MyTVBuddy kicks off as the first pan-European Social TV app on iPad — from (emphasis DSC)


Today E-ZONE unveiled its iPad app MyTVBuddy claiming it takes Social TV to the next level of exploration, interaction, engagement and participation by letting users check in to TV programs, watch videos, post messages on Facebook, share Twitter messages, participate in conversations  and see where other users are located. MyTVBuddy kicks off with a special launch edition of Eurovision 2011.

MyTVBuddy comes with a solution for turning TV viewing into a social experience by using mobile devices such as the iPad. According to a recent study from Yahoo, nearly 90 percent of people watching television are using a mobile device at the same time. Be it Twitter, Facebook, email or instant messaging, they are doing more than just watching.


From DSC:
TV and entertainment coming up to bat — with learning-related applications on deck!   🙂


Also see:



Addendum on 5/11/11:

TV 3.0


Also see:


Also see:


From DSC:
Check out the topics:

  • Pay-TV in the Connected World
  • Making Apps Part of the TV Experience
  • Meeting Higher Quality Expectations
  • Connecting Broadcasters and Audiences
  • Making Subscription TV Work on Multiple Screens
  • Content Discovery Becomes Business Critical
  • The Impact of Connected TV Standards
  • CE Strategies Including Co-Opetition
  • What Connected TV Means For IPTV



From DSC:
Again, a nice graphic reminding me of some potential sources of learning…of our learning ecosystems.


Nice graphic of learning ecosystem!



Originally saw this at Stephen Downes’ blog


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The Rising Popularity of Mobile Learning Southern Europe — from eLearn Magazine by Bob Little


Originally from — and also see:


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From DSC:
In my mind, this area of intelligent systems and agents is one of the most important areas to watch in the years ahead.  Such efforts should help us develop sophisticated systems that can help deliver personalized, customized education at the K-12 and higher ed levels…and perhaps will be relevant in the L&D space as well.

The innovations that come from this area may make hybrid-based — as well as  100% online-based learning — incredibly powerful!

If someone can develop such systems and make them available at far cheaper prices than exist today, a quality “Walmart of Education” will truly have been built.

 IADIS International Conference: Intelligent Systems and Agents - in Rome, July 24-26, 2011


Per the Call for Papers section, the topics for this conference include, but are not limited to:


Area 1 – Intelligent Systems  

– Algorithms

– Artificial Intelligence

– Automation Systems and Control

– Bioinformatics

– Computational Intelligence

– Expert Systems

– Fuzzy Technologies and Systems

– Game and Decision Theories

– Intelligent Control Systems

– Intelligent Internet Systems

– Intelligent Software Systems

– Intelligent Systems

– Machine Learning

– Neural Networks

– Neurocomputers

– Optimization

– Parallel Computation

– Pattern Recognition

– Robotics and Autonomous Robots

– Signal Processing

– Systems Modelling

– Web Mining





Area 2 – Agents  

– Adaptive Agent Systems

– Agent Applications

– Agent Communication

– Agent Development

– Agent middleware

– Agent Models and Architectures

– Agent Ontologies

– Agent Oriented Systems and Engineering

– Agent Programming, Languages and Environments

– Agent Systems

– Agent Technologies

– Agent Theories

– Agent Trends

– Agents Analysis and Design

– Agents and Learning

– Agents and Ubiquitous Computing

– Agents in Networks

– Agents Protocols and Standards

– Artificial Systems

– Computational Complexity

– eCommerce and Agents

– Embodied Agents

– Mobile Agents

– Multi-Agent Systems

– Negotiation Strategies

– Performance Issues

– Security, Privacy and Trust

– Semantic Grids

– Simulation

– Web Agents



Furniture to enhance learning spaces — from Gareth Long [UK]




Also see the following information from

Many, many people have helped us coalesce the ideas that have informed The Third Teacher project. We want to acknowledge as many of them as we can.

