed to adapt to changes and achieve business goals.

The State of the CIO 2011


From DSC:
In other words, the future CEO’s will have a strong appreciation for — if not significant experience in — technology-related fields.

For-profit education stocks: Winners & losers of 2010 — from thestreet.com by Miriam Reimer

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40 for the next 40: A sampling of the drivers of change that will shape our world between now and 2050 — from gerdleonhard.typepad.com and Toffler Associates

From the foreword:

We are in the midst of an accelerating, revolutionary transformation. Change is happening everywhere – in technology, business, government, economics, organizational structures, values and norms – and consequently affects how we live, work and play. As industry and government leaders, we must acknowledge that this change demands new ways of governing and of running our organizations. The ways in which we communicate and interact with each other will be different. The methods through which we gain and process information will be different. The means by which we earn and spend money will be different. Through the culmination of these and other changes, organizations will be radically transformed.

This change is not unexpected. Forty years ago, Alvin and Heidi Toffler recognized that the pace of environmental change was rapidly accelerating and threatened to overwhelm the relatively slow pace of human response. Through Future Shock, the Tofflers persuaded us to consider the future by imagining drivers of change and preparing for a wide range of resulting future environments. Now as we look towards the next 40 years, we continue to use these time tested methodologies, our founders’ legacy to Toffler Associates, for understanding the forces of future change. We focus on the convergence and interdependence of seemingly orthogonal aspects to connect the dots and develop strategies for future success. In this way, we recognize, as the Tofflers did, that preparation is the best defense against the future (emphasis DSC).

Here is a sampling of 40 drivers of change that – we believe – will shape the future.

From DSC:
Includes sections on Politics, Technology, Social, Economics, and the Environment.

10 questions every Internet Exec needs to ask and answer
— from Morgan Stanley by Mary Meeker; original resource from George Siemens

Question Focus Areas

  1. Globality
  2. Mobile
  3. Social Ecosystems
  4. Advertising
  5. Commerce
  6. Media
  7. Company Leadership Evolution
  8. Steve Jobs
  9. Ferocious Pace of Change in Tech
  10. Closing Thoughts
© 2025 | Daniel Christian