From DSC:
In my recent class at Capella University, one of the last discussion board questions asked:

  • Do you think learning theory should be more explicit in official discussions of policy?

What a great question! My answer was yes, as it makes sense to me to guide educational reform by what is best for the students…for learning. Hopefully, we can make informed decisions. Though I’ve learned that there is no silver bullet when it comes to learning theories, each learning theory seems to be a piece of the puzzle for how we learn. Graphically speaking:

If viewing the above graphic on the Learning Ecosystems blog (vs. in an RSS feed/reader):
You may need to right-click on the above image and save it, then open it.

Such theories should have a place when policies are drafted, when changes are made. But I don’t often hear reference to the work of Thorndike, Bandura, Vygotsky, Gagne, Kolb, etc. when legislative bodies/school boards/or other forms of educational leadership are exploring future changes, directions, strategies. What is it that these people were trying to relay to us? What value can we gleam from them when we form our visions of the future? How does their work inform our selection of pedagogies, tools, organizational changes?

How Netflix innovates and wins — from by Chunka Mui

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

Netflix illustrates a design principle that any company aspiring to succeed at disruptive innovation must adopt. It has four parts:

  1. Think Big
  2. Start Small
  3. Fail Quickly
  4. Scale Fast

Hastings pursued his big idea, streaming video, even though it would render obsolete his wonderfully successful, highly tuned, mail-based system for distributing DVDs.

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From DSC -- This looks like a learning ecosystem to me...


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4 reasons why an increased pace of change means greater unpredictability — from Trends in the Living Networks by Ross Dawson

State Higher Education Finance FY 2010 (USA)


States and the nation as a whole face challenging higher education financing and policy decisions. The pattern during the past three decades includes cyclical downturns in per student funding resulting from economic recessions, followed by recovery and growth. State and local revenue for higher education per student has declined and then recovered, often exceeding previous levels.

The SHEF studies for 2006, 2007, and 2008 indicate a three-year increase in state and local support for public higher education relative to inflation and student demand, following a period of declining public investment in higher education between 2001 and 2005. The three-year recovery abruptly ended when, in 2008, the nation suffered the worst recession since the Great Depression. Past experience and current indicators suggest that state revenue will recover slowly in the next few years. Despite the success of ARRA funding in cushioning the recession’s impact, the continuing fiscal crisis beginning in 2008 clearly poses a severe threat to the strength of higher education in the United States.

Such recurring budgeting cycles can be challenging and discouraging. The resiliency of state support for higher education, however, suggests its importance to our future is widely recognized. But there is no question that the fiscal challenges facing the nation will require both creativity and commitment from policymakers and educators. The data and analysis of this and future SHEF reports are intended to help higher education leaders and state policymakers focus on how discrete, year-to-year decisions fit into broader patterns of change over time, and how each step contributes—or not—to meeting longer-term objectives.

Game Theories -- What online gaming teaches us about talent development -- from The Economist by John Hagel and John Seely Brown


Where can our most talented, passionate individuals thrive through accelerated learning, sharing, self-managed teams, transparent and mutual accountability, clear markers for merit and the opportunity to volunteer for work that involves their best talents and strongest interests so they stay passionately involved?

Thankfully, we have discovered that seven game-like conditions can be adapted to the workplace to accelerate talent development.  As competitive and economic pressures mount, companies will need to find ways to transform the workplace into an environment that helps talent to develop faster.

Here is a brief description of this addictive game that attracts over 12 million people around the world and the practical pointers that can be gleaned from it.

Leaders Call for Shared Curriculum Guidelines — from by Catherine Gewertz
Diverse group says framework needed for new common standards

Seventy-five respected leaders in education, business, and government issued a call this week to devise shared curriculum guidelines for the new common standards.

The move is notable for finding common ground on a sensitive topic among an ideologically diverse group of thinkers. Signatories include political liberals and conservatives, and those with varying views on controversial education issues such as charter schools, testing policy, and ways to evaluate and compensate teachers.

From the “A Call for Common Content” webpage:
To be clear, by “curriculum” we mean a coherent, sequential set of guidelines in the core academic disciplines, specifying the content knowledge and skills that all students are expected to learn, over time, in a thoughtful progression across the grades. We do not mean performance standards, textbook offerings, daily lesson plans, or rigid pedagogical prescriptions.

From DSC:
This concerns me…
as such a call for common content would be more palatable to me if ALL academic disciplines were available and represented equally not just STEM-related items. Also, does the common content represent the average citizen? (Come to think of it, who/what is the average citizen and what do they want to pursue?)
I think that we need to move more towards an individualized/customized learning approach, where students can pursue their passions and God-given gifts. With dropout rates approaching 30%, is movement towards a common curriculum a step in the right direction? Will such a strategy decrease or increase the drop out rates? Will such a strategy end up creating a vanilla/cookie-cutter approach to K-12 education where you had better like STEM-related topics or else…oh well…better luck next time?
Your thoughts on this? Am I off-base on this?


  • 40 million American adults did not complete high school.
  • The high school graduate, on average, earns $500,000 more in a lifetime as compared to an individual who did not complete high school.
  • Most high school dropouts (70%) have the intellectual ability to complete the courses needed for high school graduation.
  • Most high school dropouts do not feel a connection between high school courses and future employment.
  • 75% of high school dropouts stated that if they could relive the experience, they would have stayed in high school.
  • 81% of dropouts expressed a need for schooling that connected academics and employment.
Addendum on 3/23/11:
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Perspectives on the downturn: A survey of Presidents -- from

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Egyptian president steps down amidst groundbreaking digital revolution — from

From DSC:
Though there may have been other factors involved here, various technologies played a significant role in Egypt — such as Twitter, Facebook and mobile phones.