General education Information:
The National Center for Education Statistics is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education.
GOOD Sheet No. 005: Reform School. This is one of Good Magazine’s “fact sheets,” focusing on education design.
This site is a national initiative of the American Architectural Foundation to improve the quality of America’s schools and the communities they serve by promoting collaboration, excellence, and innovation in school design.
The Council of Educational Facility Planners International’s mission is to improve places where children learn.
This site highlights examples and case studies of excellent K-12 school design collected by Architectural Record magazine.
The British Council for School Environments is a membership organization made up of schools, local authorities, construction companies, architects, and all those involved in designing excellent learning environments. It acts as a forum for exchange, dialogue and advocacy.
Created by the U.S. Department of Education, the National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities (NCEF) provides information on planning, designing, funding, building, improving, and maintaining safe, healthy, high performance schools.
The School Design Research Studio at the University of Wisconsin-Madison seeks to advance the knowledge of effective physical environments for learning by promoting collaborative design and cooperative research.
The Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment is the government’s advisor on architecture, urban design and public space, providing guidance to architects, planners, designers, developers and clients.
The OECD Programme on Educational Building (PEB) promotes the exchange and analysis of policy, research and experience in all matters related to educational building.
This site is a facilitator of ideas and resources about best practices and innovation in schools from early childhood through the university level.
This British schools design initiative offers an evolving resource of case studies of progressive practices, touching on all aspects of school design, as well as listings of literature, seminars and conferences. (in German)
This German foundation supports pedagogical architecture. (in German)
This is a German NGO of reform oriented educators.
Curriki is an online environment created to support the development and free distribution of world-class educational materials to anyone who needs them.
The Open Architecture Network is an online, open source community dedicated to improving living conditions through innovative and sustainable design.
Gareth Long, a freelance education consultant with major experience in the UK and Cayman Islands, writes a blog that tracks his life, thoughts and work.
Stephen Heppell is a technology guru and professor who continues to be influential in government ICT policymaking on a global scale. His interactive blog tracks his life and musings in writing, photos, video and new media.

Resources by Chapter:

Basic Needs:
This is a glossary and resource for creating healthy schools.
The Greenguard Certification Program is an industry-independent, third-party testing program for low-emitting products and materials. Contains an online list whose products have met indoor air quality standards.
This site advocates for policies and practices that allow all students, teachers and staff to learn and work in a healthy school environment.
This is an alliance of non-profit organizations working to create better learning environments in schools by reducing noise.

Minds at Work:
The National Institute for Play unlocks the human potential through play in all stages of life using science to discover all that play has to teach us about transforming our world.
The Arts Education Partnership is a national coalition of arts, education, business, philanthropic and government organizations that demonstrate and promote the essential role of the arts in the learning and development of every child and in the improvement of America’s schools.

Bodies in Motion:
Ergonomics for Children and Educational Environments provides a forum for the international exchange of scientific and technical ergonomics information related to children and educational environments.
The Cornell University Ergonomics Web presents information from the Department of Design and Environmental Analysis at Cornell University. Contains computer-use guidelines for children of America’s schools.

Community Connections:
This is a family of seven nonprofit organizations dedicated to helping students, ages 6–18, with expository and creative writing.
Committed to helping neighbors build communities, LISC’s national child care program is developing a series of “how-to” guides to assist organizations that are planning to renovate, construct or improve their early childhood facilities, including outdoor playgrounds.
Kaboom rallies communities to achieve better public policy, funding and public awareness for increased play opportunities nationwide; provides resources, and publications for communities that wish to plan a new playspace on their own.

Sustainable Schools:
Sponsored by the International Energy Agency, the
objective of Annex 36 is to provide tools and guidelines for energy-efficient retrofitting for decision-makers and designers to improve the learning and teaching environment of educational buildings in countries around the world.
The website of the U.S. Green Building Council assists in the creation of environmentally conscious school buildings by providing facts on the benefits of green schools, project profiles, news, videos, and guidance publications.
The Collaborative for High Performance Schools facilitates the design, construction and operation of high performance schools?—?environments that are not only energy and resource efficient, but also healthy, comfortable, well lit, and contain the amenities for a quality education.

Realm of the Senses:
An initiative of the National Gardening Association, this site provides a wide range of K-12 plant-based educational materials and programs.

Learning for All:
This site contains information that guides parents, advocates, communities, play environment designers and equipment manufacturers in their efforts to create inclusive play environments for all children.
This site supports educators and students in their teaching and study of universal design by offering instructional materials, essays on universal design, and a bibliography and links.
A nonprofit research and development organization, CAST works to expand learning opportunities for all individuals, especially those with disabilities, through Universal Design for Learning.

