Using multimedia in a PDF — from


Using multimedia in a PDF file

From DSC:
The other day, I was lamenting that the love of learning gets lost waaayyy too quickly in our youth. With drop out rates in the 25-30% range nationwide, we must turn this around.

A piece of that turn-around picture involves the opportunity for students to collaboratively create things (in a cross-disciplinary sort of way). This is why I am a big fan of multimedia-based projects:

  • One student can write the script.
  • Another can do the filming.
  • Another can take pictures for still shots.
  • Another can do the film and/or image editing.
  • Others the acting or singing or playing music.
  • Others can create the artwork or use their knowledge to create props
  • Etc.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. The film below discusses the dark side of our culture as it involves schools and education. But the topic is not just related to schools, but to our society in general. That is, we’ve been sold a bill of goods. We believe that you must earn a lot of money to be successful and happy…and that whomever dies w/ the most toys wins.

This competitive streak is a worldly way of looking at things…but is a powerful current to fight. In fact, coming from a competitive background and being a Christian (in faith) myself, I’ve often asked myself whether I believe competition is a good thing or a bad thing. I don’t think I’ve arrived at the final answer to that question, as sometimes I think it can be good (as it can be helpful in developing characteristics of discipline, perseverance, character, integrity, etc.) and sometimes it can be bad. Check out the video/trainer here to see what I mean.

New “ELI 7 Things”…Brief explores online media editing — from Educause Learning Initiative (ELI)

In the 7 Things You Should Know About Online Media Editing, EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative’s (ELI) latest brief in the monthly series, find out how the use of online media editing tools encourages instructors and students to explore learning activities and assessments with new media.


What is it?
Cloud-based media editing applications allow anyone with web access and a suitable computing device to touch up photographs, mix music, and edit video. These web-based services may offer a more limited tool set than full-scale software editing suites, but they are generally cross-platform, device-independent, and less expensive, particularly as most offer at least some of their services at no cost.

What are the implications for teaching and learning?
Web-based editors reduce logistical challenges for instructors by providing all students with access to media editing tools. The free or low-cost nature of these editors allows students to use them to build complex and collaborative learning projects involving rich media, something that should be inviting to faculty members who take the approach that students learn best when they are engaged in projects that result in creative output. Because these tools are inexpensive or free and do not require sophisticated user skills, they offer faculty new avenues to devise new kinds of activities that go beyond the standard term paper and, in many cases, might be more representative of authentic assessment. Moreover, because the threshold is so low to use online media services, the opportunities they present to work in new media are open to students in virtually any discipline.

While looking at the video for Sonos Controller for the iPad, I wondered…what if we could replace the selection below — i.e. the word music with the words “educational providers” — and then control which room received which signal/content?

Wow…talk about a home dedicated to learning!   🙂


About Horizon Project Navigator — from the New Media Consortium (NMC) by Nancy Reeves

The Horizon Project Navigator, currently in development by the New Media Consortium (NMC), will allow users to fully exploit the Horizon Project’s extensive and expanding collection of relevant articles, research, and projects related to emerging technology and its applications worldwide, as well as the NMC’s expert analysis and extensive catalog of sharable rich media assets. Users will be able to manipulate and customize information in real time, contribute new information, add their own commentary and analysis, and rate the quality and usefulness of the ideas, models, and content shared by the community.

We use and the feedback has been excellent. Back in 1997, I took a 1-day seminar from Lynda Weinman out at SFSU’s Multimedia Studies Program. I learned more from her in a few hours then I have in many courses. She knows how to make things very understandable…and she’s a great teacher. If she doesn’t know the topic, she selects people who know how to explain that topic in easy-to-understand terms.

So when I saw this item — Connect@NMC: Panel Discussion Led By Laurie Burruss of – Implementing Campus-Wide — I felt that I should pass it along.


Free Music & Sound Effects — from

Use these free music tracks & free sound effects for any production – advertising, education, videos, photos, YouTube…etc.

These music tracks can be looped seamlessly & repeated to create a longer music track for your projects.

You only need to link to our website from yours:
“Music by JewelBeat. Download your free music and free sound effects at”

Original posting from:
Background music and sound effects – Free is good — from the Screening Room

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Cathy Davidson on Learning in the Digital Age -- on 9-13-10

From DSC:
Perspectives from an English professor at Duke University, who has also studied biology and neuroscience, and who has been working for years on a variety of items surrounding this topic.

Back to school: Podcasts & apps for learning – Plus, what’s in your backpack? — from

There’s no more pretending about ever-lasting summer, but there are plenty of inspiring tools and technologies that make returning to the classroom easier for teachers and students alike.

Photo by Wesley Fryer


Writing at Mashable, Alexander Holtz, a multimedia journalist who teaches digital media at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism, shares a sampling of “some of the exceptional podcasts that both teach and entertain.”


The Math Dude

Apples announcements from 9-1-2010
Also see:

  • iPod Touch Adds Video Calling, HD Recording
  • Apple introduces new Apple TV and iPods
  • From Live from Apple’s fall product launch
    In sum, Steve Jobs delivered on most of the rumored new products and services. The headlines:

    • A new $99 Apple TV that streams (rather than downloads) $4.99 movie rentals and 99-cent TV rentals from ABC and Fox
    • A new lineup of iPods, chief among them the iPod touch equipped with two cameras, one a front-facing camera that can do Facetime video chats
    • A new version of iTunes with a social networking feature called Ping that tracks the downloads of friends and celebrities
    • A new version of iOS 4.2, promised for November, that will bring multitasking, folders and other goodies to the iPad.
  • Addendum from Analysts weigh in on the new Apple TV
    Piper Jaffray’s Gene Munster:
    We see the Apple TV as an important step toward an all-in-one Apple television. We continue to expect Apple to launch an all-in-one Apple television in CY12. As consumers gain comfort with connected TVs and apps on their TVs, we believe Apple will eventually take its all-in-one philosophy to the digital living room like it has with the iMac and the iTunes ecosystem.

California State University to license content from major college publishers — from TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home by Paul Biba

The Digital Marketplace, an initiative of the California State University Office of the Chancellor, announced plans today to launch a pilot to license digital course content from Bedford/Freeman/Worth, Cengage Learning, McGraw-Hill Education, Pearson, and John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

College journalists: Master new media or disappear — from

Last month, a college newspaper adviser from Florida, writing in the Huffington Post, took student journalists to task for failing to exploit their multimedia savvy. He’d been judging a contest and concluded that, except for some clear standouts, most of the stories on college newspaper websites looked like they were “tossed online without much thought. Or pictures, graphics, or video.”

Here, Jerod Jarvis, a senior majoring in journalism at Whitworth University in Spokane, Wash., challenges aspiring scribes everwhere to “be on the forefront of this revolution” and “move the industry forward.” Take it away, Jerod:

Also see:

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