January Series guest Sajan George on Inner Compass this Sunday

Transforming Troubled Schools
A factory still using production systems from the 1950s would not make sense in today’s technological world. Unfortunately, some K-12 schools still use decades’ old educational techniques and policies. January Series guest and turnaround specialist Sajan George describes progressive technologies and approaches currently under consideration to turn around troubled school districts. Karen Saupe hosts.

Airs this Sunday on local PBS station WGVU-TV at 1:30 p.m.  (channel 35 & cable channel 6 in G.R. and channel 52 in Kalamazoo.)  National broadcast topics, dates and times vary.

Inner Compass episodes may also be viewed after local broadcast through:
— iTunes Store podcasts section
— and other methods for thos in the Grand Rapids, MI (USA) area

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Commentary: Universities on the brink — from by Louis E. Lataif
The ever-increasing cost of education is not sustainable.

From DSC:
Regular readers of this Learning Ecosystems blog can point to numerous postings that illustrate that those of us in higher education are in a game-changing environment. Alternative methods of acquiring an education are springing up more frequently now — disruption is here. The status quo is a dangerous path to be on.


  • learning engines hooked into web-based learner profiles occurs — ushering in an era of unprecedented customization/personalization of learning on demand…
  • web-based educations cost a small fraction of what you have to pay elsewhere…
  • the rates of tuition increases continue in colleges and universities across the land…
  • the Internet brings the level of disruption to higher education that it has brought to other industries…

…then what are our plans for remaining relevant and accessible? How are we planning to deal with these trends? What is our response(s)? What is our vision?

Egyptians gathering for protests in Cairo, via @mccarthyryanj on Twitter


From DSC:
As I was briefly reviewing the following links…

…I began reflecting on the predicament that online-based learners would have if suddenly their government pulled the plug on the Net.  As we become more connected, what are the costs/dangers of being disconnected? Of being connected? If there was some serious cyberwarfare going on, would a government be forced to pull the plug?

I don’t mean to make any judgments concerning these events — rather, I mean to ask the above questions from a teaching and learning standpoint only.

Addendum on 2/4/11:

The Future of Education -- by Sajan George at Calvin College -- 1-24-11.

From DSC:
It shouldn’t surprise anyone who knows my work when I say that I think Sajan George is right on the mark!   🙂

For example, below are the main points of what I heard him say (with some graphics of my own that back up what I have been saying):

Sajan George: The Future of Education
January Series at Calvin College (January 24, 2011)

We are living in a new age, the Conceptual Age — primary skill sets that we now need are for creators and empathizers. Why? Because those two skillsets aren’t easily automated or outsourced (Sajan referenced Dan Pink’s work).

We built our education system in between the agricultural and industrial ages; mass production model was built during a much different time with different needs.

Speed and acceleration of change has greatly increased.  At a phenomenal pace!

From DSC:
You may have seen me post this graphic a few times:

The pace has changed significantly and quickly

Sajan gave an example that focused on an older model of a coffee maker vs. a newer model: Coffee Maker 1.0 vs. Coffee Maker 2.0. Point was that we still need skills, but design, esthetic, and emotion have become more important.

Also, we live in a society that demands Coffee Maker 2.0 — but our educational systems are still offering Education 1.0.  We are still batching kids by age, using a 1-to-many model, etc.

We still are offering “Education 1.0” where

  • Content is king
  • Collaboration is cheating
  • Poor performance gets you an F – discouraging
  • Teacher role = expert

…but we are living in a “Society 2.0” world

  • Experience is king
  • Collaboration is encouraged
  • Performance is rewarded; like game designers, encouraged to try again
  • Teacher and student roles are interchangeable; teacher more of a facilitator

Also, our current methods of educating students is not scalable, not sustainable!

Previous attempts at changing our educational systems have failed because they’ve been trying to fix the status quo of education! It’s a design problem.

From DSC:
You may have seen me post this graphic a few times:

Daniel S. Christian: My concerns with just maintaining the status quo

Current educational system needs to be completely blown up and redesigned! We live in a digital world, yet kids sitting in analog world.

Technology that customizes learning – recommendation engines, adaptive learning; personalized/customized learning.

Online learning is scalable, sustainable – while offering instantaneous feedback. Per Sajan, “But it’s happening on the fringes; home school kids; supplemental, etc.”

Hybrid environment – hoping to nationally launch this year

  • Each student gets 2 teachers
  • Netbook w/ curriculum – w/ lessons loaded
  • Learning management system progresses each child at that student’s pace
  • Bulk is in online engine
  • Teachers don’t have to lesson plan, grade, etc. – so what do they do? The role of the teacher changes to being a facilitator of learning – a coach, mentor, a guide. Can build better, closer relationships.

Use data to differentiate instruction.

Design problem in education.

Hybrid learning <– Sajan’s current work promoting this model; brings power of human interaction with the customization that technology can bring.

From DSC:
You may have seen this graphic I’ve posted a few times — that aims to capture the best of both worlds:

Let's take the best of both worlds -- online learning and face-to-face learning

When trying to change things, you need a compelling vision of what you are trying to build/achieve.

From DSC:
You may have seen the vision I was trying to relay here.

From Q&A session…with a hybrid mode:

  • Not labeling some kids as struggling students; teachers forced to leave some behind while trying to keep the plates spinning over there for kids who are getting it
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