Rewired Learning:
The George Lucas Educational Foundation’s website and magazine spreads the word about ideal, interactive learning environments and enables others to adapt these successes locally. This site also contains an archive of continually updated best practices.
Futurelab transforms the way people learn through innovative technology and practice, and develops the resources and practices that support new approaches to learning for the 21st century.
The MacArthur Foundation launched this initiative to help determine how digital technologies are changing the way young people learn, play, socialize, and participate in civic life. The website shares emerging research, blogs, awards.
An observatory for Information and Communication Technology in school education, Insight is designed to support decision-makers in education at national, regional or local levels to develop effective strategies for e-learning.


e² design
e² design is an ongoing PBS series about the pioneers and innovators in the field of sustainable architecture, and how their work is producing solutions to pressing environmental and social challenges.

Sowing the Seeds for a More Creative Society
In a video of a lecture in which MIT Media Lab professor, Mitchel Resnick describes how computers and technology should not be used merely to impart information, but to engage kids to design, create and invent. His work explores how new technologies can help people (especially children) learn new things in new ways.

TED: Ideas Worth Spreading

See Ken Robinson > Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity.
See Ann Cooper > Ann Cooper talks about the coming revolution in the way kids eat at school — local, sustainable, seasonal and even educational food.
See David Eggers > Dave Eggers asks the TED community to personally, creatively engage with local public schools. With spellbinding eagerness, he talks about how his 826 Valencia tutoring center inspired the opening of others around the world.

The 100 most influential technology investors in Europe — from The Telegraph by Milo Yiannopoulos
In conjunction with “social capital” company PeerIndex, The Telegraph has compiled a list of the European VCs and angels with the most online influence.

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euornews learning world -- Art and Education

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Cisco invests €500k in social tools for tomorrow’s workplace — from by Ann Pace

(From — Cisco has signed a deal worth an estimated €500,000 with Irish university NUI Galway’s Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI) to create the next wave of enterprise social networking tools for the workplace of tomorrow.

Cisco said this morning that it is investing nearly €400,000 with the Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI) in NUI Galway, to further develop its enterprise social networking and collaboration platform Cisco Quad.

An additional €100,000 will be invested in a strategic research agreement between Cisco and DERI for a project titled ‘Advances in Real-Time Date Integration, Recommendations and Social Network Analysis for the Social Semantic Enterprise’ (ADVANSSE).

Cisco’s 170-strong R&D operation in Galway is already making significant contributions to the networking giant’s product strategy, especially several unified communications features of Cisco Quad.

Blackboard vs Moodle 2.0: 100+ metrics compared head to head — from by Joseph Thibault
This post is cross-posted at (comprehensive news and resources for all Learning Management Systems)

Ralf Otto of Ruhr-Universität, Bochum in Germany provided me with a wonderful resource he’s created recently.  Ruhr-Universität utilizes both Moodle and Blackboard (as a growing number of colleges and higher education institutions are doing) and over the last two weeks was charged with comparing the two LMSs head to head, he said in his message.

The comparison matrix covers 103 different aspects of the LMS and whether or not each is capable (and sometimes how).  How does each measure up?

For the full comparison that Ralf created please visit:

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Toyota iWall –by Justin Micklish; originally from Interactive Multimedia Technology blog
“Reality Touchscreen” is 10 meters long, accepts 100 touch inputs — from CrunchGear; by some students at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands

As of Feb 1, 2011 -- the world's largest multitouch display


Again..can you imagine the power of this in a smart classroom setting?


See also:

From DSC:

I’ll wager that in the future, this is the type of “wall” that will be in many classrooms. Students will be able to hold up their devices to send their files to it…then interact with the various programs/files on the displays. Such a “wall” will read/process QR codes as well.

London: Videos from the Learning Without Frontiers Festival now online

Learning Without Frontiers is a global platform for disruptive thinkers and practitioners from the education, digital media, technology and entertainment sectors who come together to explore how new disruptive technologies can drive radical efficiencies and improvements in learning whilst providing equality of access.

If you were unable to attend the recent LWF Festival of Learning & Technology in London we’re pleased to let you know that videos from the conference are now online for your personal or group viewing pleasure.  There are a number of ways to view these videos so just choose the one you prefer.

To view, comment & join the discussions you can visit the video pages on the LWF site here

Amongst the alternatives, they are available on the following platforms:

iTunes (download to your PC, iPad or iPhone)*



And for users of Apple TV simply search for the Learning Without Frontiers channel under podcasts.

*You can also search for Learning Without Frontiers in the iTunes store – they are FREE!

© 2025 | Daniel Christian